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Everything posted by Sudonim

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='503509' date='Jun 2 2009, 08:19 AM']Welcome aboard Sudo, and I'm impressed - I thought I had gone OTT when I had three SB's at once! Don't you get confused when you swop from bass to bass? Having three virtually identical basses, but with different tuning on each, would drive me bonkers. [/quote] actually yes. i did a gig with the twins in c and C# called leicester allstars where we have a rolling lineup of musicians, did about 8 songs with about 5 guitatrists, me and one drummer and 5 vocalists... i organised it to be as efficient as possible... but i ended up doing about 6 bass changes.. from nirvana heart shaped box to deftones, to tool, to velvet revolver to system of a down, etc.. i was tuned from drop c, dadg, drop c#, eadg, dadg... all over the shop. it was great fun... but i did get confused at one stage. there was a girl by the front of the sage who was a friend of a friend who noticed the amount of swapping i was doing... after the gig when i was packing up she came up to the stage , looked at me, and just asked " was all that swapping those identical basses for effect, or did you actually have to do it?"
  2. i'll get some photo's... the newest one is brown not starburst.. so thats easy... and the one which is in csharp was damaged by a roady so its got a nasty ras on the back... i'll show it in the pics... i can tell which is which because the one in C has power slinky earnie balls on - so its got ropes not strings.. the "e" string in C is a 110 gauge. I have stsyem of a down tribute band practice tonight so will have 2 of thm out with me, will try and get some pics to upload to photobucket and link to here. i am going to sell the 4th one, the 1988 sb301 as its really not a nice as the others. if anyone wants one to do a fix up jo on then do let me know.. i am flexible on price...i paid too much for it at 150 maybe 5 years ago...so i'll take less. my old passive marlon and encore's are in cases out the way.. and my brotherhas got my "hyperglobal" (goes from blakc to purple colourunder the heat of stage lghting) tanglewood active 5 string at his house for recording his solo grindcore album on! I also have a cheap acosutic bass small bodies which i use for jamming on at home. i am a bass addict. i really must get rid of some. the twins and the sb320 and the acoustic must stay though.
  3. Hiya everybody! So pleased i found this thread. I bought my SB310 in about 1996 for £550 including hard case in leicester. Been loving it ever since... so much so i bought its "twin sister" identical model from same year on ebay about 2 years ago for £150... drove down to kettering to collect. i do also have a 1988 sgc nanyo sb301 which i am not that keen on. the neck is not as smooth to play as the sb310's, so i will probably flog that soon.. also one of the pickup covers is cracked on it, so it needs some love from some one who likes that sort of stuff... on the other hand it is a very sexy black model. any way, i started keep an eye on ebay again as I am playing in a thrash band, a system of a down tribute band and a faith no more tribute band....so i have my original set up with power slinky strings and tuned to cgcf, and my newer one tuned for drop c#, c#, g#, c#, f#... and i have been wanting an sb320 for a while... managed to pick one up collection only on ebay last week from luton for 176! bargain ( with hard case and a strap too!)... i lost a auction in cumbria a few weeks earlier for a beuty natural wood one with gold hardware.. but i am pleased i picked this one up its good and was cheap. so in summary, i have 4 sgc nanyo basses, and i love them all...and would like to get more, but i cannot really justify it now i have one sb320 in E, and the twins in drop c# and drop c.
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