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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. you could give Guitar Angel a call: [url="http://www.guitarangel.co.uk/luthierservicesDetail.php?Refinishing-3"]http://www.guitarang...p?Refinishing-3[/url] They're based in the Lydney area. I'm taking my Aria SB Elite to a luthier in Abergavenny tomorrow for restoration work. [url="http://www.richardmeyrickguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.richardme...kguitars.co.uk/[/url] But he sends his acoustics to someone in Essex to get sprayed. Route Guitars in Blackwood might be able to do it: [url="http://www.routeguitarworks.co.uk/"]http://www.routeguitarworks.co.uk/[/url] I've not decided where is refinishing my SB Elite yet. EDIT: Actually, I'm guessing you spoke to Guitar Angel...
  2. My first bass was a black Aria Pro II Cardinal series Deluxe. I had that about 6 months before part ex'ing it for an SB Elite in pearl white. Still have it, but it got hacked about and battered. On Wednesday it goes to a luthier to begin a long road to recovery. It needs cavities filled, new electronics, new pickup and new machineheads and a refinish. I could probably get a good condition used one for what it's going to cost. But I think I owe this bass a lot.
  3. If Billy Sheehan had used a Jazz instead?
  4. I hope you enjoy your SH P as much as I enjoy mine!
  5. All these nice looking bitsa basses. I'll bring the thread down with mine: Marlin Slammer body, LH Harley Benton Jazz neck, no name eBay special pickups and a Fender high mass bridge.
  6. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1461278410' post='3033374'] This should be a sub forum off effects in the same way Lefties is off Bass Guitars. Then you can have different effects without own posts Instead of having to search through thousands of posts, [/quote] That's a great idea!
  7. [quote name='bassfan' timestamp='1461259254' post='3033049'] Gutted.... BBC have just confirmed on 6 o clock news. I know he was like marmite to some... I personally thought he was a genius, especially his early stuff... Amazing artist, amazing concerts... Siggghhhhhhhhhhhh [/quote] He was incredibly talented. He music never clicked with me.
  8. Never been a Prince fan, but that is a bit of a shock!
  9. My go to bass (Steve Harris P): now looks more like an Edgar Willis P:
  10. I've use a modded DIY Zen Drive clone (blended 75% clean) that's always on.
  11. Here's a quick recording. Arturia MiniBrute ---> Zoom B3 (Phase 8, Delay, Hall Reverb) ---> Logic Use my Roland R-8 to set the arpeggiator to 120 bpm. Basically letting the Arp run while I twiddle knobs and sliders and such. There's some clipping near the start where the output was too high for the Zoom's input. Then towards the end I mess about with more extreme settings on the Arturia. [url="http://soundcloud.com/warm_leatherette/audio-1"]http://soundcloud.co...herette/audio-1[/url]
  12. [quote name='Duarte' timestamp='1460484702' post='3026153'] Hmmm, been seriously considering getting one of these for a while now. Some pretty fun patching possibilities with the moogerfoogers.... How are you finding it? [/quote] I've only spent about an hour messing with it since it arrived. But running it through my Zoom B3 is pretty fun. Later on I'm going to record me just messing with knobs and sliders while the arpeggiator runs.
  13. I have a 2010 one of these. It's my go to bass. They're superb to play, if a smidge on the not so light side... Does the SPB-4 add much over the SPB-1?
  14. About 10 days ago I ordered an Arturia MiniBrute, but my order was about 3 minutes late and they were out of stock. I was told it would be 3-4 weeks. But I was surprised by a delivery today! Not had much time to mess about with it, but for a single oscillator synth it sounds massive!!
  15. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1459440364' post='3016625'] But who were the other 44 who thought this was a good idea? [/quote] Devo fans who are also collectors... of Devo related stuff
  16. Male vocals: James Maynard Keenan Mark Lanegan Mike Patton Female: Kate Bush Emma Ruth Rundle Julie Christmas Beth Gibbons
  17. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1458555125' post='3008447'] When I was gigging I always lacked the two essentials to do this - nerves & enthusiasm. [/quote] Same with me now. But I'm more enthusiastic about the music of the new band I'm in, hopefully stage action will improve. The first gig I was too busy trying to hear the guitarist and remember the songs (I did better than the guitarist at that).
  18. Here's Mark and his CSL: And one of The Stranglers:
  19. Last week I saw The Wonder Stuff 3 times (cardiff on the 12th, Bristol, then Brum on Saturday). The Lottery Winners were fantastic! Just listening to one of their singles now. The playing is superb! Katie Lloyd is just brilliant: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stwugUMEIxo[/media] I agree about the Wedding Present, they were the same dullness in Birmingham. Mark McCarthy plays a CSL Triumph copy. Hold on and I'll upload a photo of him. I also saw the Stranglers on Friday night in Cardiff, so I had quite a busy week.
  20. Yep. Trenchard St car park is what you're looking for. Exit is on level 8. If you leave before midnight it's £2.50 (unless you arrive before 6pm, then they charge you day rates...)
  21. [quote name='Anfim' timestamp='1457985745' post='3003714'] Swans, closely followed by My Bloody Valentine. The swans gig had me stuffing toilet paper in my ears. Bought a set of earplugs (earasers) not long after that. [/quote] I was going to say Swans and then LOOP. Then remembered a bizarre performance by a band called Lash Frenzy at Supersonic Festival 2012. The idea of the performance was to see if they could make people uncomfortable enough to leave the venue. So many fog machines and strobes you're eyes hurt, so loud your ears hurt. Oh and a 1/2 naked woman invading people's personal space. There's footage on youtube (not sure if the woman features at all)...
  22. [i]Band 1.[/i] Nope. No gigs, boring music [i]Band 2.[/i] Nope. not into the music. Money isn't the be all end all [i]Band 3.[/i] Nope. Covers band [i]Band 4.[/i] Yep. sounds fun!
  23. The pickup in my SB Elite has also failed in a similar way. Both these places offer replacements at around £100. [url="http://www.armstrongpickups.co.uk/miscellaneous-pickups/"]http://www.armstrong...aneous-pickups/[/url] [url="http://www.rautiaguitars.net/aria-pro-ii.html"]http://www.rautiagui...ria-pro-ii.html[/url] Dave, is it black and did you post it on south wales bass players Facebook group?
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