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Everything posted by cm261

  1. Nope, not priced it wrong at all, £100 including postage is right where it's at, but if noone wants one right now then you'll just have to wait. Alternatively I'm given to believe that they are still popular on ebay at the moment.
  2. PM'd re. Patch Cables!
  3. cm261

    bazz fuzz

    Cheers mate, hopefully it'll all go smoothly. Then if it does my next problem will be how it gets on with active basses, since it has a strong reputation for not liking them, as my main bass is a Cort Artisan A5. I do have a nice red Ibanez GSR190 knocking around though lol...
  4. ^ Didn't sell at £30 plus postage so you want £35 plus postage!? I'm confused
  5. cm261

    bazz fuzz

    ^ Excellent, was dreading trying to get it right on stripboard and messing it up. PM'd!
  6. cm261

    bazz fuzz

    Finally got round to ordering a while ago, they didnt have any 4k99 resistors so got some 5k1's instead, that ok? Also got myself a 3PDT switch off of ebay, since that seems to be the best way to go, so all I need to do now is translate the schematic into a stripboard diagram, which I'm bound to get wrong at least a dozen times lol. Starting to think I may have bitten off a bit more than I'd bargained for, but I'll post my complete parts list (with prices) and a stripboard diagram when (or if!) I've come up with one, in case anyone is interested or is looking to do the same build.
  7. cm261

    bazz fuzz

    Excellent, thanks a lot for the replies, I think I'll get down to some ordering tomorrow!
  8. cm261

    bazz fuzz

    Good stuff, looks like I can order everything I need from just 1 site then. Do I want to make the 10nF's multi's then as well? Would this be better/make any kind of difference?
  9. cm261

    bazz fuzz

    Ahhh I see. The 100uF electrolytic caps come in 16/25/35/etc V types, what difference does this make, if any? The only 220nF's stocked by bitsbox are 'Multilayer' ceramic capacitors, is this what I'm looking for?
  10. cm261

    bazz fuzz

    Wow, fast reply! Ok cool, so I can switch the 500k pot out for a 470k one, and the 2k pot can be switched out for a 2k2 one? Regarding the different types of caps on the schematic - there are those shown as two solid black rectangles, and 2 others shown as one black and one white rectangle - I assume that the former are the equivalent of the pF ones, and the latter the equaivalent of the nF ones on [url="http://www.bitsbox.co.uk/cercaps.html"]this list[/url]? I'm also guessing that all these components off of the bitsbox site will be of sufficient quality to build a pedal like this? Cheers again, sorry for the noob questions ^_^
  11. cm261

    bazz fuzz

    Hey there, looking to build one of these 'fuzz clones', using this schematic [url="http://img60.imageshack.us/img60/5816/woollysd1.jpg"]here[/url], but while the 10k pots are available [url="http://www.bitsbox.co.uk/resistors/potentiometers.html"]here[/url] (does it matter which of these 10k pots i go for?), they do not have the 2k or 500k pots. Could I use a 1k instead of the 2k? I assume the 470k would be fine as a replacement for the 500k? Also I have no idea where to start with [url="http://www.bitsbox.co.uk/caps.html"]capacitors[/url], so translating the caps on that schematic into what I would actually need to buy from there would be very much appreciated. In case it wasn't painfully obvious this will be my first attempt at anything like this Cheers EDIT: By the way, let me know if I need to remove that schematic link.
  12. cm261

    Daisy Chain

    OK excellent. I'll let you go without shooting you due to the good answer, but feel free to do it yourself Seriously though, ta
  13. cm261

    Daisy Chain

    Ok cool thanks for the replies. Can i just run this off of a standard plug then (as in one for pedals), or do they have to be run through a pedal that has both power 'in' and 'out' sockets in order to daisy chain, as a lot of people seem to do (e.g. tuners)?
  14. Ok no worries mate
  15. Not getting an answer to my PMs, maybe my thing is messed up or something (it wouldnt be the first time lol), so I'll just post here instead: I'll take the Micro POG if it's still available (any pics of this by the way?) Cheers
  16. cm261

    Daisy Chain

    Hey there, My guitarist's birthday is coming up, and he has a (minor) issue with powering pedals. Am I to understand that something like [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/5-WAY-SPIDER-TO-POWER-EFFECTS-PEDALS_W0QQitemZ260387875417QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item3ca053aa59&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]this[/url] or [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GUITAR-EFFECT-PEDAL-POWER-SUPPLY-DAISY-CHAIN-5-PEDALS_W0QQitemZ320418036458QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item4a9a673aea&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]this[/url] or [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/7-POINT-DAISY-CHAIN-CONNECT-POWER-TO-7-PEDALS-QUALITY_W0QQitemZ280247648636QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item41400fc17c&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]this[/url] would sort out the problem with no other equipment. In other words, do these things work by you plugging in a current 9V power supply, with the same 'end' as the rest of the daisy chain consists of, into the 1 end on the daisy chain that is different, then plugging the rest into all of the pedals that you want to power? Do these things make pedals noisy, or have any other downsides? It just all seems too good to be true that you can use one plug and one of these daisy chain things, rather than half a dozen (or more) plugs. Im sure this question has been answered all over the place, but I couldn't find it anywhere here. Cheers guys.
  17. PM'd
  18. Any chance you could post/PM me a pic? Cheers.
  19. Wrong forum my man
  20. PM'd re. Micro POG
  21. Ooo odd, I guess R3 is the old model name for what is now called an RB4.... or something. News to me anyways, my bad
  22. FYI that's a Laney RB4, not an R3 Absolute steal at 70 quid as well.
  23. Someone's playing hardball aren't they jamie lol...
  24. Just a heads-up to you dood, this is available new from GAK for a mere £1 more than your asking price [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/c-300/69211"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/c-300/69211[/url]
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