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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. The Washburns with 26 frets and crackle finishes
  2. It's not for everyone. I'd advise you don't attempt the Alvin Lucier link ... 😁 Personally I love minimalist/experimental stuff like this.
  3. I missed a fairly local SB Integra last summer for £85. I hesitated...
  4. For music with long wires, Alvin Lucier is the one. "Music on a Long Thin Wire is constructed as follows: the wire is extended across a large room, clamped to tables at both ends. The ends of the wire are connected to the loudspeaker terminals of a power amplifierplaced under one of the tables. A sine wave oscillator is connected to the amplifier. A magnet straddles the wire at one end. Wooden bridges are inserted under the wire at both ends to which contact microphones are embedded, routed to a stereo sound system. The microphones pick up the vibrations that the wire imparts to the bridges and are sent through the playback system. By varying the frequency and loudness of the oscillator, a rich variety of slides, frequency shifts, audible beats and other sonic phenomena may be produced"
  5. I’ve only seen the once. That was the first time they toured the UK.
  6. Whilst the style isn't quite my thing, I have to say this is one amazing looking bass. I'm looking forward to hearing it.
  7. Yeah. I’m really looking forward to shifting mine about. Especially as it means that if I’m shifting it about more, it’ll need to be in a flight case.
  8. ooh, that's rather nice!
  9. My Ashdown CTM300 makes me grin every time I switch it on. I bought it at the end of the first lockdown last year so I've not been able to get close to it's full potential sound wise. But even at low volumes it's lovely!
  10. Yeah. I remember that documentary. Totally ignored all the groundbreaking female composers of the time, but it was still quite good.
  11. I have an Aaron Armstrong in my SB Elite. It’s a nice pickup, but as Doctor J said, not much like the original. I’ll get one of these one day: https://www.rautiaguitars.net/aria-pro-ii.html
  12. Neurosis and Tribes of Neurot I saw LDOM supporting GBOA. Fantastic!
  13. Bloody Admin privileges!! Also, why are people still taking the bait on this thread?
  14. If I ever won the lottery that’s the bass I’d acquire... Exhibit B:
  15. I can't pick two but black or gold are my preference, but most of my basses have chrome...
  16. It would make a lovely fretted twin to my Fender/Status fretless P... Shame I'm skint!
  17. Jello Biafra and the guys from Ministry:
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