Hi All,
Below is an official response to the question of the finance button clicked on by GreeneKing:
Able-2-Buy provided an on-line finance service for our customers. Unfortunately, Able-2-Buy went into administration on the 12th May. This can be verified if you search Google for ‘Able 2 Buy’. Google returns this informationbut link to their site no longer works.
Sounds Live are currently in the process of sourcing a new finance provider for our on-line customers, and as you can see from any of our product pages the ‘Finance’ button has been temporarily removed. Please note that in-store customers are unaffected by Able-2-Buy, as we use a different financing house for in-store finance agreements.
As for Sounds Live, we are fit and healthy and will be around to serve both our local, national and international community for years to come! In fact, we are so healthy we are even in the process of launching a brand new website to run along our existing site, which can be found at [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com"]www.soundsliveshop.com[/url]!
Thanks for the information Bob, how you keeping anyway?
Regards, Tom Cleugh (Director, Sounds Live)