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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. I'm seeing them in Cardiff. Paul is one of my favourite bassists. I saw him play a couple of songs with The Damned last tour, I can't wait to see a whole set!!
  2. The active extension cab has me puzzled, especially at that price.
  3. MES has just gone up in my estimations
  4. I liked The Fall's music, but couldn't get on with M.E.S' vocals, nor his onstage persona. But this morning I'm seeing how far through the Complete Peel Sessions 1978-2004 I can get through. It's a mere 97 tracks... But he was certainly someone music needed.
  5. Totally. I had quotes between £250 and £350 for the board to be coated. I paid £100 for the bass. Which is why it's always been the bass I practice stuff on. I've defretted it, refretted it and defretted it again and stained it black. When I redo the board I'll sand back the body and do something else to it.
  6. If it wasn't for the fact that the Warwick was pretty much worthless when I acquired it, I wouldn't have buggered about with it so much. It was the least I've ever paid for a bass, with the exception of my £35 Harley Benton deko and my £80 Aria SB Elite. But the point is, superglue is a viable coating for a fretless board.
  7. This is the test run I did on my defretted Warwick. In the summer I'm going to sand it all back and redo it. It plays perfectly well as it is. But having gone through the process I know I can do it better. In this photo I hadn't gone through all the grades of wet and dry, nor polished it. I play it with roundwounds on and there's barely any marks. When I redo it I'll be putting on 10 - 12 coats of glue, sanding back after every 4 coats. EDIT: just found a photo of the board after it'd had been polished: As you can see I'd gone through the glue on the edges of the board. One of the lessons learned. EDIT2: I should point out this was using a £3 bottle of superglue from Toolstation.
  8. They're a good thing to have. Mine gave me her 1983 Squier JV P...
  9. There is, of course, this monster... http://www.chambonino.com/construct/const9.html
  10. Google image search, I'm guessing https://www.google.co.uk/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZisgAKK319Vz2V4r6plhn37Du7t8diNBUjqHPp025-zetFLDsbwCvLv3Z547BY2ZRLSOFmUK9olk0gx2Va5E_19-jGrBcw80PG1oY1Dmav2X4e3PQlPso6DjDT4QMWkoj5sEezTMqPjmOdSrU59kN0_1UaA2xota7Lt-RdhBbsNBqtuutPprdR6pOlI0itn3p0JBEEpewwvsjEfJP0TIpN7F1Li6PAfDDasjcrzCALK5K6dW7h9H310GJpBkWLkNS6eJTckYuZgcLvKeghPRUZb98E3uS_1cbJkflfphpeE00hRKp7aNqZC1Jx7UNfkjQ8MgIveGilu83UEcGRb64vNA_1xS6ViXpw&hl=en-GB
  11. Bet it's not got an LM308 in there...
  12. Every Saturday and Sunday morning I spend an hour or so sitting down and listening to some records. And once I’ve done some housework on a Wednesday I do the same
  13. the Schecter Session Riot 8 looks like it has a similar bridge to the Spector:
  14. I joined an originals band 4 days before a gig, with only a cd walkman and an unplugged bass to learn the songs on. We were having loads of work done to the house so were living at the in-laws. I had to climb a wobbly ladder to grab a bass from the spare bedroom, no way of getting an amp and cab down. The one practice we had was the soundcheck, and it was the first gig in 10 years I'd played. Nervous? Hell yeah, I was pooping myself until the end of the first song.
  15. I was seeing if I could find out how Bowie used his Fairlight. But I failed...
  16. I was going to post something similar, but I couldn't stop laughing...
  17. I'd spend a whole day here https://cymrubeats.com/shop/ trying and buying...
  18. As some people here seem to think only rap and hip hop use samplers. Large portions of this are manually triggered samples*, tell me this isn't original or creative... *for clarification: everything but the vocals and the drums are samples, of one form or another, and they're all manually triggered. No loops.
  19. Here's the Gretsch 12 being demo'd nicely
  20. Artic cable is designed to be flexible at low temps, maybe look into that. But not all artic cable is the same. Either read the reviews, if buying online, or check out a couple of makes in stores if you can.
  21. I love populating the pcb, don't mind drilling the enclosure. The decals would be fine too. But the sodding wiring... urgh!! I have 3 or 4 projects that have stalled at the wiring stage...
  22. Or is it couriers accept no responsibility for any damage caused by them. So the risk is too great.
  23. I thought he meant the Smashing Pumpkins track, which would fit the bill...
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