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Everything posted by cm261

  1. Very cool and very interesting pedals, definately not your run-of-the-mill stuff. I also like how you delete your old post then put a new one whenever you bump the thread, instead of having a massive list of 'bump's, so have one on me: BUMP for COOL pedals. (As an aside, I'm still very intrigued by at least one of these, and my BC history suggests that I'll end up buying it , so don't despair. Just an issue of funds/discipline in the meantime. Just a bump from me for now)
  2. cm261

    EH Bass Big Muff

    Just had a quick look, these are only £50 new now?! Ridiculous.
  3. cm261

    EH Bass Big Muff

    Good? Yes, very. Since it's the bass version it holds the low end very nicely on its own. Obviously you can retain the bass on the 'normal setting', but you can also crank the tone knob all the way up to get a load of treble, which then loses a lot of the bass, but the secret is you can put this back in by switching the 3-position to 'bass boost', putting the low end you just lost back in while still keeping the treble that you just dialed in. On top of this you can blend the fuzz with your clean signal using the final option on the 3-position switch - 'dry'. Obviously this low-end retention is just one thing that you can do with the options presented to you. What this switch is really intended for is almost offering you 3 different pedals: Normal - a classic muff tailored for bass frequencies. Bass Boost - a Russian muff? [someone may correct me here] Dry - a blended fuzz In simple terms this is a great sounding and versatile pedal IMO (plus VERY reasonably priced), and sounds great on bass no matter what you want to get out of it by virtue of its "secret" weapon, the 3-position switch.
  4. Fat Sandwich looks interesting (look how shiny), but I can't seem to find anything about it on bass? Am also hankering for a wah, but as it's a pedal that I've never wanted before I don't really know anything about them, how's this for bass even though it's not a 'bass wah'?
  5. Not got the luxury of trying to be honest mate, I'd imagine that it sounds interesting though, even though I've always dismissed the bassballs as a weak and relatively pointless filter, maybe I'm wrong?
  6. Very true. I think some of the best sounds that can come out of the BMS appear when you use it with other pedals though. I was having a fiddle with mine the other day and had it sounding pretty tasty, then I put it through my Bass Big Muff and Oh. My. God. The noise was insane, epic sound, almost ring mod-ish, but at the same time really not, I played with it for ages, and came up with a few riffs inspired entirely by this new found tone (which sounded like the weapon of choice for shattering bullet-proof glass), amazing musical tool, and relatively cheap for the endless possibilities that can be achieved by using it. And I havn't even got round to going through these new settings yet.
  7. This is a cool .pdf file, with 16 different sample settings for the BMS, posted by Bill Ruppert over at TalkBass. Am reposting it here for those of you that don't frequent there, as it would be a shame for anyone to miss out on these, they look like a whole heap of fun, can't wait to get trying them out. Link: [url="http://www.ehx.com/assets/instructio...-templates.pdf"]http://www.ehx.com/assets/instructio...-templates.pdf[/url] I've downloaded the file and printed it off, I would suggest that that's a good idea. Also included is a page where you can note down your personal settings that you've found, also very handy. (Feel free to post your own settings as well [please!]) Enjoy.
  8. Hah, you edited just as I was posting [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='784986' date='Mar 24 2010, 06:53 PM']£150 is not too bad considering the 6 presets, blend, and sheer versatility. mmm.... i'll resist the credit card as it's starting to creak already ! next month deffo !![/quote] Yep, apparently the EQ section makes a big difference as well, and the versatility seems awesome as you said, you can almost use it in place of synth pedals, as well as replacing all your distortion units.
  9. Yeah that Source Audio pedal is the sh*t. Also, it's not THAT expensive, to be fair.
  10. Was gonna ask what the first one is but according to your sig its a Zoom B2. I have one of those, hateful tone-sucking piece of sh*t. +1 on the Bass Big Muff recommendation, also have one of those, great pedal (the secret to success is the clean blend mode). But it's a fuzz pedal, not an overdrive, so won't get the sound that you might be going for. Beware of getting involved in effects pedals, addictive and expensive business.
  11. Dont know of any reason why it should start throwing its toys out of its pram just because you use it at volume with a bass. On the other hand though, even if it is a problem that you can solve, you should really get yourself a nice bass-specific distortion It'll sound much better all-round, and hold your low-end nicely [I'll let someone else insert their hilarious double-entendre here]. You could always blend the signal of your bass with the current pedal to get some of the low-end back, and it might solve the feedback problem as well, you never know. Sorry for the lack of technical help.
  12. cm261

