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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. My Warwick Corvette used to be Dan’s. I bet his Dingwalls are looked after better than the Warwick was...
  2. There's a lot of spam this morning... makes this vegan feel a little queazy... xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silvia Bluejay

      Silvia Bluejay

      Also mods working overnight! One of us (not me) got rid of the horrid pest.

    3. bartelby


      Well done to all the mods! 

    4. discreet


      Best to hide Spam in the salad and leave it in the vegetable drawer.

  3. Ah. ok. Your bass looks much smarter. Years back I replaced all the chrome bits for gold on my Warwick Corvette Proline 4 string. Recently I've been thinking about replacing the gold for black.
  4. Why can't you replace the neck screws and bushing?
  5. I wish Aria UK had the Selected Wood series! Just look at these two!
  6. what would you be expecting to happen at 25% and 75%?
  7. John Entwistle, Steve Harris and Cliff Burton are the ones who made me want to play bass. Them and later JJ Burnel and Rob Wright inspired me. But over the last decade or so musical inspiration has come from the likes of Alvin Lucier, Delia Derbyshire, Philip Glass, Robert Aiki Aubery Lowe, Chris Carter, Cosey Fanni Tutti and Mick Harris.
  8. No doubt Bassassin will be along to correct me. The £25 has just registered!!! Bloody hell!
  9. My first guess would be an IGB-40
  10. Oh noes! I didn't know this pedal does this. I have a channel strip set up in Logic for a similar effect. I was hoping for a less expensive pedal like the Boss RV-500 would be capable of something similar...
  11. Quite a few year back now, a band I was in opened for Lars Frederiksen & the Bastards in TJs in Newport. They took over 2 hours to sound check, with their own soundguy. We gave up our sound check to the middle band on the bill. Fortunately the soundguy that was with the PA hire company was a legend named Paul Jocelyn. He'd been doing sound in TJs for a long time and knew the venue well. We just had a line check as we got on stage and Paul sorted the sound during our first song. Apparently we sounded better than the other two bands. Many times I saw Paul's advice to touring soundguys get ignored, to the detriment of the band they were meant to make sound good. Local, unknown, support bands regularly sounded massively better than the touring headliners.
  12. Sure beats the service from another company. I complained about a string from brand new set being pretty much dead. They said "yeah, the larger gauges are prone to that. We'll send another out" over 10 days later I got a replacement string... that was also dead. Got D'Addarios on the bass now. No dead strings either...
  13. In my opinion Morrissey is a fifth wheel, and not just in The Smiths...
  14. After over 30 years using heavy gauge strings (110-50, and more recently 120-50 balanced tension), I got a set of 100-40 today to put on my SB BnG. The bass feels even nicer to play now. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bartelby


      I've used 105-45 occasionally, when I've needed strings in a hurry and had to go into a local shop to buy them. To me they didn't feel too different to 110 sets.

    3. Hobbayne


      I am using Rotosound RB50's at the moment. I like them. Mind you, I,m a hard plucker.

    4. bartelby


      My Steve Harris P had Steve Harris Rotos on for a long time. 110/95/75/50, they took some pounding...


  15. I didn't even know there was another album coming out. I like this song! I'll have to get the album.
  16. back on topic: I already own one of the basses I'd have chosen for a 50th birthday bass. My Aria Pro II SB Black n' Gold. If I had the money I'd commission one of these:
  17. To be fair, I don't think she mentioned playing the P. Just owning one. Take one with you and gain all the respect and kudos. Then get out your preferred bass...
  18. In September 1988 I went to see Metallica at the Birmingham NEC, a few weeks later I found a bootleg of it at a record fair. I wore those tapes out over the years, I still have the 2nd tape but the 1st tape is long gone. But I've just found the bootleg online! Now blasting it out and the memories of the late 80s are flooding back!
  19. yeah definitely not super steps... those look like this:
  20. Stop giving sensible responses!! I'm not buying it!
  21. I consider Janick Gers in Iron Maiden a 5th wheel. They produced all their greatest stuff with 2 guitarists. Why the hell do they feel the need to have 3??
  22. ooh, that's given me an idea. I have a mate who recycles old decks in to stuff (picture frames, rings, keyrings...) already.
  23. Bristol has such a great live music scene these days. Some times there's too much happening... But if you see Big Jeff down the front you know you're at the right gig.
  24. The Thekla do a great job with the sound. The hold of a boat can't be the easiest environment for a sound guy. I'm continually impressed by the sound in smaller Bristol venues; Thekla, Exchange and even the Fleece. No one has quite managed to fill the hole Paul Jocelyn left yet though.
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