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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. ooh, opinion as fact threads are always fun...
  2. Yeah, my R-8 has a 99 pattern / 10 song limit... There are external RAM cards, but that requires you to have 2, and they're pretty expensive these days.
  3. 4th anniversary of Chris Cornell's death, so today will be a Cornell day for me:
  4. Ok Basschat hivemind does anyone know of a UK source for this tolex? https://www.speakerbuildersupply.com/Charcoal-Tweed-pattern-tolex-p/ttwdc101.htm cheers
  5. Some Death. Di Giorgio is a rather good bassist really...
  6. For the last 3 months, at least an hour a day, I’ve played my Fender/Status fretless/flatwounds exclusively. I’ve just picked up a fretted bass with roundwounds on. This feels weird, the strings are so rough 😂

    1. BoomTing


      Laughing at the strings"Feel Rough". I think flats sound great on Status (maybe all graphite?) necks fretted or fretless

    2. lowregisterhead


      My first bass had tapewounds on it, which I played for months, knowing no better. Then a friend gave me his bass with roundwounds on to try. I really didn't like it! Shortly after that I broke the G on my own bass, and the only singles the local music shop had were Rotosound Swing Bass, so I stuck one of those on. Plonk, plonk, plonk, zzzziiiiinnnnng! I slowly converted, a string at a time! 🙂

  7. Last year I gave a local venue an Ashdown 8x10” and a Laney 4x10” for their in-house backline, they used to have an unnamed 1x15” of dubious condition to use. Hopefully they’ll get some use at some point this year.
  8. It's just two strings. "single string .120", long scale" x 2
  9. But the Minitaur does sound so nice! The band Hot Snakes use one to reinforce the low end during parts of some songs. When they do it live it's bloody awesome!
  10. Ah yes... 1.25 or 1.5 sounds very normal. Even the bottle top rattling sounds better...
  11. He doesn't sound too stoned.... 😂
  12. That's Warwick's shop, isn't it? Or am I missing something obvious?
  13. Today would have been Delia Derbyshire's 84th birthday! Happy Birthday Delia!
  14. The Subharmonicon has midi in on a trs jack. I guess you need to see how the Grandmother compares with the Mother32 and Subharmonicon and get whichever offers the most versatility. The M32 sounds nice, but once oscillator with 2 waveforms means it's quite limited sound wise, obviously you can go mad patching it to different things. In your position I'd probably go with the Subharmonicon. DFAM from 'drums', Gmother for lead stuff and the Sub for the bassier end of things.
  15. Or he’s quite deaf, which would explain the Fender Twin “monitor” at ear level.
  16. my guy's bass wasn't in a case or bag. IIRC it wasn't in tune either, through their whole set
  17. A few times I've done gigs and the bassist in another band has turned up with just a bass. One occasion a guy wandered over and said "ok to use your rig yeah? I'll need a lead and your strap too, cheers!" He was a little put out when I told him to F off. He ended up doing the gig sat on the stage going through a DI box.
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