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Everything posted by cm261

  1. The fact that it's a pedal originally intended for guitar should make no difference in terms of it popping when you engage it, so that won't be the problem. It could be due to the power supply I suppose, could also be due to the switch in the pedal, which I would imagine is not of the highest quality.
  2. - Removed -
  3. That's odd. The attack delay should just introduce a delayed volume swell, as you would expect, not a volume drop. I would be tempted to say just take the pedal back to the shop and get it replaced, sounds like there's something that's gone wrong with it. EDIT: Woah, hang on a second. Have just read your post over on TB as well. You do realise what an attack delay does don't you? It will put a delay on the note sounding, so in other words if you play fast with the slider up you may encounter the problem you're describing through no fault with the pedal. Try playing a single held note, and moving the slider about, it should become obvious what it is that it's actually doing. Then you'll be able to tell whether something is wrong with it or not.
  4. Yeah I don't understand that complaint that people make that you can still only tune one string at a time because it's not really true. Normally when I tune I'm just checking that the bass has held it's tuning after moving or a change in temperature and there will be only 1 string, if any, that needs an adjustment, but in order to find out with other tuners you would still have to play each string individually which certainly takes way longer
  5. -OFFENDING CONTENT REMOVED- SOUND: When everything is cranked small noise when engaging, no real issue. [u][b]9.9[/b][/u] FEATURES: Works for guitar and 4/5/6 string bass. Automatic polyphonic mode. Needle or strobe. Also drop tuning. Battery or 9V (with 9V out). [b][u]10[/u][/b] RELIABILITY:No issues so far. Small buttons flimsy? No experience of customer support. [u][b]9.8[/b][/u] EASE OF USE: Couldn't be easier. Seriously. [u][b]10[/b][/u] OVERALL: Nothing's perfect. See above issues. [u][b]9.8[/b][/u] Cheers.
  6. Pray tell?
  7. Ok cool, you're welcome mate.
  8. [quote name='Alien' post='843315' date='May 20 2010, 05:28 PM']Works fine for me. A[/quote] Have double-checked the link and it's definitely working fine on my laptop
  9. There's a little database sort of thing of settings somewhere, for the Zoom B2, but obviously exactly transferrable to the B2.1U. I'll post a link if I can find it. EDIT: [url="http://www.haax.se/basspatches/manualsite/index.php?unit=B2"]Here[/url] we go. There's one for 'Time is Running Out' on there as it happens.
  10. cm261

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='Al Heeley' post='838576' date='May 16 2010, 01:17 AM']I make them for myself then I find friends, fellow guitarists or bassists, who want to use them or even occasionally buy one which helps fund the next build and the next evolution. Most of the guys I play music with end up having one sitting on their pedal board. I think I've come to the end of the road for tubescreamer tweakability now so I'm going to have a go at a small clone chorus, since I'm pretty unimpressed with my Boss CEB3.[/quote] Great work. Maybe look at putting this 'ultimate TS' pedal on the market, I'd imagine there would be a lot of interest from certain people (myself included) due to the sheer range of options. Added to that the fact that it's a very clean and professional looking build. Hypothetically, what do you think you would have to charge for one of these to make it worth your while?
  11. cm261

    DIY Effects

    Very impressive, sounds like countless hours of tweeking available! Lovely finish too, both inside and out. Do you build these just for yourself, or sell them, Al?
  12. cm261


    [quote name='Smash' post='826042' date='May 2 2010, 11:32 PM']I hear these new EHX pedals do not daisy chain though which is what I need.[/quote] Never heard anything like that. I have two new EHX pedals (the Steel Leather and the Bass Big Muff), and I have them both sitting daisy chained right now, works perfectly and always has
  13. cm261


