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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. I can never decided whether Patton or Maynard is the better vocalist. Both can cover pretty much anything they need to...
  2. Yeah, I did see that. Fortunately it's not a 4003AC. Although, it's very tasty from the other angle...
  3. The Wonder Stuff in Cardiff, in May, is the next for me...
  4. a very young looking Al Cisneros. He might even, just about, manage to play his new bass like this...
  5. I went to see the Love from Stourbridge tour last week. Miles Hunt opening with a short acoustic set, then Pop Will Eat Itself and Ned's Atomic Dustbin headlined the night I saw . With two guitars, bass, two vocals, live drums, samples and sequenced stuff you'd think Pop Will Eat Itself would have the ropey sound of the evening. But theirs was spot on, even right at the front. Ned's, however, need to get rid of their soundguy. Alex's Ric sounded ok, but Matt's Stingray was just clicky attack and nothing more. Couldn't hear the guitar at all, the vocals were buried in the mix and the drums were uneven.
  6. More "innovation" from Rickenbacker. The 4003AC features a single trussrod!
  7. Just for that purpose? zero, I’d imagine...
  8. Was announced about 10 days ago. Thursday, 03 October 2019 Brighton Concorde 2 Friday, 04 October 2019 O2 Forum Kentish Town Saturday, 05 October 2019 O2 Ritz Manchester Sunday, 06 October 2019 SWX, Bristol
  9. There were people on a facebook post asking Rickenbacker to make it available as replacement part.
  10. I thought the addition of Lowe was fantastic. I've know his solo stuff (under both Robert Aiki Aubery Lowe and Lichens) for a while before he did stuff with OM. He's a super nice guy too. Al is definitely an end of the neck player.
  11. I know he doesn't. I've seen OM several times live and I'm going to see Sleep in October. He's a very overlooked bassist.
  12. But all Rics look like they've been bodged in a shed... I'm gonna take a wild guess that Al has no issues playing one...
  13. 3 seconds? It's closer to 3/4 of a second... A punk originals band I was in got 28 songs into a 40 minute set, including some between song banter...
  14. It's a limited edition, and it is a shame it's not green. But then, that might have pushed me over the edge and I'd have ordered one...
  15. Nice to see Al get some recognition. Interesting configuration on a Ric...
  16. The debut and Extremities, Dirt and Various Repressed Emotions are my goto KJ albums
  17. Had it been a replica you wouldn't need a router, just a hammer and chisel...
  18. The quality of manuals makes a massive difference to stuff too. The official R-8 manual is notoriously badly translated, so much so that a 3rd party wrote a whole new manual for it. From what I remember of the SR-16 manual it's not much better...
  19. What an awful thing to happen. If I were in this situation I'd move the rig on but keep the bass. With the bass visible it would be an incentive for rehabilitation. Yes, it would be hard at the beginning to see it and not be able to play. But without one there you may lose interest. I have friends who have had severe injuries and have been told by doctors/surgeons that they'd loses some ability or other. Yet they've not given up hope and, in time, proved the experts wrong. Best of luck to you!
  20. Cool! I always wanted to do this when I was younger. The closest I got was hacking a Dimarzio Model One into my Aria SB Elite I, adding a Hipshot D-Tuner and scalloping then end of the fretboard. EDIT: Oh I had the Bones stickers too... EDIT 2: are you going to sand all the edges off the P pickup covers too? EDIT 3: have you seen this? https://www.notreble.com/buzz/2014/02/20/bass-of-the-week-jon-willis-billy-sheehan-wife-bass-replica/
  21. Wow! That would be awesome. Many thanks!
  22. Some of Pearl Jam's songs are played on a fretless. Nice and simple, so you can get used to playing a fretless.
  23. When I was in a band with a less than reliable drummer. I always took a laptop to rehearsal, in case he didn't show up. We'd then use those sessions to write new stuff. I'd plug the laptop into the PA and use the Drummer in Logic. We didn't use the Logic written stuff, but used it to map out the song's sections, draft dynamics etc. Using a couple of DI boxes I'd record the guitar and bass. I'd then go home and re-record the guitar and bass parts, if necessary. These would then be the demos to play to the drummer. He could put his own spin on the drums...
  24. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Behringer haven't tweaked the memory specs a bit. EDIT: I googled a bit: "64-step sequencer with storage of up to 64 patterns and 16 songs with continuously variable swing"
  25. I've kind of got 3 drum machines. The Roland R-8 (left) and the Alesis SR-16 (right) are the conventional ones. But I also have an Arturia Beatstep Pro triggering 4 drum synth modules (centre). The SR-16 is great for heavier, slightly un-natural, sounding drums. Perfect for industrially sounding tracks. The R-8 has really nice sounding natural stuff, but they can be edited more. Programming the R-8 is a lot nicer than the SR-16, I tend to midi them together and use the R-8 as a sequencer. The synth modules are totally electronic sounding, them being synths not sample based. They can, using a computer based editor, recreate most classic early drum machine sounds. There's one module each for bass drum, snare, hi hat and clap. The Alesis and Roland machines have taken a bit of a back seat since the synth ones have been in use. Space is getting cramped. I need to reorganise the whole working space. There's another desk behind me, when I was taking the photo.
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