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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. Opiate, Jerk Off, Sober, Bottom, Stinkfist, Eulogy, Ænima are all nice and easy. Justin hits his multiple effects stride on Lateralus. But The Grudge and Schism are pretty easy
  2. This has quickly become my 2nd favourite bass to play (first is my Aria SB Black n Gold). It needs a few little setup tweaks when I get chance to spend a decent amount of time on it. But it's so comfortable to play.
  3. With Cliff still around there’d be no Lars. They were considering giving Lars the boot after the tour. But after Cliff’s death James and Kirk decided to not lose 50% of the band. I think the trajectory would have been slightly slower with Cliff about, he wouldn’t have let the band have the Dad Rock phase of Load and Reload.
  4. I suffer from misophonia and music is one of the most important things in my life.
  5. Happy Cliff Burton Day, everyone!

  6. I'm used to playing unlined fretless basses. My first fretless was a battered Warwick Corvette I defretted (I still have it), filled the slots with wenge laminate and did a superglue finish on the neck. You could barely see the lines when playing. I then borrowed a mate's Ibanez SR400FL that had an unlined board, I gave that back when I got an Ibanez Portamento that had micro sidelines. I've tried a lined one but, weirdly, found the lines distracting.
  7. Are they TIs? I just assumed they were Rotosounds...
  8. I’ve just put a black 3 ply scratchplate on and I much prefer the look. The carbon fibre one was too busy for me. So where’s this good home?
  9. UPS tracking is rubbish. My fretless only came from London with a delivery date of the 5th. It arrived on the 4th. Even when the van was outside the house it was still saying delivery was the next day.
  10. I have a CAR Squier Jazzmaster. That's enough CAR in my house...:D
  11. Just lifted the scratchplate a little and there is indeed a battery under there. I've also reseated the neck and the string alignment is much better. When I saw it this morning the thoughts of spraying it black have been removed. It looks too bloody nice as it is, Although the scratchplate may have to be changed to a plain black one. The carbon fibre is a bit flashy for me... 😁
  12. I shall investigate tomorrow. I had a good play with it earlier, played along to some Pearl Jam and New Model Army. It’s such an easy bass to play.
  13. Pretty sure it's passive, unless there's a battery hiding under the scratchplate. And yes it really does sound good. I've only had about 20 mins buggering about with it but it puts that "oh, this is goooood'"grin on your face I do like all black basses though, but it's certainly not something I'm rushing into.
  14. Yeah, I am less inclined to change it now I have it, than when I first saw it online.
  15. I've been after an unlined fretless since selling my Ibanez Portamento a couple of years ago. Every once in a while I'll look on here and a few shops to see whats around, but nothing really grabbed me, until last week. I just happened to look on The Bass Gallery and saw The One!! A Fender body with a Status neck, EMGs and a Hipshot KickAss bridge. It needs a couple of tweaks and such but it's bloody lovely! I may refinish the body black to have an evil looking stealth machine...
  16. New bass has arrived!! :) 
    Photos later...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Happy NBD - hope to see some pics soon :) 

    3. TheGreek


      Don't give too much away....😏😏

    4. bartelby
  17. Some basses can overdrive the B3's input. There's no way of adjusting the input gain, other than rolling off the volume on the bass. Which can affect the tone anyway.
  18. Those knobs look like they need to be scrubbed with bleach!
  19. Nice. I felt the same way when I got my Aria Pro II BnG, after a similar period of lusting for one.
  20. Roland certainly tend to be more intuitive. I used to wonder if the Roland S-770 was easier to use than an Akai S-1000
  21. Disappointment? For years we’ve been told everyone knew what they were voting for, so this can’t come as a surprise to anyone...
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