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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. I defretted a battered old Warwick a few years back. Yes, it falls apart like Weetabix as you pull the frets. Last year had my first go at a super glue coating. I did it in a bit of a rush, two days work really. This has 7 layers of glue, flatted back after 4 coats, then added 3 more. Lots of super fine wet and dry and polishing later it looked like this. I polished through the glue on the edges of the board. One day I'll go back and redo it as it wasn't that difficult.
  2. That's a nice looking bass. A few years back I put a HB neck on a donor body. A Fender and a Squire neck fit perfectly, but the HB didn't until I'd reshaped the heel end of the neck pocket slightly. It wasn't a Fender/Squire body though. I also had to plug the existing neck screw holes in the body and drill some new ones, as the neck holes weren't quite in the same position, relative to each other. Things may have changed though. If you do reshape the headstock I'd go for a '51 P shape and I think colour matching it would be best.
  3. I had the strap part wear through the strapbutton, and screw, enough for it to snap right off the bass. Fortunately leaving enough screw to be grabbed by pliers and removed. It did take 25 years for that to happen mind, so I wasn't too miffed...
  4. I'm not entirely sure you get to decide what other people can, and can't, be offended by.
  5. Yeah, I saw them on the last tour in Cardiff. Stood right in front of Paul, so I could hear the bass from his rig. Glorious!! I got chance to talk to him and Bryn a couple of years ago when they were part of a Q&A session with the documentary. Two, properly, nice guys.
  6. I, erm, acquired my copy of that EP from my sister in about 1983. It's been well played since then. I love Paul Gray's playing.
  7. The can says gloss, but the scratch plate turned out satin.
  8. From this: to this: with a few coats of Halfords finest black... It's heard up really well over the last couple of years too..
  9. Saw this guy at the Supersonic Festival on the weekend. He was bloody marvellous:
  10. more someone being given instructions by someone who once saw one.
  11. I went to see Chris Carter (Throbbing Gristle, Carter Tutti Void, Chris and Cosey) last night. Had a chat with him beforehand and went full nerd and got him to sign a semi-modular synth. 😬
  12. I've been GAS'ing for a Thunder Jet for a few years now...
  13. Saw this on a tweet earlier and it reminded me of this thread: “Al Cisneros and his @RickenbackerInt electric bass instruments. 5-string maple, 2x 4-string walnut and a 5-string walnut prototype.”
  14. That looks flippin' awesome!! You should sent a photo to SOMA. I think he'd like that!
  15. Yeah. They still do. I saw them 3 times in April, this year, with The Wonder Stuff.
  16. In a completely different style Alex in Ned's Atomic Dustbin spends the majority of the time up the squeaky end of the neck.
  17. I've been listening to a lot of ex-Throbbing Gristle stuff recently (X-TG, Chris Carter, Coil, etc), going to see Chris Carter in a couple of weeks too.
  18. Yeah, I can see the confusion. Looking around a bit more I find more references to 3L/2R, for that orientation, than 2L/3R
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