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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. Recently got tickets for: Tomaga, next week Jesu/Sun Kil Moon, September John Carpenter, October
  2. That's dope*, as the 90s kids said... *I personally think it looks crap.
  3. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1463741040' post='3053722'] Then we had the same amp....I think I got mine in 86 ! [/quote] Was yours awful too?
  4. I had a 30w bass Linebacker amp in that styling in 1988. If that's any help...
  5. Whilst water on it's own won't harm electronics, water and an electrical current will. When you say "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]died a slow painful death during the 2nd set." I guess you continued to use the pedal after the beer got in it.[/font][/color] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]It's probably killed the pedal.[/color][/font]
  6. A long time ago I used a Boss RPS-10 to detune the wet signal a little. But my mate broke that for me. I've got a Trace Elliot Quad Chorus, used to use it a lot but it's gone quite noisy, even when bypassed there's a sort of phased whistle in the signal. I should try and get that sorted. Had an old DOD chorus that I modified. It was great until it died. Should get that sorted too. Had a Digitech Bass Chorus, but that was too bland. Now I use the Detune on my Zoom B3.
  7. 70s - Coventry. Cold winters and hot Summers, Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds and Kate Bush 80s - bullied through school, Iron Maiden, Dead Kennedys, Minor Threat and Thrash. Booze and drugs, Girls (late developer) 90s - More booze & drugs, Djing, left home and moved to Wales. Industrial and exprimental music 00s - More booze no drugs. Work, travel, marriage, home owning, exponential growth in numbers of bass. All kinds of music 10s - Still work, kids... Obviously the past was more carefree as I had less commitments. Was I happier? Still haven't worked that bit out...
  8. Right, this is a bit of a long shot. But did anyone on here make any of the little kits Maplin sold during the late 80s/early 90s? Specifically their 4-Pole filter kit.
  9. I went to see the Kronos Quartet in Bristol on Friday. Utterly superb.
  10. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1463139149' post='3048901'] But it's not advertised as a relic anywhere on that ad... [/quote] "[color=#000000][font=Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Fender Jazz 1961 Relic Custom Shop RI four string bass, Lake Placid Blue [/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif](list £2950)"[/font][/color]
  11. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1463129347' post='3048787'] Don't we all! I would limit my appreciation of low frequency noises however by making one exclusion - "brown noise" as defined here: [url="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=brown+noise"]http://www.urbandict...erm=brown+noise[/url] Heeheehee.. [/quote] No need to worry: "[color=#252525][font=sans-serif]In February 2005 the television show [/font][/color][i][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MythBusters"]MythBusters[/url][/i][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] used twelve [/font][/color][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meyer_Sound"]Meyer Sound[/url][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] 700-HP [/font][/color][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subwoofer"]subwoofers[/url][color=#252525][font=sans-serif]—a model and quantity that has been employed for major [/font][/color][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_music"]rock[/url][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] concerts.[/font][/color][sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_note#cite_note-7"][7][/url][/sup][sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_note#cite_note-8"][8][/url][/sup][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] Normal operating frequency range of the selected subwoofer model was 28 Hz to 150 Hz[/font][/color][sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_note#cite_note-9"][9][/url][/sup][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] but the 12 enclosures at [/font][/color][i]MythBusters[/i][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] had been specially modified for deeper bass extension.[/font][/color][sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_note#cite_note-Meyer2004-10"][10][/url][/sup][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] Roger Schwenke and John Meyer directed the Meyer Sound team in devising a special test rig that would produce very high sound levels at infrasonic frequencies. The subwoofers' [/font][/color][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bass_reflex"]tuning ports[/url][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] were blocked and their input cards were altered. The modified cabinets were positioned in an open ring configuration: four stacks of three subwoofers each. Test signals were generated by a SIM 3 audio analyzer, with its software modified to produce infrasonic tones. A [/font][/color][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Br%C3%BCel_%26_Kj%C3%A6r"]Brüel & Kjær[/url][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] sound level analyzer, fed with an attenuated signal from a model 4189 [/font][/color][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microphone#Measurement_microphones"]measurement microphone[/url][color=#252525][font=sans-serif], displayed and recorded sound pressure levels.