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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. OPETH!! I knew I'd forgotten something!! I got to my local at about 6:30am, and was 5th in the queue. Guy at the front had been there since 4:30am. At about 8:50 there were about 60 people in the queue. An old guy walking down the road and stopped and asked the guy at the front what was going on. He, sheepishly, explained that we were queuing up to buy records. The old guy just walked off laughing. Not sure if he was laughing at us or the whole deal...
  2. I watched that documentary so bloody much back in the day.
  3. I went to the local shop. Lovely, well organised and very civil. Only 3 people in the shop at a time. I got everything I wanted:
  4. on paper I should love The Bug. But I've seen him 3 times. The Bug, The Bug & Dylan Carlson and as Zonal and it's never clicked with me.
  5. New Wolves In The Throne Room track appeared yesterday!!
  6. They can all play their instruments and write the songs (except the covers, obvs)
  7. Ooh! that looks promising... ... maybe not... 😣
  8. 17.05mm along the length 16.23mm widthwise
  9. Would this fit? https://www.neutrik.com/en/product/nmj4hfd2
  10. £499 each according to Bass Direct's facebook post from 3 days ago.
  11. bartelby


    Looked like an unwanted lovechild of the Big Al and Bongo to me.
  12. bartelby


    New EB Musicman style?
  13. Is he using a T’bird on it? I thought Aaron was Rics and EGC around this time.
  14. Finished watching it on Friday night. Loved it. I so hope there's more coming.
  15. Totally agree. I found Jinjer very Opeth like.
  16. On Apple music there's a nice bit in the blurb for The Drift album: "in the past eleven years has released just two solo albums – this one and 1995’s Tilt.Both are challenging works that require the listener to suspend their beliefs in what a song should do. You do not hum these tunes. You do not tap your foot to these beats. Preferably, you sit in a comfortable chair in a dark room and let the slowly unfolding drama overtake you." This was my introduction to non Walker Brothers Scott Walker:
  17. Ain't No One Gonna Honour Kill My Sister But Me:
  18. I'm really enjoying it. Ayesha, the drummer, is brilliant. The woman who plays Amina is a singer/songwriter. Ah: "All music on the soundtrack is performed by the series’ fictional punk band Lady Parts, comprising Anjana Vasan (“Amina Hussain”), Sarah Kameela Impey (“Saira”), Juliette Motamed (“Ayesha”) and Faith Omole (“Bisma”). Other tracks include “Bashir With the Good Beard,” “Fish and Chips” as well as covers of Dolly Parton’s “9 to 5” and Queen’s “We Are the Champions.”" https://variety.com/2021/music/global/we-are-lady-parts-soundtrack-1234978205/
  19. Him, Pain Jerk and Incapacitants! All awesome. Definitely SWANS and Neurosis. I’m also partial to: Death Sunn O))) Godflesh early Scorn and Pitch Sifter Painkiller, James Plotkin’s stuff, NON, Throbbing Gristle, Ufomammut… they all get pretty heavy too
  20. That's a pretty basic patch too! Which reminds me, I need to order more patch leads. And yes, it's not called EuroCrack for nothing... Had I not spent £1800 on a fretless bass and a valve amp in the last year, I have no doubt it would have gone on modules...
  21. Hey! Spaghetti is where it’s at guys!!
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