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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. The best drummer I played with jacked it in for 5 years. Contacted me and the guitarist for a jam, to see if he could still play. He could, he enjoyed it and I loved it. I told the current drummer what was happening and we were not going to replace him. A few days later old drummer and guitarist were out, bumped into drunk current drummer. Guitarist went on at great detail how good old drummer still was. Current drummer went off on one. Old drummer couldn't be arsed with stress and politics and sold all his gear a week later. Net result is a sad bass player... I should add I'm in a second band with the current drummer too...
  2. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1490433757' post='3265085'] 1982 Talas - Sink your teeth into that... my jaw dropped when I heard it. However, I can appreciate how some folks find his tone a bit grating; saying that when you hear it (and his legendary licks/tricks) you know it is him - signature tone! [/quote] I've got a Talas years bass tab book. I flick through it just to laugh at the transcriptions of the two solo pieces
  3. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1490521627' post='3265606'] Looks great. Get the hipshot bridge and tuners from the marketplace posts and give it an all black look. [/quote] It's got a chrome high mass Fender, Badass style, bridge at the moment. But I may go down the black hardware route in the not too distant future...
  4. I used to play thrash, with and without a pick. If it works, who cares. After all Cliff Burton was a finger player. Nice track BTW, a bit too Pantera for me, but nice nonetheless.
  5. Looks like a fairly bad defret job to me.
  6. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1490269502' post='3263744'] A little while back I was close to pulling the trigger on one of the ibanez portamento fretlesses. Really loved the sound and was enamoured with the idea of learning a new technique. Picked one up in Wunjo Bass (Denmark Street) and immediately panicked as I sounded awful on it! That was enough to temporarily deter me from parting ways with my hard earned pennies but I'm sure I'll probably bite the bullet and buy a fretless at some point in the future. [/quote] If you had bought it, you'd have sounded fine by now... Just sayin'
  7. Oh my! I used to drool over the catalogue of this...
  8. I was there too! A mere 12 years old, I was with my older sister.
  9. Been playing early New Model Army a lot recently. Stuart Morrow's and Moose's basslines are just superb. They're massively overlooked bassists.
  10. I borrowed am unlined fretless from a mate mid September last year. A few weeks later I bought one, an Ibanez Portamento, for myself (my mate collected his last weekend). I played nothing but fretless bass for over 4 months. I play in an originals punk/rock/metal band, I just adapted the basslines a bit and it worked just as well. But when I picked up a fretted bass after all that time if felt horrible and clumsy. So since then I've started swapped back and forth a lot more so both fretted and fretless feel comfortable.
  11. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1489950874' post='3261049'] Now has anyone seen that 2K fan package? [/quote] Does it come with a happy ending?
  12. After watching this the other month: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y80866UANRg[/media] I was quite tempted to go and see them for the first time since the Black album tour. But f**k paying £90+ for them...
  13. The finish looks great. Looks like moiré patterns...
  14. 2 amps - Peavey series III standard & an Ashdown JJB-500 4 cabs - 4x8 and a 1x15 (nonbranded Ashdown ABM minis) , Laney 4x10 and an Ashdown Mag 810
  15. I'm not usually a fan of sunburst finishes, but that it very nice indeed!
  16. Yeah, you're not wrong about the treble. I love my SRF700, But I think the preamp lets it down quite a lot...
  17. Either (depending upon how I feel): Fender Steve Harris P (D'Addario Chromes) or EBMM Stingray (D'Addario Roundwounds) or Aria SB Elite (D'Addario Roundwounds) and Ibanez Portamento Ashdown JJB-500 into either (depending upon mood/gig need): Laney 4x10 or 4x8 & 1x15 or Ashdown 810 TC Electronic HyperGravity, Zoom B3, Vesta Fire DST, DIY overdrive, Boss LS-2 All homemade cables 2 ebay leather straps 2 gig bags
  18. Is that 500w at 4 Ohm? So around 300w at 8Ohm... And the speakers are both 300w 8 Ohm speakers. So you'd need an extension cab to get 500w out of the combo?
  19. I looked at the spec for the 1204. It says: [color=#666666][font=myriad-pro, sans-serif][size=4]Built-in stereo USB/Audio Interface to connect directly to your computer.[/size][/font][/color] So no multi-track output And BRX's advice is spot on too.
  20. I think that will only output a stereo pair over USB. I may be wrong though.
  21. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1487197233' post='3238049'] Yeah, noticed that - I've found that it's kind of rare to get photos of where the side markers/dots/whatever are on any unlined fretless - but a pretty crucial omission . Despite having a Portamento for a very short while I don't actually remember where the marks were... [/quote] The Portamento has side dots in a fretted bass position, but it has the little fret lines too. It's the only thing that annoys me about my Portamento, I'm considering getting the board replaced...
  22. A few years ago I'd have said TOOL too. These days I'd go for a post-rock style band; Red Sparowes, Marriages, Grails or something a little more weird such as Acid Mothers Temple
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