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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. Yeah, the outer hole is connected to the centre hole in the box. Looks like it's designed to take a vertical trimmer or a horizontal one.
  2. There is one big difference. Your bass looks nice!
  3. 60/40 and 63/37 is all I use.
  4. awesome!! I've seen him a few times in Zeni Geva and Ruins (as a duo and solo) and had a chat with him a few years back
  5. can't listen at the moment but Ruins as in Tatsuya Yoshida?
  6. I was wondering why they'd pictured it with massive plectrums. Then I scrolled down...
  7. I managed to hit myself with 550v from a flashgun once.
  8. Takeshi Ohtani from the band Boris uses one quite effectively
  9. I grew up in Coventry. From the mid 80s through to 1990 it was almost like one long grindcore/death metal/crust gig in the area. I saw stupid amounts of gigs. Napalm Death, Bolt Thrower, Extreme Noise Terror etc, saw the creation of Godflesh and Scorn...
  10. I ordered a replacement battery for my wife's iPhone. They sent the wrong one. Requested a refund, they'll refund the money when they get the battery back, plus £5 for the shipping. Which is fair enough except sending a lithium-ion battery back to them isn't easy. Royal Mail won't do it, most couriers won't either and Amazon won't allow batteries to be returned via their lockers. So I've had to use UPS, and it's costing £8...
  11. I really love all of Scorn's* output. I shocked a mate yesterday by saying I preferred Scorn to Napalm Death. Have you heard his FRET project? *let's be honest here, it's all Mick Harris...
  12. Reading about synthesis of cymbals and listening to Cabaret Voltaire:
  13. WD40 Contact Cleaner https://www.wd40specialist.com/products/contact-cleaner
  14. what pedal is it? My soldering iron has a very fine point and I use very thin gauge solder*, I do a lot of hand soldering SMT parts at the moment. * unless it's soldering switches and pots, then I use thicker stuff.
  15. Bypass switch wiring is always the part I take the most time over. It seems such a basic part, but it's so easy to get a wire out of place.
  16. how else do you have a swig of beer mid song?😬
  17. get some desoldering braid and unblock the holes EDIT: but don't buy the cheaper stuff, it's rubbish
  18. Rockfield is only about 20 mins from my house. I really should take up stalking the place.
  19. I gotta say that sounds flipping' awesome. Way better than the studio version!! Might have to pick the Bluray. When did Martín Méndez start using 5 stings?
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