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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. [quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1438335430' post='2833614'] I had to turn the transistors the 'other way round' to get mine to work. Some of the suggested ones have different pin-outs to each other. [/quote] It's been working for several months. Something has given up the ghost, but I can't figure out what at the moment. I have another blend circuit already built. I'll just swap them over later and then investigate the wonky one some more.
  2. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1438268080' post='2833082'] Seriously considering building a hackintosh [/quote] Do people still try that? I haven't heard that term for about 10 years!
  3. Rewiring Reason into Logic is fun! I've been using Reason since v1, stopped upgrading at version 6.5 Bought a new MBP and Logic this year. I haven't installed Reason on the MBP because I'd have to have a USB hub. 2 USB ports on the MBP, 1 for USB3 memory stick, other for audio interface, would need a third for the Propellerhead's dongle. But I have Reason and Logic on the iMac, when I remember I can do it I have endless fun.
  4. Blimey, that's some flippy paint! I see what you mean about Sheehan's Yam BB...
  5. Hi guys, I need some help. My, always on, overdrive pedal has developed performance anxiety. This is pretty much the only pedal I use these days. The overdrive circuit is fine, it's the added in blend circuit that's giving me grief. I use this one: If I bridge the some of the solder side connections around the transistors I get fire it back into life. I've replaced the transistors with new ones and the problem persists. I've also reflowed all the solder. Individually all the components check out. Any ideas?
  6. Cheers KiOgon! When I replaced a jazz pickup with a musician one in my bitsa bass I was a little disappointed in the muddiness. After reading your post I realised it still had the 250K pot from the Jazz. Just fitted a 500K one and the difference is remarkable! I'm going to keep the 250K pot in for the neck MM pickup as it would be a bit too harsh if it brightens up as much as the bridge MM did.
  7. I've got 8 and none of them are fretless. So that's a 9th one I need...
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1438088015' post='2831515'] It's nice to see neat, accurate pickup routing, isn't it. And I'm not seeing any. £550!?? Now that is WISHFUL THINKING. [/quote] Blimey, that makes my MM[sup]2[/sup] P bass look like a master luthier built instrument...
  9. Amazon have D'addario on offer from time to time. So I always check there first.
  10. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1438007341' post='2830764'] [/quote] Music stands??? Bloody amateur
  11. My wife's taste in music is a subset of what I listen to. There's only a couple of acts she likes that I can't stand, Bruce Springsteen being one. Fortunately the subset covers a wealth of different genres, so long car journeys together aren't as tortuous as they could be (the kids have no say in the matter).
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1437940825' post='2830259'] Something very G&L about that pickguard... [/quote] Did they spray paint theirs too?
  13. That MM P needs another pickup:
  14. I have the tab books for: Kill Em All Ride The Lightning Master of Puppets Justice Black Album... I could scan some stuff...
  15. Should have updated the thread There's 2 pickups, those switches are for just one of them. It all works fine anyway.
  16. My main amp is an Ashdown JJ-500, my back up is a 70s Peavey Series III Standard. I'm the 16 years I've had it it's never let me down and I've cleaned the pots once.
  17. I'm still waiting for a 7, or 8, string guitar to pop up. Then I'll be done with them...
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1437662007' post='2827975'] OMFG!!!! It's my birthday today and you'll never guess what my fabulous wife bought me?!!! [/quote] A tab book?
  19. Here's a set of Wilkinson WBJ series pickups. Long cloth covered wire, they're nice sounding pickups for not a lot of money. Just £15 + postage. Cheers
  20. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1437386975' post='2825442'] thanks Bartelby, I should have stated in original post the line can be felt under the hand. There is some depth to it - rather than just a line. [/quote] Is the binding stable?
  21. that black mark? a 4-5mm black mark on the underside of the neck wouldn't bother me in the slightest. If the rest of the bass is fine I'd go with "mint". Unless the binding is somehow affected...
  22. Currently some Rowland S Howard: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsyHNMUEXaQ[/media]
  23. The photos look like "enhanced" low res ones that have blown out the colours in the burst.
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