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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. I’ve got to say that this film is properly good! but bloody hell, what a bunch of weirdos!
  2. I remember going to see a band in the Wolverhampton civic, years back. Just before the main band came on the floor started to vibrate and the hall was filled with a low rumble. Me and my mates looked at each other in confusion. The band came on and you could still feel this other vibration. After the first song a mate went to the loo, he came back saying he could hear some Killing Joke from somewhere. The penny dropped, Killing Joke were playing in the room under the Civic. So we abandoned the gig we’d gone to and went to see KJ.
  3. Red Sparowes live. A version with Emma Ruth Rundle on guitar.
  4. I was worried that Mariner might have been Cult of Luna’s best, but A Dawn to Fear showed they haven’t peaked yet.
  5. Yes. I’ve been meaning to get that. If you’d like to hear something akin to a psychotic version of Emma Ruth Rundle I recommend anything that involves Julie Christmas (Made Out of Babies, Battle of Mice, her solo stuff or the colab with Cult of Luna)
  6. Another one I love! Emma was also in Red Sparowes. I recommend checking out Marriages too
  7. Yeah, Jeff is pretty cool. He was mighty in Isis.
  8. I LOVE Red Sparowes! Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun, is my favourite.
  9. William Basinski - The Disintegration Loops "In the 1980s, Basinski recorded from found sound sources, shortwave radio, and delay systems, influenced by musicians such as Steve Reich and Brian Eno. Decades later, while transferring the recordings from magnetic tape to a more reliable digital format, Basinski found that the tape had deteriorated sufficiently that as it passed the tape head, the ferrite detached from the plastic backing and fell off. He allowed the loops to play for extended periods as they deteriorated further, with increasing gaps and cracks in the music. He further treated the sounds with a spatializing reverb effect"
  10. 2x8” https://peavey.com/trace-elliot-2x8-speaker-cabinet/p/03616940
  11. I’ve only made three bass related purchases this year. 2 sets of strings an Ashdown CTM-300 so no bad purchases for me.
  12. That's not bad as the 8 string Stiletto is around that, IIRC
  13. That's pretty tasty, any idea of price?
  14. Some early Pitch Shifter, when they were still grind core...
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