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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. It's £1850 for the MatrixBrute and £2200 for the Poly
  2. I was just about to post that. Arturia gives you a lot of value for money.
  3. A mate posted a link, on Facebook, to a bootleg of a gig we went to nearly 30 years ago.
  4. My dream house would have a decent sized recording studio in the grounds, so there might be one bass in the house. The rest in the studio storage...
  5. Yeah, if it's an expensive bass then get a professional job done. When I say expensive, I mean worth more than the cost of getting the board done. My Warwick cost me less that than 4 packs of the La Bella strings that are on there.
  6. I did a superglue finish on a knackered old Warwick I defretted. It was pretty easy, just time consuming. Got a bottle of thin super glue from screwfix and followed a video on youtube (it's not on there now, as far as I can see). I put about 3 coats of glue on, flatted back and polished, then repeated that 3 more times. It's been on there about 4 years with La Bella roundwounds and whilst there are marks they're just fine surface marks. You can't feel anything running a fingernail along them.
  7. Yep. I was remember being rather surprised when I found out.
  8. Thought that might help https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Big_Lebowski
  9. I think they need to rethink the graphics on the lower pedals.
  10. I'm not sure even Laibach can make me listen to Smiths songs. Although, they managed to get me to listen to some Beatles songs, so there's a chance...
  11. I'm all for more Laibach style cover versions, but I feel The Smiths might be one step too far. No one needs more of them out there...
  12. The only Eagles track I can stand is Journey of the Sorcerer
  13. Some rabbit based crust punk from Fall Of Efrafa:
  14. Anna Von Hausswolff The Utopia Strong The Wonder Stuff Delia Derbyshire Gazelle Twin Wolvennest Clint Mansell
  15. As I've mentioned before, I owned one of John Entwistle's old touring Trace Elliot MP11. I took it to a shop to be serviced and the shop went bankrupt and I never got it back. I'm more annoyed at losing the MP11 as opposed to losing a John Entwistle MP11...
  16. I think it’s So. Central Rain by REM. Apparently the vocals fade weirdly out during the end of a chorus because Mike Stipe fell backwards down the stairs he was recording on. He was so self conscious about singing, at the time, that he’d do it where no one could see him.
  17. I'd go for something modest like this:
  18. Don't forget the 4x5" brightboxes...
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