    Any interest in an as new EHX Steel Leather? EDIT: I meant for the Boss
  14. BUMP No takers?
  15. Bump for a cool pedal
  16. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='804468' date='Apr 13 2010, 12:26 AM']have a bump on me. very possible to nail some steve harris style sounds with this baby![/quote] Thank you kindly, good sir.
  17. Absolutely mint condition EHX Steel Leather Bass Expander pedal. No marks on it whatsoever, comes with original box, warranty card, instructions, EHX pedal brochure. Basically exactly as you would receive it if you bought a brand new one. Stock picture, mine looks identical: [url="http://img130.imageshack.us/i/60324p.jpg/"][/url] It's an attack expander, supposedly the opposite of a compressor. Some people use it to give their fingerstyle more attack (as a substitute for using a pick), others use it to adjust their tone for certain passages, and others like to use it in front of overdrive/distortion/fuzz to get some strange noises - a pretty cool use for it if that's your kind of thing. Open to trade offers I guess. Cheapest I can find these new online is £51 delivered, so £40 + P&P?
  18. Have PM'd with email address as requested.
  19. Don't evilBay it, this seems to be a hell of a lot of bass for the money. Any more details on this? Also, some more pictures would go down a treat, especially with me. How does it play? Any noise issues? How's the neck? Is it neck-thru (i.e. pics from the back?)? How's the hardware? What's the state of the fredboard like? Any significant wear? It looks like it could use a little TLC, with some lemon oil (which I would be more than happy to administer by the way ). Any dings in the body? Etc etc etc. Also I'm in Kent as well (Maidstone), is meeting up/drop off an option? Sorry for all the questions, do feel more than welcome to PM me. Cheers mate. Craig.
  20. I know it's been sold for a while, but shame that you don't have the bogdan pedal any more, I really quite fancy one all of a sudden. Also, I like that middle knob on the guv'nor, looks cool. BUMP for a good lad. He even lets you beat him at pool.
  21. Just to chuck my 2 cents in: Recently ordered a power supply from these guys, VERY reasonably priced, more than enough power to go around for my pedals, and, as advertised, adds absolutely NO noise whatsoever to my signal chain. Also delivered very quickly, and well packaged, etc. Was surprised to find a solution to pedal-powering as easily and cheaply, but still with the quality, as I was able to with these guys, and wouldn't hesitate to deal with them again in the future. So there we go
  22. cm261

    Zoom B2 Patches

    Yeah don't use the headphones. Don't play too close to your amp, ever. I keep my amp under my desk, and that's where I used to play until recently, when I pointed the amp into the centre of the room and moved myself to the other side, and the difference was unbelievable. You can only appreciate the tone etc. with the amp pointing in your direction at a distance, that's the only way to get a true feel of the sound, otherwise it's just passing you by (literally). So dial in these presets, and then tailor them to your liking judging by what you hear with your own ears, but make sure you're properly positioned to hear what it is that's actually going on. Likewise don't use the headphones as this is far from a true representation of the sound that you will actually be getting out of the amp, and that's the most important thing at the end of the day. The obvious exception being if you're recording, but that's a different kettle of fish altogether. Hope this was at least slightly helpful.
  23. [quote name='Higgie' post='796705' date='Apr 5 2010, 04:17 PM']That will power more than 5 pedals, depending on their current draw. Digital pedals will obviously draw more current, but analogue distortions and such usually don't draw much more than about 30mA (I think!).[/quote] Ah yes, what I meant was that it has 5 adapters for pedals. The current it provides will power a lot more pedals if you daisy chain.
  24. The one you're looking at on EBay is made and sold for/by effectpowersupplies.com I recently got their 1.3mA power supply, capable of powering 5 pedals. Cost £22.99 including delivery if i recall correctly, and it's superb. It really doesn't add any noise whatsoever to the signal chain, and is more than capable of powering any 9v pedals that you care to chuck at it. Super price as well. I'd highly reccommend it if you want to go for that sort of power supply, if you want to go for one with a 'box' you can mount on your board, or one that you can plug leads into (a la TRex fuel tank and co), then look elsewhere.
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