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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1443202667' post='2873119'] I had a mature student once who had one of these - it was indeed an excellent piece of kit and terrific value for money (in the proper sense that is, not just damning with faint praise). When I first read the OP I couldn't help thinking 'Jazz to Doom...?' I know I'm a bit out of touch these days, but that still sounds like an awful big ask from a single amp. [/quote] I'm pretty sure he won't be using the amp for jazz, not sure the Mesa cab would do jazz to be honest. I hadn't thought about Peavey. Good call guys.
  2. Blimey, he's hacked that 8 String HB guitar a touch. Not as much as the bass, obviously...
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1443180557' post='2872870'] However, I can go for several days where the only music I listen to is my own band - either working on writing new songs or listening to new mixes/masters/test pressings/video edits in order to make sure they are right. [/quote] I can't listen to my own band's stuff, exclusively, for that long. I'll get tired of hearing it, an hour or so of someone else helps stop that.
  4. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1443179891' post='2872851'] There's a bit more than that, I think. My Rockbass has low output pickups, but when boosted they sound great. My HB PJ has low output pickups, and when boosted the sound is still ... comparatively unimpressive. [/quote] I've yet to really use mine in anger. Gave it a quick trial a month or so back at a band practice, using my Zoom B3 with a compressor running. It sounded ok. I've joining a second band soon and was going to use the HB as my main instrument. So I'll get to see how well it gets on.
  5. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1443178881' post='2872837'] I'd like to ask what it is that makes pickups weak. But, perhaps that's another thread. [/quote] Low output, compared to every other bass I own, and a touch on the noisy side.
  6. I have a PJ 5string, as other's have said the pickups are the weak point. But as it only cost me £35-ish I can't complain.
  7. I nearly always have music playing. iPod when I'm in the office, on a stereo when I'm at home. On weekends I'll have breakfast while listening to stuff on the hi-fi. Cds in the car. I don't think there's been a day in the last 20 years that I haven't listened to music. Never the radio though, Not since John Peel died.
  8. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1442846834' post='2869946'] All valve that will stay clean? He doesn't ask much does he? Most all valve will give you the dirt when pushed ! I've got an SVT 2 pro, apart from the weight, it's got a lovely tone! [/quote] I did say "relatively clean" SVT 2 pro? Just checking, you have noticed this is in the Guitar Amp section? Japhet, I suggested a Fender Twin. But he wants a head and cab.
  9. I've got a mate who's looking to buy an amp head. He plays several styles of music from jazz to doom. His preference is for an all valve that will stay relatively clean. It also needs to react nicely to pedals as he'll get his drive from a Earthbound Audio Supercollider and/or an original Jumbo Tonebender. He'll be using my Mesa 2x12" (loaded with 2 200w EVM12L). His budget is a grand, this was going to be split between amp and cab. But as he can have mine on long term loan it's relaxed this somewhat. What do you guys suggest he takes a look at? Cheers
  10. [quote name='johnbassman' timestamp='1442528061' post='2867655'] After seeing some lovely demos of ebow on fretless basses i have been drawn to the idea. I reckon a variable speed dildo or vibrator in hardened plastic would do just as good job as an ebow. I reckon it would be better actually because of its shape you could play chords with it. [/quote] Both Alexander Hacke (bass) and Jochen Arbeit (guitar), of Einsturzende Neubauten, use vibrators on their instruments. You'll find guitar pickups can pickup on the whine of the motors. I think this video has Alex using one: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0KF1FUFnCc[/media]
  11. I was gutted to hear the news yesterday. Managed to have a brief chat with him and Paul Gray the other month. Both top blokes and very underrated bassists. RIP Bryn!
  12. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1441907899' post='2862891'] Yes, it is. I like using Halfords paint I find it works well and it takes some knocks. They also have a great range of colours straight off the shelf in shops that you find everywhere. I have no invested interest in Halfords etc, etc,. [/quote] I thought I recognised the colour:
  13. Might be a bit limiting, but you could try and find an EDP Wasp
  14. Yep. What really drives me mad is when I'm in work and an idea for a new song pops into my head. I can hear the whole thing, apart from lyrics. Then when I get home I can't remember a single thing beyond a couple of chords.
  15. As mentioned previously, they're simple to make if you can solder. there's a kit here: http://shop.pedalparts.co.uk/Blender_-_signal_mixer/p847124_8681943.aspx Small enough to add into most pedals.
  16. The first time I heard Om I listened to the album constantly for a week! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTobovkjkvg[/media]
  17. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1439040947' post='2839583'] Thank you! It sounds amazing!!!!! [/quote] This post is useless without sound clips....
  18. Ha, my will power grows stronger! Just saw the £19 P bass and thought "ooh, a black P body for my project" Got all the way to the confirm order page and decided to empty the basket instead! I don't need one just yet...
  19. That's one of the most 80s basses I've seen in a long time!
  20. Any update? Also if you ever want to sell the preamp, give me a shout...
  21. Here's an update on my cheapy bitsa... I've added a battery box in the back as I think I might make it active. The body is just a temporary one for the moment. Once I've settled on what I'm actually doing with this bass I'll keep an eye out for a black Deko P or J bass...
  22. Axesrus have some long shaft CTS: [url="http://www.axesrus.co.uk/Long-Shaft-CTS-Pots-p/ctsloglong.htm"]http://www.axesrus.c.../ctsloglong.htm[/url] and Alphas: http://www.axesrus.co.uk/Long-Shaft-Alpha-Pots-p/longalpha.htm
  23. Got REM Tour Film on in the back ground. I forget how bloody good REM were!
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