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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. £25? I went the whole hog and splashed out on the 5 string...
  2. Most bands that I've seen that change instruments do it due to alternative tunings.
  3. [quote name='Rikki1984' timestamp='1434922742' post='2803933'] +1 A great iconic theme made long before the advent of synthesisers made using tape loops, I believe. It was truly boundary pushing for 1963. [/quote] This is a great site: http://dwtheme.com/derbyshire/1963/
  4. For non mixing type audio work Audacity is definitely the one to use.
  5. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1434741709' post='2802477'] I like most of the Goblin themes for Dario Argento's film. Always menacing and intelligent. This is an example: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nHV6MAA1K8"]https://www.youtube....h?v=3nHV6MAA1K8[/url] [/quote] [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1434833141' post='2803232'] Good thread! So many possibilities and several of my favourites listed already. Here are some other faves off the top of my head... Theme to the film 'Moon' (flippin' brilliant this!...) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pl1i2wiNtY[/media] [/quote] I forgot to come back to this thread last night. But I was going to post both Goblin and some Clint Mansell. I saw Claudio Simonetti's Goblin last year which was great. Several years ago I saw Clint Mansell, and the Sonus Quartet, performing music from Moon and other films Clint has scored. I'm a big fan of Clint.
  6. Cost so far £47 (including 2 musicman type pickups that are on their way too me)...
  7. Very nice indeed!! It's not as big as I imagined it would be.
  8. Ooh, where to start? TV: This. Delia Derbyshire was just amazing... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NPJ6GMXM3E[/media]
  9. [quote name='Coldflows' timestamp='1434702447' post='2801922'] That was me again! I sold the left handed one I brought by accident. I'm hoping the new jazz is as good! [/quote] Good good! I'm going to be on the look out for a couple of other Dekos next month...
  10. If you do order a VT1 you can email and ask for a plain enclosure. I had a VT2 EQ DI, it sounded fantastic... I have no idea why I sold it...
  11. According to page 6 & 7 of the manual: [url="http://lib.roland.co.jp/support/en/manuals/res/45438413/PS-6_egfispd02_W.pdf"]http://lib.roland.co...egfispd02_W.pdf[/url] It's the Shift knob at the 1 o'clock position
  12. That's a bit on the gorgeous side Kev!!
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1434555451' post='2800754'] Plus a lot of the "named" bands I`ve been gigging with have been using them - not a factor in me buying them specifically, but if they`re good enough for professionals, and sound great, well they`re good enough for me. [/quote] I know Ex NMA bod, Moose, has retired his 2 American P basses (late 50s and early 70s) in favour of a recent Mexican made one.
  14. Here's the current state of my Ratty bita bass. Marlin Slammer body (surprisingly a solid wood body) Harley Benton left handed Jazz neck Fender high mass (Bad Ass style) bridge Temporary Wilkinson Jazz pickups. I'm waiting for some Musicman type humbuckers, some concentric pots and knobs and I think I might get a decal of some sort
  15. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1434474006' post='2799981'] IMHO, those are the kinds of things that you'd normally find on a £100 instrument. [/quote] That's what I was thinking. [quote name='blablas' timestamp='1434474772' post='2799989'] The hump my 4 string acoustic bass had between fret 10 and 17, a lot of sharp fret-ends and a too low cut bridge were fairly sure the reason mine was sold as a 'deko'. [/quote] Yeah, I'd say that would qualify properly.
  16. I doubt they'll ever remix it. Doing so would prove that Lars and James are total dumbasses who'd rather wreck an album than have a new(ish) member of the band out class them.
  17. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1434470467' post='2799949'] Some eight strings (as above) have turned up as dekos before. [/quote] Yeah, it's more the me actually looking at the site at the crucial time, that's the issue. On a different note. I stripped the LH Jazz bass down completely looking for issues. What I found was: Small scratch (20mm or so long) on the back of the upper horn Couple of small (3-4mm diameter) round dents under the finish on the back of the body A few of the screw hole for the pickguard and control plate were a few mill out, causing the screws to go in at a slight angle. Same with some of the screw holes for the machine heads. The G string was cut close to the mark, it only had 1 wrap around the tuner. The routing for the neck pocket and control cavity were a touch on the rough side. On the whole for £37 you can't complain. The screw holes made no real visual difference, you had to get right up close to see. The routing is all hidden, so you wouldn't know and the strings held their tuning well.
  18. If I ever see a 7 (or 8) string deko guitar that's available again I'll ,attempt, to get one.
  19. My mate got it direct from Warwick so I know they are genuine instruments. As I said, it sounded pants when I got it. But it had had a hard life: Frets lifting Dents and knocks in the neck (guitar headstock and cymbal clashes) the body is cracked from the output jack across the control cavity Just a cheap bodged volume control I got it for £150 as a project bass, so it's been defretted, refretted again, passive, active... It's currently in bits waiting for me to get some Tru-oil. With the MEC preamp it sounds great, in either passive or active mode (active just sounds like a louder version of the passive sound). But basically it sounds like a Jazz on steroids.
  20. I have a German made Bubinga Corvette Proline from 1995. Recessed Strap-locks and the Just-A-Nut 1. I have no idea about the electronics because it was my mates bass that got absolutely battered. When I got it it had a single volume control and sounded fairly pants. I picked up a 2nd hand 3 band MEC preamp and fitted some stacked knobs so I didn't have to drill loads of holes. And it's now a bit of a beat of a bass. Weighs a ton too. I also changed the knackered chrome hardware to new gold stuff.
  21. There's been nothing for a few days. Last thing I saw was a 7 string guitar for £22...
  22. Here's a quick couple of photos before it gets demolished... It's a really nice looking instrument, I may have to keep an eye out for a right handed version.... [attachment=194073:P1100395.jpg] [attachment=194074:P1100396.jpg] The only thing I could spot that might mean it's only Deko quality is the neck pocket is a bit off, but that might be because the neck has shifted. [attachment=194075:P1100400.jpeg] And a there's a 3/4 mark on the back of the upper horn... Considering the stings are £22, the pickups are £24 a set, the bridge is about £25. the whole thing for £27 is a bloody bargain!!
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