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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1476278207' post='3152951'] What isn't official, the game? I didn't know Justice had been remastered - when was this? [/quote] No, the Justice for Jason youtube stuff... And what about the Justice songs that aren't on Guitar hero, where are those basslines from? Justice was remastered in 2008.
  2. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1476276616' post='3152920'] It's from Guitar Hero/Rock Band, one of those types of games. There's a Metallica version and apparently it's quite easy to access all the solo tracks if you know your way around. [/quote] Maybe so, but that isn't an official release. AJFA has already been remastered once and I'm guessing they changed nothing as far as the bass mix is concerned, or we wouldn't be having this conversation.
  3. Where did they get the bass track from?
  4. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1476205782' post='3152333'] Just search on YouTube for 'And Justice for Jason'. [/quote] I'm sceptical that that is actually Jason's playing...
  5. [quote name='Josh' timestamp='1476200566' post='3152244'] Just wait for the AJFA remaster though, his playing is going to surprise a lot of people. [/quote] I can't ever see AJFA coming out with the bass properly mixed. It'll make Lars and James look like fools...
  6. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1475846654' post='3149192'] Kraftwerk... Bridgewater Hall, Manchester... in June 2017! I [i]really[/i] need to sort out a few other gigs before then. [/quote] I failed to get tickets for Kraftwerk in Birmingham and Bristol...
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1475582611' post='3147055'] That's how musical exchanges in Birmingham was in 1990, and guess what, all those annoying kids grew up, got jobs and spent loads of cash in there just a few years later,my originals band must have spent nearly 10k in there over a few years. [/quote] I used to love popping in there, in the late 80/early 90s, when I was in Birmingham. Some of the guys working there were fantastic. The Coventry branch was almost as good. Me and my mate spent hours in those stores. I remember going to the Cov store and my mate trying out a guitar and I wandered over and got a bass. We both started playing the same song. Guy from the counter got up and shouted at us to stop as it was all wrong. He wandered past then we heard him shout "ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR" and he started playing the drums to the same song...
  8. I've borrowed a mate's Ibanez SR400FL. Solid black colour, PJ pickups, unlined board. He picked up off ebay last year for £120. It's a fantastic bass and I'm rather jealous. The problem is it was only a short run instrument, so they're a tad hard to find. But if you see one I'd say get it!
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1475532790' post='3146788'] They are headlining at WGW this year. [/quote] They're also touring. The Mission have just started their 30th Anniversary tour...
  10. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1475577119' post='3146995'] So let me get this straight, in case I've not understood.. You're shopping for a ... you know.. a Shuker!? [/quote] Oh, now I'm not sure...
  11. If money wasn't a issue then a Shuker JJ Burnel Carbonlite... For around Fender American price range I'd be looking towards Shuker again... If I had the money I'd be on the phone to Jon ordering an unlined fretless PJ right now...
  12. This has been posted in a few threads but: Marlin Slammer body (not ply but maybe a 5 piece body) - from a Marlin slammer I was given Rattle can sprayed Marlin scratchplate. Fender High Mass bridge - I swapped a BBOT for it. Pickups - China's finest £5 jobs. Harley Benton [size=4][color=#000000][font=sans-serif]JB-75 lefty neck - from a deko. Cut down the headstock and flipped the nut[/font][/color][/size] [size=4][color=#000000][font=sans-serif]"[/font][/color][/size][color=#000000][font=sans-serif]Parts bin" electronics [/font][/color] It actually feels really nice to play but the pickups are, not surprisingly, pretty sh*te.
  13. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1475493253' post='3146298'] [url="https://www.yell.com/biz/strings-n-things-coventry-1835128/"]https://www.yell.com...ventry-1835128/[/url] :-) [/quote] That's the place that wouldn't let my mate try a guitar with a plectrum because "that's how you break strings". They also wouldn't let him try the guitar through and amp: "if you're a good enough guitarist you'll know how it sounds without plugging it in" Only when my mate took about £1000, cash, out of his pocket did he decided to become more accommodating. But we left the shop anyway. I once asked for a set of Billy Sheehan sig strings. The bloke told me no such set existed and I'd invented it, whilst he was stood in front of an A1 sized posted of Billy advertising said set. When I point this out he told me to leave the shop. But I did get my Aria SB Elite for £80 and an Aria CSB in part-ex from there.
  14. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1475310064' post='3144881'] Funny thing is with Cliff and Metallica, I remember reading somewhere that Cliff wanted to take the band in a more melodic direction post Master, so we'd have probably got The Black Album sooner, and not had Justice at all. I also read somewhere that they were planning on replacing Lars, but after Cliff's death decided it was too much upheaval in the band. So what's better - Cliff in the band and a new drummer but no Justice, or history as it played out? Apologies for the lack of citations in this post. [/quote] New drummer, no question!
  15. I think Rob is a terrible bassist for Metallica. Doesn't fit in with looks or style... Jason was great, but Cliff was head and shoulders above him.
  16. Well the bridge arrived the other day. Within 15 mins I'd taken off the strings, the old bridge, fitted the new bridge, restrung, set the action and the intonation. It's made a very noticeable difference in the feel of the strings. They all seem just a little tighter, the B doesn't feel anywhere near the flappy mess it was before. I now have this evening to noodle on it before I lend it to a friend while I borrow his fretless...
  17. My dad used to play bass in a band when he was in school in the early - mid 60s, they were set to sign to a film studio for session work when the drummers mum decided there was no future in it. He kept he bass and amp/cab until about 2 weeks before I was born. The amp was a custom made valve head built by an electronics bloke up the road from his house and the cab was a custom made 2x18". His bass was a '62 P in "some kind of reddish pink colour". He sold this for £70 in 1972... the swine! My mum played the violin, but always wanted a piano accordion...
  18. Apart from the headstock they're a bit generic aren't they...
  19. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1475149600' post='3143433'] A LPB P bass like Steve Harris's. [/quote] Actually! That was the first. Seeing photos of 'arris in the Live After Death booklet with the blue bass was a couple of years before Newsted and the Wal. But I have a Blue Sparkle Steve Harris P now.
  20. Black Wal 5 string after seeing Jason Newsted playing one in 1988. I still want one now, but I very much doubt I'll ever own one.
  21. I listened to Kill Em All, Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets yesterday and watched Cliff Em All today. Totally love Cliff's playing.
  22. I can't be the only one who's worried what Discreet might post...
  23. I gig this: worth a grant total of around £40... including the strings
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