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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. bartelby


    Marshall did some for Lemmy, the [color=#323232][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Marshall 1979L6.[/font][/color] [color=#323232][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]They were put into production too. [/font][/color] [color=#323232][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Some have been sold on here before..[/font][/color]
  2. I went to see The Damned last night. They played all of Damned Damned Damned and then another 18 songs. Highlight was Paul Gray coming on to play bass for Generals and Stranger on the Town. He walked on, tweaked the amp settings and transformed the band. It was like they stepped up to a whole new level. Absolutely awesome!
  3. There's discussion here about it: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/186885-converting-markbass-amp-from-120v-to-240v/
  4. I've done it for about 20 years with roundwounds, but never with flatwounds. In all that time I've never had a string go dead from stretching it. Tune up, finger under the string at the 12th fret, few pulls up a couple of inches, retune and repeat. Then I find the tuning is totally stable from there on...
  5. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1479386764' post='3176131'] Not sure what TLC entails but at this price it might be a bargain [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Warwick-streamer-bass-guitar-black-working-but-needs-tlc-/272447207498?hash=item3f6f1e784a:g:mY4AAOSwImRYJ0HJ"]http://www.ebay.co.u...Y4AAOSwImRYJ0HJ[/url] [/quote] wow! you could grow spuds on that fretboard!!
  6. Next year is starting off well too. Einsturzende Neubauten, in Haarlem, in Jan then Anthrax in Feb...
  7. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1479041959' post='3173462'] Even better would be to see if a relative or GOOD friend has space to leave one or 2 basses in their house. I might be able to help of course [/quote] That's a good idea! I have storage spaces available for Wal fretlesses and 80s BC Rich Mockingbirds...
  8. I'm always a bit nervous about attic storage. My attic can get to well over 40ºC in the summer and down to about 4ºC in the winter, as it's cold loft insulated.
  9. Next gig I'm going to is Dinosaur Jr, on Monday. Then for the rest of the year I've got: The Levellers The Damned Boris Pixies The Wonder Stuff And possibly Clutch
  10. I'm, pretty much, GAS free as far as basses are concerned. But I'd love a dual P Mockingbird...
  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1478880200' post='3172385'] I'm not sure he was touring out of choice. I believe he came out of his Buddhist monastery to discover that rather a lot of his money had gone missing. I think the touring was a necessary source of income. Roscoe Beck was his band leader. [/quote] His old manager stole around $5m from him, that forced him back into touring.
  12. I'm gutted. I grew up hearing Cohen being played by my parents. My mum singing along was enough to put me off him until I was about 15, when I didn't mind him so much. But when I was sat in a cinema watching Natural Born Killers and [color=#252525][font=sans-serif]Waiting for the Miracle came on, I sat up and really took notice. The film ending with The Future made me go home and get all my parent's Cohen albums and listen to them back to back.[/font][/color] [color=#252525][font=sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#252525][font=sans-serif]Been a major fan ever since, never got to see him though. [/font][/color]
  13. [quote name='Jecklin' timestamp='1478785535' post='3171624'] Many thanks for the kind words Bartleby. I do like ORE in fact I was trying to sort out doing something with Sam and your post has reminded me to get back on the case, thank you! [/quote] Excellent! ooh, I hope something comes of you and Sam. That would be awesome!
  14. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1478730532' post='3171324'] Awesome playing from Pino. From 80s pop to the Who to Neosoul and straight out Hip Hop, it's difficult to think of another bass player who's crossed genres the way he has. [/quote] Not forgetting his stint in Nine Inch Nails too...
  15. Over the years Live at Pompeii has become my favourite.
  16. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1478620939' post='3170360'] That'll teach me to get my info from YouTube videos That shows it nice and clearly too though, thanks. [/quote] Pressure wounds are missing from it though. Ground wounds tend to have a tone somewhere between Flats and Rounds.
  17. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1478620081' post='3170352'] Flatwound strings are basically roundwounds which have had the surface polished off so the windings are flat and smooth. The difference in sound isn't just subjective - they produce less harmonic overtones than rounds so they tend to be less bright and zingy but that allows you to hear the fundamental of the note more strongly so they often tend to be described as more 'thumpy' sounding. [/quote] Technically what you're describing are groundwounds. On flat wounds the out wrap is a flat section wire, as opposed to round.
  18. I like that very much. I'll buy it next time I'm sat a proper computer. Have you heard Ore, the tuba band?
  19. [quote name='Jecklin' timestamp='1478356525' post='3168583'] Went for the pitchfork and gave it a quick test the other day - [url="http://www.instagram.com/p/BMOwyGyA57r/"]http://www.instagram.../p/BMOwyGyA57r/[/url] [/quote] I like that! Have you got any more stuff like this? EDIT: Just noticed your other post....
  20. [quote name='Bottle' timestamp='1478176433' post='3167273'] Me, I'd be happy with a MakeNoise 0-coast and a Euro-rack box of some description. Module GAS is hell. This is my shortlist: Makenoise 0-Coast Makenoise Wogglebug Makenoise Maths Music Thing Modular Turing Machine Music Thing Modular Radio Music 4ms Rotating Clock Divider Mutable Instruments Elements Pittsburgh Modular Oscillator And that's just for starters. Have got Rack GAS now too [/quote] I've have major Modular synth GAS, but so far I've managed to prevent myself getting involved. A couple of years ago mate of mine said he wanted a small modular set up. "only 5 or 6 modules", he said. He has about 30-40 now, and buys another one every month
  21. Bass wise, nothing at all. Amp wise, an Ashdown CTM300
  22. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1478097002' post='3166723'] I hate you so much right now! You totally won me over, and I'm on the verge of ordering one, despite my wallet's despicable opinions. Thanks for posting, and congrats with your new Brute! Enjoy! [/quote] They're awesome synths. I've got GAS for the MatrixBrute and the DrumBrute...
  23. [quote name='mikeswals' timestamp='1477946330' post='3165488'] I'm working on filling the world with Wals of color! Another due this month. However I don't have any drug problems... [/quote] Holy s**t that's gorgeous!!
  24. I went to see John Carpenter last week. 90 mins of his awesome film themes: Assault on Precinct 13 Halloween The Thing The Fog Prince of Darkness Christine and several others...
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