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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. Now that's something I can agree on.
  2. The colour is amazing! I much prefer painted Wals (actually painted any bass really). I'd rather not have something that looks like a sideboard strapped to me...
  3. ALL companies have the off products. Look at the original versions of the Ampeg PF-500s. What a sack of crap they were. Yet very few people would rip into Ampeg with the same vitriol as some are doing with Ashdown.
  4. But the thread was started to to prompt discussion both ways. Not just a slagging off thread...
  5. I hadn't noticed that had happened. I love my JJB-500, it's one of the ones with out the rat and signature.
  6. That's why you need to down some Lucozade before hand...
  7. I'm just listening to Young God's Live Sky Tour album. I've been a big fan of theirs since the Kurt Weill album
  8. I love BRA gigs. Cheesy, over the top and plain daft. But you don't stop grinning!
  9. OMG! I've found a live video of the amazing Bentley Rhythm Ace. That's Richard March (ex Pop Will Eat Itself), Fuzz Townsend (Ex PWEI, and Car SOS mechanic) and Mike Stokes. Occasionally James Atkin from EMF joins them, as he does here) They're quite often cheesy, but never boring...
  10. Anyone who says using samples to create new tracks doesn't take skill and massive amounts of talent are pretty clueless really. They need to sit down and listen to stuff created by The Bomb Squad, The Dust Brothers, Pop Will Eat Itself, vast chunks of The Prodigy are manipulated samples. Whether you like it or not it takes a lot of skill to piece together tracks like they do...
  11. Cab lighting is good, but you need it ti change colour and sync to the beat. Oh you also need the drum kit to be decked out the same. and, erm the front half of a mini...
  12. Meh! I had a feeling it was, seems a bit pointless to me.
  13. Would it have coincided with the massive increase in price of neodymium magnets a few years back?
  14. I can find a 8k:8Ohm would that be any better?
  15. Another update. I checked the reverb driver transformer: Secondary coil was fine and 8 Ohms as expected. Primary was dead. No continuity, no nothing... Chances of finding an off the shelf transformer 12k:8Ohm look pretty remote...
  16. Quick update. Found a mini jack to phono lead so I could use my iPod to plug straight into the reverb tank's input. I now know the tank and recovery stage work fine. Continuity of the cable between the amp and the tank is also good.
  17. I have to say that's the first Bongo that hasn't made me think of toilets. It's pretty awesome looking!
  18. After a couple of weeks off this ordering bits and recovering from flu, I've managed to spend a couple of hours with the amp again. With the aim of looking into the issue of the reverb. I did change one of the tremolo caps for a 0.033uF, which made no appreciable difference. I'll swap the other two next time. As for the reverb I've checked the tanks transformers and they seem fine. I had managed to solder a signal wire to the ground . I thought that may have sorted it but no. But I am getting the crashing noise, if I tap the tank, now. So the return part seems to be working. Next week I should receive a new pair of output valves, some caps for the tone controls and a couple of other caps.
  19. Wonder what the scale length of the upright is...
  20. Excluding the ever present Modular Synth GAS, I'm GAS free. For 2018 I want to: finish the Guyatone guitar amp restoration build a few pedals I have ideas for and get on with making music as opposed to acquiring gear to make music with. Of course, there's the usual caveat attached to all this...
  21. Cheers for the tips BotB! My progress has been slightly hampered by: Christmas Being ill Multimeter crapping out and suppliers being closed over the holidays...
  22. bartelby

    Alesis SR16

    The SR16 doesn't have a headphone out. It has left (mono), right, aux A and aux B. IIRC
  23. not done a gig for about 14 months. Everyone one I play with has had too much going on this year to start something new.
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