    DIY Effects

    Change the potentiometer values?
  13. Having just taken delivery of one today I would very highly recommend the power supply from effectpowersupplies, VERY reasonably priced at £22.99, including delivery, right-angled tips, and a UK plug, and, just like it says on the tin, completely noiseless. Spot on. You, like me at the moment, need it for 5 effects, and it supports 6, with more than enough power to supply everything, at 1.3A.
  14. How in the hell does that work then?!?!?!?!
  15. cm261

    Tech 21 xxl bass

    Ebay is the way to go for these little blighters, I got a mint condition one for £35 delivered a few months ago. I really like it, especially running it into a BDDI, but have no way of recording sound clips unfortunately. Luckily he's on the ball ^
  16. Hmm, am running low on suggestions at the moment. Blender? Here's something very unhelpful though - if you mounted the fuel tank on the bottom of the board you could get another pedal on the board as well, maybe even 3 more in total! Although, on second glance I cannot actually tell if there is any/enough space under the board to do this...
  17. Beer is a great idea. Tremolo? Mastotron?
  18. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' post='764071' date='Mar 4 2010, 03:58 PM']Well yesterday there were two other pedalboards for sale in this part of the forum so it seemed the best place to post! Surely if you use effects then a pedalboard [size=2][u][b]for sale[/b][/u][/size] is relevant?[/quote] Yes, that's why it needs to go in the for sale section
  19. cm261

    All Gone

    ^ Surely not??
  20. Just popping this here in case anyone's interested, as I certainly was. A site giving details on a very wide range of power supply units, with information on type, isolated outputs, mA capability, mains outlets, and pictures and general notes. Hope someone will find this helpful. [url="http://www.stinkfoot.se/andreas/diy/power/psu.htm"]Here.[/url]
  21. Hang on, that looks a bit good! And only 40 euros? What's the catch here? I'm assuming that the outputs aren't isolated? Anyone own on of these and care to give a run-down/review type thingy? EDIT: There's a bit on it [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=28342"]here[/url] dealing with the maximum current provided by the powerplant, but nothing else, if anyone's interested. doubleEDIT: Have actually found some information, on a site [url="http://www.stinkfoot.se/andreas/diy/power/psu.htm"]here[/url] about a lot of power supplies in general, might be worth a look/bookmark. Will post the link in it's own thread in this section as well, as it may interest quite a few people.
  22. ^ ABSOLUTELY THIS. The buyer pays postage anyway.
  23. Well obviously you have more than the 2 choices of either your current gear or an M9, but if you were to choose between the two there's only going to be one winner - the M9, no offense to your gear. I do like separate stomp boxes however, and can't see myself ever going for a multi-fx like the M9 as my main set up.
  24. As I'm convinced I will buy one from him someday - 3LeafAudio Groove Regulator. You'll have to get it in from America though, but for a brand new pedal the damage isn't actually too bad, as it works out as £145 shipped at the current exchange rate. If you check out some youtube videos you'll see/hear it, especially look out for some of the clever stuff that it can do if you put something in its effects loop, such as a drum machine (or your drummer lol). It's a clone of another pedal by the way.
  25. cm261


    [quote name='lmbalcao' post='686215' date='Dec 16 2009, 12:12 PM']3leaf Groove Regulator 250€[/quote] PM'd re groove regulator pricing.
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