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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. Last night of the Supersonic Festival yesterday. Highlights include: Air Loom. A gentle start to the day’s proceedings: Some post rock niceness from Haress: The madness that is Sly & the Family Drone: Japanese post rock from Mono: And the phenomenal Anna Von Hausswolff:
  2. Last night was a weird mix, highlights were: Daniel Higgs (Ex-Lungfish) gone quite eccentric and sadly seems to be a bit of a conspiracy theorist. But his use of language is still fantastic: CZN a project involving my favourite percussionist Valentina Magaletti and a guy from a Portuguese band HHY and the Macumbas: Big Joanie, London based trio reminiscent of Slant 6: Matters, late 80s/early 90s electronic stuff with an interesting use of a ,Fender VI, style six string: AJA - mad woman making a lot of noise. Highly entertaining: HHY and the Macumbas - aforementioned Portuguese band. Lots of drumming and a guy with his back to the crowd waving his arms about (and triggering samples): Today is the big day, including: Sly & the Family Drone, Mono, Anna Von Hausswolff and Dälek
  3. I’d not seen Neurosis for nearly 30 years. I didn’t see Yob as it was after the last train back to Coventry. But I’ve seen them before a few times.
  4. I saw Godflesh and Neurosis last night:in Birmingham Town Hall: Godflesh: Neurosis;
  5. They were certainly up on their merch. The 1st album came with a merch order form for things from t-shirts to socks and pants to temporary tattoos
  6. I'm away from home at the moment. so can't record... again. I'll need to do two when I get chance... 😁
  7. without hearing the track I guess it's a Stone Temple Pilots one?
  8. if actual instruments aren't allowed in this then the Hipshot D-Tuner I bought in late '88 or early '89 is the item I've owned for the longest.
  9. ah, ok. my only excuse is that I now have the low rumble of T'PAU sound checking that's breaking my concentration...
  10. But non English rock has always existed, you just had to look for it. I think it's more a case of the wider audience, promoters, media have finally begun to accept non English language music.
  11. There's a gig tonight in a park next to my office. They're sound checking at the moment. 20 mins for a drum check, 10 mins for guitar, 10 mins for keys. about 45 seconds for bass... Now on to vocals. Turns out it's Sister Sledge... Time to put my iPod on...

    1. Nibody


      used to work in Brum near the Villa ground. Remember Springsteen soundchecking.. no ipods there (mind you it was 1986 ish...)

    2. shug


      Sister Sledge are WAY cool. Never mind your ipod, get yourself a ticket....


    3. ead


      No iPods in '86 for sure, but I do remember my Sony Walkman with great affection.

      +1 for @shug 's comment :)

  12. You did check your spam folder, didn't you?
  13. I don’t have prime just for shipping, although the amount of stuff we get from amazon means we pay less for shipping... we use Prime Video, Music and the Kindle library
  14. Don't need the distraction of lyrics today. So lots of film scores are on the cards... Starting with:
  15. when you click on the 4 new from you get: So nothing cheaper there, except the first Prime one.
  16. But that's a Prime item isn't it?
  17. But then you have to pay for delivery, and that's where the seller makes the money back. Unless it's free delivery that takes a few days. I've never found a non Prime item to have an overall cheaper price. Unless it's used, which doesn't count.
  18. Trip back to @Andyjr1515 for him to repair the break?
  19. Where I live there's not much choice in local shops. Closest town is 4 miles away, it has no record, book or musical instrument shops. No independent (or even small chain) clothes shops. No small grocery shops. Just 1/2 empty charity shops, pound shops and a Tesco. 6 miles the other way isn't really much better, except it's posher so has a Waitrose and a Waterstones. 8 miles away is a better has a fairly decent choice of shops, unless you want books, and free parking. The HMV survived and the management are doing a good job of running it. There's even small guitar shop (that I need to visit more). If I want to wander around a decent selection of shops I have to drive 45 mins to Cardiff or Bristol and pay ridiculous parking charges. So for me books and blurays come from Amazon, as well as other random items. Music mainly come direct from artists via bandcamp/own website or thier labels. If not it's online orders from Independent record shops (Boomkat, Piccadilly Records and Norman Records mostly). Food is from Ocado. I'm not really a fan of Amazon, except my nephew is an engineer at their Coventry warehouse, but my options for stuff is pretty limited.
  20. You need to crank it up to live band volumes... But back on topic; to me machine heads that point away from you, when the bass is strapped on you, seems a bit illogical. Not really practical for tuning.
  21. I paid £200 for a lower spec 5 string a few years back. Sold it for £220 though, so that was good (and that didn't include the 3 wraps of heroin that were still hidden in the gig bag when I bought it).
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