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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1471614290' post='3114476'] Those saddles look adjustable from side to side, can you confirm? [/quote] https://www.hipshotproducts.com/files/all/kickass_setup_instructions.pdf
  2. Ooh I forgot about these. I was going to order some. They look pretty impressive...
  3. 28 years of playing. with fingers and pick. I think I've snapped 3 - 5 E strings, all within the first 2 years of playing.
  4. My wife doesn't really mind. She doesn't even mind that I tend to count her JV P as mine...
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1471366851' post='3112558'] [url="http://www.hackettsongs.com/blog/steve142.html"]Howwwwwwwwl[/url] [/quote] Wow! Makes it even worse!
  6. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1471363993' post='3112522'] And that would have been the better option. You'd think he would have said something while the photographer was setting up the wolves? [/quote] I doubt he went near a wolf. It looks like a photoshop job to me.
  7. Although I like the album, the cover is just truly awful in all aspects. I purposely bought it on picture disc so I didn't have anything to look at when it was playing.
  8. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1471326475' post='3112081'] That confuses me too. I called it duct tape until I noticed it's made by "Duck" [url="https://www.ducktapecolours.co.uk/duck-colours-family/"]https://www.ducktape...colours-family/[/url] [/quote] Unless you buy 3M stuff then it's Duct Tape: http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Adhesives/Tapes/Products/~/Duct-Tape?N=5472497&rt=c3
  9. Sounds like a Schaller 3D bridge would fit the bill: http://guitar-parts.biz/hp135061/Bass-Bridge-3D-4.htm?ITServ=C2ca3d3d6X1568f8d1ba4X4ef6
  10. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1469980327' post='3102434'] Tony Pettitt's playing with The Fields of the Nephilim was rather good too. [/quote] Back when I started playing bass I was always playing along to the B side of The Nephilim. I couldn't just play the one track, it had to be all 3.
  11. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1469698721' post='3100362'] Oasis market, Birmingham. [/quote] I loved that place when it was red, yellow and black. Back in the late 80s/early 90s, each month, I used to pop over to Brum (from Cov) and spend a small fortune in Oasis, Swordfish, Tempest, the record shop that was in a subway near the city hall and the one towards Aston Uni...
  12. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1469646048' post='3100058'] Boys and their toys eh? :-) Why does he have two different rigs if rig A is so good? Wouldn't it be better to have two rig A's? [/quote] As Alex has explained... [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1469458040' post='3098442'] The way Tim tours he needs two rigs, the A rig and the B rig - the A rig is used most of the time and on all studio work, the B rig is used when logistics mean the A rig can't get there in time. Unfortunately Tim's Barefaced B rig is waiting for its woofers to turn up, which have been delayed due to a production issue at the Eminence factory, so the old Ampeg rig is being used instead. And sometimes rigs get hired, like the Wakrat gig in London tomorrow (which we'd have supplied if we didn't have this lack of 10" drivers!) [/quote]
  13. I take whichever bass I've been favouring at the time. For a while I took my Steve Harris P as the main bass and my JV P as back up. But recently I've used my Stingray or SB Elite.
  14. The Clangers have been relaunched. So they're back being modern.
  15. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1469046978' post='3095424'] So what do they call bands in the US that predominantly cover other peoples music then Blue? [/quote] [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1469049013' post='3095446'] I think they are referred to as 'Bar Bands' [/quote] I was going to say 'Led Zeppelin'.
  16. I have no idea about them, but that is one nice looking bass!
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1434271933' post='2798113'] If you can find a Burman then buy it. I had the same gear as Bigwan and I deeply regret selling it. I believe there is currently one on eBay. Hand-wired, top components, uncompromising build quality and reliability. [/quote] You'll have to outbid Mr Foxen on Burman's. He's currently stockpiling them for when they become collectable.
  18. [quote name='Josh' timestamp='1468197919' post='3089205'] That's a lot of time and money spent to ultimately sound and play like someone else IMHO. [/quote] Reminds of that bloke on youtube who does Tool covers and had replicated Justin Chancellor's rig.
  19. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1468007757' post='3088076'] His "Eruption" is a solo called NV43345 - The title is Sheehan upside down and backwards. Every bass player should have heard this. [/quote] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6BkznTqaOc[/media]
  20. For everyone: Niacin live: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n63CWqX6RA0[/media]
  21. [quote name='sykilz' timestamp='1467924122' post='3087427'] ^ this, without a smoking hot guitarist, Sheehan is just a bit of a racket really. I love the guy, but when he solos I have to get a drink, whereas when he plays with the guitars I love the way he sounds. [/quote] Have you heard Niacin? Bass, drums and keys. Some of the best stuff Billy has done.
  22. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1467745403' post='3085884'] Awesome! Someone else with weird bass taste! [/quote] Mine is very much a test bed for messing about. It's currently on version 4 of it's electronics. It did have a DOD 250 clone built into it at one point. But your bass is a beaut!!
  23. Awwww, you've done a posh version of my £30 bitsa bass!
  24. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1467693441' post='3085359'] BTW, we're playing The world famous Summerfest in Milwaukee tomorrow [/quote] Never heard of it... Just googled it.
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