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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1435663679' post='2811067'] So you have the joy of popping around 6 metre of airbags when you get home Don't envy you the next 6 hours. [/quote] Once I've checked it out there'll be a thread in the Recycling bit of the marketplace. I have 2 of the massive shipping cartons now, and all the airbags, and 1 bass box... I'm now trying to find lots of difficult work to distract me for 5 1/2 hours...
  2. Apparently it has arrived, just... The bottom of the shipping carton was open and the PF driver didn't notice. The Guitar box and airpocket packing fell out as he put it down. I now have to wait 6 hours until I get home...
  3. If I look at the "block" view there's only 4 items listed. Switch to "list" view and there's 7 items... And the mobile site still shows old "out of stock" items. EDIT: My PJ5 should be delivered today...
  4. I sold a little loop pedal to Nik. He responds to messages quickly and paid promptly. He let me know when the pedal had arrived. A total pleasure to deal with. Cheers Nik B.
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1435622042' post='2810816'] Just have to find a pressing plant that doesn't have a 6 month turnaround time for vinyl... [/quote] Good luck with that. You guys going for any coloured vinyl at all?
  6. I caught one word and a drum solo when it was broadcast (forgot it was on). watched the full set earlier. I thought they did a good job, on stage banter was a bit poor though and the bass was a little quiet, but not bad...
  7. It should be. And so should infrequently updating tracking information EDIT: Oh, it just has been... "Received and Processed"
  8. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1435582286' post='2810217'] Congrats on the P/J Coldflows and Bartelby fingers crossed for you bud. [/quote] I'm just being totally impatient... But tomorrow I'm in the office 7:30am- 6pm. Being there, knowing the bass has arrived, will make the day REALLY drag...
  9. Did you get an "out for delivery" email, or did it just turn up?
  10. Last time I looked there was an Amazon option. Not tried it myself though...
  11. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1435577362' post='2810112'] I will refer you to my previous comment......it has begun! [/quote] I've removed the Model One from the neck position, of the Aria I'd hacked it into. And I'm quite taken by the Thunderbird pickup equipped Lull P basses. Never thought of combining the 2 before...
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1435532326' post='2809858'] Fender Custom Shop with two Gibson Thunderbird pickups and then an added Gibson EB neck humbucker. [/quote] That looks like a proper bass!! I have a spare Dimarzio Model One lying around... *starts plotting* I hope The Who's set appears on iplayer at some point...
  13. Acoustics: black 4 string [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_30_bk_acoustic_bassdeko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ic_bassdeko.htm[/url] natural 5 string [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_35nt_acoustic_bass_s_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...bass_s_deko.htm[/url]
  14. I found the holes in the neck were about 7mm out, along the length of the neck, compared to a fender neck. As I had a cheap body I filled the holes in the body, and drilled some new ones. The end of the neck is also slightly different to a Fender neck, so again a bit of fettle get needed to be done.
  15. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1435403975' post='2808457'] Bartelby Did you flip the jazz kinda a la Hendrix only in reverse ? [/quote] Just the neck. I had a right handed P body with a totally shot neck. Buying the Deko was the cheapest way of getting a neck... There's a photo in the cheap bass thread in the gear porn bit.
  16. When I flipped the LH Jazz neck it took a few taps to get the nut out of its slot. Turned it around and it went back in firmly, used a G clamp to squeeze is back down. I like the finish on the Jazz neck, I'm hoping the 5 string is similar.
  17. wrong image I guess. EDIT: I hate the communications blackout over weekends... Not sure whether my 5 string will arrive Monday or Tuesday now...
  18. G.C. Green, of Godflesh, uses 45-105 but tuned BEAD on a Power Jazz Special. Through a Boss HM2 and it sounds immense. Using the lower 4 strings from a 5 string set does't sound even remotely right.
  19. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1435353593' post='2808137'] Any thoughts on the opening chords to Orion? RT just plays root/5th/octave. I play E root/5th/octave , BDF#B, BEbF#B [/quote] I've played the guitar parts through an octave.
  20. bartelby


    Holy Moly!! That's amazing looking!!
  21. I was looking through my Damaged Justice tour brochure from 88/89. All Jason is using in photos are a Wal 4 string, and the red and black ESP 5 strings. I always wanted one of those red ESPs...
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