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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. IIRC it should be a direct swap. At least it was in the 80s when I installed one last...
  2. Yeah, with the EQ out there's no real HPF. The curves were more to see what happens when you cut 30Hz as much a possible. Obviously you can tweak the remaining frequency sliders to compensate, like Bill and Phil were talking about, to bring some of the useful range back. A good thing about the JJB-500 is there isn't the deep/sub control. It has a "harmonic emphasis" instead.
  3. Here's some EQ curves I did a while ago for my Ashdown JJB-500. EQ set flat, except when I drop the 30Hz of course. White noise in, DI to Focusrite interface and REW Software. 1/6 octave smoothing and 4 averages, not the smoothest of readings but gives the general idea. (obviously below 20Hz and about 20kHz is to be taken with a pinch of salt as those are outside the interface's freq range) I was surprised just how much top end was cut just by engaging the flat EQ.
  4. I got scammed by a seller with 98% feedback on over 200,000 sales. Ebay/Pay Pal did f all when I raised it with them as his feedback rating was good enough. Fortunately I only lost £10.
  5. You know what would make that sound awesome? a Tonehammer!😬 glad to see see a happy ending!
  6. I've been listening to Fields of the Nephilim a lot over the last few days. I loved their gigs back in the late 80s/early 90s. These tracks flow into each other. Tony Pettitt is very underrated
  7. The Schecter Stiletto Studio 8 only has a 40mm nut. Which gives me some hope I can mod my Dean Edge 4...
  8. Yep. I know. But where is the fun in just buying one?
  9. I've been looking at this thread, looking at my cheapy Dean Edge 4, looking at this thread, looking at my cheapy Dean... About £120 worth of parts and some work and I could have an 8 string.... Hmmmmmmmm...🤔
  10. Been having a bit of a goth evening. Been through Bauhaus, The Cure, The Mission, Sisters of Mercy and I’m currently with The Fields of The Nephilim. excuse me while I shuffle back and forth for a bit...
  11. maybe they were talking about: https://www.duckbrand.com/products/duck-tape/colors 😉
  12. I went to see Einstürzende Neubauten at a free frestival in Ypres, Belgium on Saturday. It was part of a series of events that are commemorating the end of World War One. I then saw them again in Heerlen, Netherlands, last night. Have a restful day today, then a long drive back to Wales tomorrow..
  13. Oh no, that's terrible news. I had a VT2 EQ for a while, loved everything about it but the size. Sold it to fund something else, possibly the only pedal I regret selling.
  14. Fortunately all my future funds are heading towards expanding this. Or maybe that’s unfortunately...
  15. Oh derrière! I've managed to avoid most demos for this pedal... Why did I watch this?!?! I used to have a Deep Impact. Whilst I liked it, it was a bit limited. Now I have GAS for a Future Impact. Cheers buddy!
  16. My time recently has been spent building some modular synth modules...
  17. I've not read through the page, but you may find your answer here: http://www.21frets.com/squier_jv/jvprecisionbass.htm Apologies if you've already looked at the page...
  18. I have two basses that are my number 1. My 1984 Aria Pro II B&G and my 2010 Fender Steve Harris The Aria would go nowhere, ever! But in the massively unlikely event that someone wanted to swap my Steve Harris for a black Wal Mk I 4 string, I could be tempted.
  19. Definitely black. For me the white just sort of glares too much. Whereas the black sets off the grain really well
  20. My Fender Steve Harris, although it's currently back wearing the chrome plate for a bit..
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