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Everything posted by cm261

  1. A lot of people mod their pedaltrains (and other pedalboards) to take power supplies that wouldn't fit otherwise. AFAIK it's a very simple process, which just involves cutting out a small part of some of the metal so that the power supply can be slotted in the gap, using a dremel tool. You will be able to do this yourself, with the appropriate equipment, or if you don't fancy that then there are people who will do it for you, but you'd have to look into the cost. Also, the only people that I know of that will do such mods are not to be found in the UK, they are mostly in the US.
  2. The bypass on mine is perfectly good, never noticed it deteriorating the sound in any way. It's a newer model though. Regarding position, since it involves tracking, I put it at the very start of my signal chain, with the exception of a tuner pedal.
  3. Congrats on the sale mate! Was sorely tempted to buy this, but was umming and ahhing over whether or not I actually NEEDED that much power (which I really don't). Glad someone else has come and got it to make up my mind for me
  4. [quote name='theosd' post='883111' date='Jul 1 2010, 03:58 PM']Hope that's a positive remembrance not a sigh of pity![/quote] Nah it was positive
  5. Ah the hop farm..... Congrats mate.
  6. I have on of these, and I love it. Great super-aggressive distortion that maintains the low end. It's an alteration on the original XXL, 'which Tech 21 found to be more popular with bassists than guitarists, who found it "too extreme".' Wimps. So bump for a very cool pedal, great price as well!
  7. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='875318' date='Jun 23 2010, 12:57 PM']Aren't we supposed to keep comments on pricing to PM?[/quote] Indeed, normally. The reason I put my opinion in, and I assume the same reason that others have done so as well, is because he seemed to be looking for a little advice in his second post.
  8. [quote name='testrat' post='874658' date='Jun 22 2010, 06:05 PM']being US was 110v too![/quote] Hah, good point. Some smart fellas in Kent eh.
  9. [quote name='testrat' post='874605' date='Jun 22 2010, 05:25 PM']You guy/gals know what it is and probably have a better idea of what it's worth than me.[/quote] Worth? Nowhere near £500, no effect is, but that's not the point with things like this (i.e. mainly this and the Deep Impact). It's worth what someone will pay for it, and this is the first time I can recall seeing one of these come up here so £500 seems as good a price as any to put on it. I fancy that you'll have much better luck internationally though, as I'm sure you're aware, especially the states. I guess now that you've put this out there you'll just have to see what bites Looks to be in great condition by the way, you may want to add information about the original box/manual/power supply etc. though. Good luck with the sale!
  10. There's one for sale on here at the moment, will fetch you the link. EDIT: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=87814"]Here[/url] we go, £75 posted, excellent price.
  11. Hi Sam, Welcome! It's a nice friendly place so no need to be shy. What are you planning for the skull and crossbones bass?
  12. cm261

    DOD 250

    Nice one in the end, kinda thing that ups your confidence after all is said and done. Will have a look for the thread, fretless has been something else I've always been interested in so good choice! Also, you're a top lad for the offer. EDIT: Found the thread. Wow, certainly a looker, quality looking bass right there mate.
  13. cm261

    DOD 250

    [quote name='WarPig' post='869282' date='Jun 16 2010, 06:01 PM']I wish Craig Dental surgery, will be entering quad figures by the end..... saying that, i did just buy a stingray [/quote] Oh ok. Not quite what I had in mind lol. What is it you're having done, if you don't mind my asking? Congrats on the stingray! Have always felt that it's a bass that I would like but never had the chance to play one.
  14. cm261

    DOD 250

    [quote name='WarPig' post='837011' date='May 14 2010, 11:28 AM']Saving up for an important event in my life[/quote] Oh? Are congratulations in order?
  15. I think it was up for £70 mate, not 100% sure though. EDIT: I think he's right actually ↓
  16. Well if you are going to be gigging that much then you may well find that the polytune is worth it, I guess you need to decide if tuning at lightning pace is really that crucial or whether you'd sooner keep hold of the money (less what you would presumably sell the pitchblack for).
  17. cm261

    Which Phaser

    I have an MXR Phase 90 on my board and organic and lush is exactly how I would describe it. Plus, it looks the business. On the other hand, it is a 1 knob pedal, and while I find this perfectly good and would not want more controls on it, there's no denying that other pedals are more tweakable.
  18. Exactamundo. And I think you meant 4 out of 5 I jest of course.
  19. [quote name='Alien' post='851242' date='May 29 2010, 04:44 PM']I don't really see it speeding up the tuning process much.[/quote] To be fair it does actually make tuning a lot quicker once youve done it a couple of times, but if you already own a tuner such as the pitchblack this time saved and the novelty factor isn't worth shelling out £75 quid for. If you don't have a tuner pedal then go for it by all means, but it's not THAT much of an upgrade that you actually need to replace your current tuner with it.
  20. Well the polytune is obviously better but if you already have a perfectly good tuner do you really [i]need[/i] the polytune?
  21. Fair enough, hadn't thought of it like that. Have a little bump on me.
  22. Don't suppose you have any interest in an EHX Steel Leather? It's very small.
  23. He'd already apologised before you even bought that up. Surely time to drop it by now. SO BUMP for a well-priced volume pedal and interesting looking dual-pupose wah. I might have even had the volume pedal off you myself were in not for the fact that I finally have all my pedals on a board and would be loathe to put one on the floor and ruin it
  24. Yeah I think the new thing is always PM if you have got a problem with a listing, don't post in the thread. You can't say he hasn't got a point though, these are far from rare, and probably not quality either, but hey, you are only asking for a few quid, so in those terms they are probably fine for the money. In fact I bet the passive volume pedal is perfectly good.
  25. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='848397' date='May 26 2010, 12:33 PM']i'm also not a fan of this unboxing nonsense. If you're going to post a lot of pics of a cardboard box, sticjer, velcro pads and the underside of the pedal, do they really have to be so damned huge? Little 400 px sq would have been sufficient really. Then all the pics could just go on one page. Review - good stuff (bought one now I think they are the coolest tuner ever) but with all these pics I cannot believe you have not posted a few showing the most important part, the various display modes![/quote] The pictures are small on my page, no idea why they would be any bigger on anyone elses. Also, this is just the size that photobucket has made them in any case. My sincerest apologies to all for this 'nonsense', I was pleasantly surprised at the attention to detail of TC Electronic in this case and would be more likely to purchase from them in the future because of this, but was obviously wrong in thinking that other people would be interested. I will remove the offending content. EDIT: Sorted, hope this is more to everyones liking.
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