[/font][/color][sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_note#cite_note-Meyer2004-10"][10][/url][/sup][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] The experimenters on the show tried a series of frequencies as low as 5 Hz, attaining a level of 120 [/font][/color][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decibel"]decibels[/url][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] of [/font][/color][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_pressure"]sound pressure[/url][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] at 9 Hz and up to 153 dB at frequencies above 20 Hz, but the rumored physiological effects did not materialize.[/font][/color][sup][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_note#cite_note-Meyer2004-10"][10][/url][/sup][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] The test subjects all reported some physical anxiety and shortness of breath, even a small amount of nausea, but this was dismissed by the experimenters, noting that sound at that frequency and intensity moves air rapidly in and out of one's [/font][/color][url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lung"]lungs[/url][color=#252525][font=sans-serif]. The show declared the brown note myth "busted.""[/font][/color]
  12. [quote name='doctorbass' timestamp='1463003214' post='3047823'] Thats a "non-rat" JJ500, one of the first 10? I've got one - brilliant head!! Running it into an ABM610. Whats the box on top? I like mine with a SolidgoldFX Beta or SFT in front [/quote] I emailed Ashdown asking how many of these heads were made. I think they came back with "somewhere between 10 and 20, not sure exactly". I got this after I had 2 Ampeg PF-500s fail. The JJ500 hasn't missed a beat and sounds a bit of a monster through the 8x10. The yellow box is a DIY Zen Drive clone. I added a blend control in where the dry signal is pretty much a flat response and the wet side rolls off the bass around 250-300Hz, IIRC. The pedal is always on and runs 70/30 wet/dry. It turned out to be a brilliant addition, now you can dial in anything from the merest hint of dirt to a full on distortion and retain as much low end as you want.
  13. Adjusted for inflation, that's pretty much what I paid for one in 1988.
  14. I had a copy of a Boss Octave pedal years ago. It was crap. It didn't track a guitar, let alone a bass. I also had a copy of the EHX Small Stone a couple of years back. It was awful, massive drop in output barely any effect. Last year I got a BDI21, to me it sounded like a fart in a jar. But lots of other people recommend them. I might just have bad luck with faulty items though. As I refuse to believe the first two pedal were meant to be like that. My dad has the EM-600 Echo pedal and that sound pretty good for £30.
  15. That was even cheesy back in the 80s
  16. I prefer to play finger style but sometimes a song just needs the extra bit of attack and tone a plectrum brings.
  17. That's what I had as my first bass. Lovely thing, it was!
  18. Here's a quick update to my rig. Got the Ashdown 810, from ern500evo, fixed up to a useable state. It sounds bloody fantastic to me...
  19. [quote name='Coldflows' timestamp='1461792210' post='3037774'] I haven't had a problem buying them, in fact I had two PJ shortys last week. Interestingly one wasn't stamped so I'm not 100% sure it was even a deco. It did say Deco on the box though. [/quote] Ok... [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It's near impossible to get any Dekos these days. They seem to update the website after Coldflows has bought them all... [/font][/color]
  20. It's near impossible to get any Dekos these days. They seem to update the website with them already sold out.
  21. I'm South Wales too. Based between Pontypool and Abergavenny.
  22. [quote name='Kex' timestamp='1461680597' post='3036682'] Update, bloke in Abergavenny said he tried not to get involved as he can never charge what it takes in time (least thats honest) [/quote] Yeah, that's why he sends his own guitars to someone else for all the finishing work. Even though he advertises refinishing on his website
  23. Richard estimated to refinish my SB Elite would be around £300. Bear in mind Sims Guitars costs: Set neck & Through neck (Clear+Polish) = £385.00 Add colour to body = £40.00 Add colour to set neck = £50.00 Add headstock colour match = £25.00 Apply customer logo = £15.00 Strip body (if necessary) = £100.00 Strip set neck (if necessary) = £165.00
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