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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. The chorus for Lateralus repeats, sequentially, through 9/8, 4/4 and 7/8 (plus the lyrical rhythm is based on the Fibonacci sequence)
  2. I've done a gig where not only did the sound guy not show up, he called the venue 10 mins after soundcheck was due to start to say he was sick. We then discover all the venue's mics were missing and most of the cables. the bands playing cobble together some mics and cables. And someone from each band worked the desk. just before the last band go on a local walks in to say he'd just been talking to the sound guy at a different venue he was working at... the mics and cables...
  3. Does he sell anything at all? My mate tried to buy an old EHX pedal off him for months. He gave up in the end. When we go to gigs at the Exchange we often go and see what's in the Electric Ladyland museum... I have a look in the Bedminster store every time I'm in the area, seen some amazing gear in there. But never a bargain...
  4. That's what my first bass was. I didn't know it was medium scale at the time. I was slightly confused when I part-ex'd it for an SB Elite.
  5. My wife gave me her JV P, that she got for her 16th birthday in 1993
  6. Ah. I've not picked up on you living in Italy I've driven from Wales to the Netherlands (Germany side) for gigs.
  7. That day of the festival is sold out. But Yob, Godflesh and Neurosis are playing in London on the 20th July. But that might be sold out too...
  8. The Supersonic Festival in Birmingham is looking amazing this year, among others: Neurosis Godflesh Yob Dalek Anna Von Hausswolff I'll even give Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs another go.
  9. Well I've just got tickets for an evening with Nick Cave in June
  10. The Lexington, London 31st March The Lanes, Bristol 1st April
  11. I’m tempted to go and see Dälek in April
  12. Yeah. Reminds you how bad the web was back in the 90s😂
  13. Nice bit of black metal. Wolves in the Throne Room. The parts with Anna Von Hausswolff are just amazing... I wish they’d tour together...
  14. I really wanted to go and see them in Bristol, but failed miserably to do anything about it...
  15. I was meant to be going to see Gazelle Twin in Bristol a week on Friday, but I'm double booked because I forgot Feb only has 28 days (this year ) . So the next things in my calendar are: A synth event with some live performances, including Steve Davis (yes, the snooker one) Terry Riley then 3 Ned's Atomic Dustbin and Pop Will Eat Itself gigs
  16. Measuring for continuity. So don't have the soldering iron plugged in!
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