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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. The Wonder Stuff - Upstaged: Live recordings 1987 - 2016 Some very nice recordings and lovely clear playing from The Bass Thing...
  2. I hope my post didn't come across as being a bit abrupt. I think I could have worded it it better, looking at it now.
  3. Don’t you mean microfarads. nF is Nano and pF is Pico.
  4. I'm tempted to get this kit, build a box and use it with my Mother 32: https://www.thomann.de/gb/doepfer_mbp25_elektronik_mit_1_pedal.htm
  5. Ooh, now it's getting interesting!
  6. I saw 2 more The Wonder Stuff and Ned's Atomic Dustbin gigs over the weekend. So bloody good! I hope Ned's use this tour to become more then a once a year gig band again.
  7. In Birmingham and walk passed Fair Deal music. I notice they have a Moog DFAM set up. So I wander in and have a go. Two mins later on of the staff starts playing a slap bass solo... on a synth... think Seinfeld! 🙄 after that he spends 5 mins playing horrible drone filter sweeps on a Moog Phatty...😫🙄
  8. Saw The Wonder Stuff and Ned’s Atomic Dustbin last night. I’ve seen the Stuffies many times over the last 10 years (and man many times over the last 30). I’ve not seen Ned’s for around 20 years. They were fantastic!! But there was a great example of bass tone soloed verses in the mix. Matt’s Stingray had a great chunky tone, where as Alex’s Ric was thin and a bit farty sounding. Guess which one vanished, and which sat perfectly, once the whole band kicked in.
  9. Just a couple of pots and sockets so a quick order from Rapid.
  10. Sorting out my Gristleizer build. Can’t find some of the bits though! 🙄 This will be a eurorack module, but with 3.5mm and 6mm ins and outs.
  11. I saw the tuba duo version of Ore several years ago at the Supersonic Festival. Very good indeed.
  12. That looks like it's been dropped on the strap button. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the surrounding finish fell off at some point.
  13. You can compensate in the AcBsPre itself. Set the low-mid to 100Hz and boost.
  14. I don’t know what happens below 10Hz as that’s where the signal generator starts. It’s also below the frequency range of the interface and the B3. So I’d take any results below 20Hz with a pinch of salt really.
  15. This the sort of thing your after , not worked out if this can do signal/noise as it's for room analysis. Bypassed 1 20Hz PEQ 2 20Hz PEQs 2 20Hz + 25Hz PEQs
  16. So 3 "pedals' at those settings and all running at the same time? here's a sequence...
  17. I’ll see what I can do in the morning.
  18. Napalm Death's Apex Predator is a fine album to listen to as well. I think the spikier the font the blacker the metal.
  19. Anna Von Hausswolff. Who doesn't love the sound of a pipe organ??
  20. Can you change the Monarch for something like an Elephant Hawk Moth (or a death's head moth, for metal)?
  21. This is what occupies me when I have a break from bass and guitar.
  22. They're definitely brighter than other flatwounds I've used. But according to Rotosound, when I emailed them a few years back, the SH77 aren't just repackaged/silked RS77. Though they wouldn't divulge the differences...
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