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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. I couldn't find a black one when I was looking in the mid 80s, but got a Pearl White one for £80 + a battered Aria Pro II Cardinal Deluxe (cost me £60) and a £15 Rocktek flanger. The SB Elite had all kinds of stuff done to it and currently looks like this: I plan to have it refinished black, once I've sorted the decals and I have the money.
  2. That is fantastic looking*!!! *except the bridge. 2 saddle bridges are the work of satan
  3. Yeah, but Justin needs a 2-3 amp set up to do that. Last time I saw them his FoH sound was terrible, all treble and no guts. Very disappointing.
  4. Remember you can derrière about with the depth control in each instance.
  5. Here you go. Bypassed, GEQ 50Hz -12dB and multiple AC BS Pres
  6. I'm using a synth to generate the noise, and it was set to HPF already and rolled off some... So of course the low end wouldn't change. so here's the plot don't properly.
  7. It was quite a quick look. I'll do another test and zoom into the low end to see what's happening...
  8. I've also just had a look at what multiple instances of the AC BS Pre might do. The frequency plot it unchanged having 1, 2 or 3 instances running.
  9. 50/50 (wet/dry). Looking through the B1on user manual it does't look like you and blend patches with a clean signal. So I'd except to see some difference in speaker travel for low notes. Here's a quick test I've done. With one AC BS Pre on the B3. The synth is running a sine wave 2 octaves below, so it's a bit extreme (near the end of the clip I turn the depth knob up and down to see the difference):
  10. Are the effects blendable like on the B3? Each effect has a blend, but so does the whole patch. Is one running at 50/50?
  11. I also forget I've got a ticket for Dinosaur Jr in March
  12. I've seen Neubauten about 10 times since the early 90s. There's a fair amount of communication these days. Blixa has mellowed out massively. Laibach are still the same as they ever were.
  13. Birthday Party and SPK? Bloody hell! that must have been one hell of a gig!
  14. Going to see Hot Snakes tonight then The Damned next week. got 3 Ned’s Atomic Dustbin and The Wonder Stuff gigs in April and yesterday I bought my ticket for the Supersonic Festival in June. No idea who is playing at the moment
  15. Yep. The 3rd line down (the one that hits 15dB in the scale) is Depth at 9
  16. Check out Ataxia. Lally, Frusciante and Josh Klinghoffer on drums. Joe plays nothing more than the songs need.
  17. I only have the B3 I'm afraid.
  18. Here you go. Top line is off, then Depth 10 - 0 (gain 50, bass toTreble 0) . Looks like once you get down to 15Hz and lower the white noise is a little less stable. But it gives you the idea. EDIT: If you want a bigger chart with compensation for the drop in signal, from 600Hz up, let me know. But that'll take a little while to knock up
  19. It's free room acoustics analysis software. https://www.roomeqwizard.com but there's a really simple RTA section that's great for this kind of thing. Give me a few mins and I'll knock up a chart if you still want it.
  20. Top line is without the PEQ on, bottom is set how you asked. I guess the gain isn't in Dbs...
  21. I just happened to have some real time analysis software running. 50Hz -12dB & 10KHz -12dB
  22. This is the curve of the ZOOM B3 GEQ 12dB cut at 50Hz, all other freqs at 0. White noise going in, obvs.
  23. Joe Lally Have you heard his stuff with John Frusciante, Ataxia?
  24. This is the person who, in another thread, proudly listed all the bands he's spat on.
  25. The DFAM is now on my list to go with my Mother 32
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