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Everything posted by ase_one23

  1. verbzilla now SOLD, darkboost and headrush on ebay for silly money no reserve!!!
  2. [quote name='fatback' post='646024' date='Nov 5 2009, 10:05 AM']Maybe Ableton is a way to go, although after muc trying I never really took to it. Never needed it live though, and given that that's what it's for, I spose I shouldn;t judge. fatback[/quote] it was the same for me mate, it took me a while to get to grips with it. basically sat myself down for a weekend to learn the basics and so glad i did, really fun and great for live work.
  3. i've played about with stuff in the same vein as this, i've got a tap tempo midi device a mate built me that i can use to trigger the tap tempo on ableton live so i can keep loops, effects etc in time. apparently the new ableton's got live audio input - yas!!!!!
  4. quite a few of the guitar companies on ebay have small print that says that they'll ship to anywhere in the EU EXCEPT italy - as mentioned above apparently it's notorious for stuff going missing. must be a really bad road infrastructure, they're so bumpy that stuff just keeps falling off the back of those lorries!!
  5. final bump before ebay tonight!
  6. [quote name='Kev' post='639869' date='Oct 29 2009, 11:12 AM']Just recorded this, straight into soundcard, no amp involved. Just a wee noodle, followed by sketchy suck my kiss riffage,higher gain parts are when i switch the hellbaby on. [attachment=35324:Mesa.wav][/quote] nice one kev, thanks!!!!
  7. after reading the thread about the james johnston signature squier and the discussion brought up about who's got one, why they're good / bad, who should have one etc.... i thought i'd start this thread: your brief: > come up with 2 signature basses, one high-end (£1500 max) and one low-end (£350 max). they can be for 2 different artists or both for the same. > think of these basses like a real company would, they have to be made to appeal to buyers, ie the high end should appeal to the market that can afford it, the low end should be an encouragement to pick up a bass for the 1st time possibly. > you can use any company, but naturally the basses should be associated with the artist(s). > go into some details if you can about what the bass consists of, try to stick to 1 finish, electrics etc.... (photoshop jobs highly encouraged!) > tell us why you chose this person / bass etc.... i hope this takes off! i'm going to spend today thinking about it and post later.
  8. [quote name='holio.cornolio' post='639055' date='Oct 28 2009, 01:40 PM']So are you sure this isn't just a bit of unnecessary GAS?[/quote] Nowt wrong with that !!!!! Although, i do agree with you!
  9. there is you know... maybe i should just shut up, cause i want it!
  10. great, now everyone's going to be after that one on ebay!
  11. weird, i was just looking at one of these last night and wondering how it'd sound - might have to start looking more seriously!
  12. bought these for an experimental band i was playing in, the thing fell apart pretty quickly and don't need them for my main project so off they go to a new home! Akai Headrush E1 - has a few dings and scratches no box or adaptor, velcroed feet - £80 posted 1st Class Recorded Line 6 Verbzilla - great nick, boxed with manuals, velcro on bottom - SOLD Devi Ever Dark Boost - missing sticker, replacement knob, original box, velcro on bottom - £65 1st Class Recorded I'll give 'em about a week n then off to evil bay!!! the only thing i'm after at the moment is a TS808, PM for trades.
  13. just to say that i had a gs till recently and it blew any gibson i've ever played out of the water. £500 is a bargain!
  14. dont think you'll get much but my guitarist swears by the tweed e one!
  15. ase_one23


    here you go: [url="http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/video-kings-of-leons-closer-bass-intro-revealed-204701"]linkety link[/url] this is the thread that discussed various different ways of getting the effect other than this on TB: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=576955&highlight=kings+leon+closer"]el linko[/url]
  16. i'm a fan of the overdrive side of it, not as much the fuzz. if you're looking for a slightly less all-out pedal than the big muff may i suggest the little big muff - seriously underrated.
  17. wow, never seen that before, it's awesome! the one captioned "Eric Halborg, Swayback" in particular is seriously nice.
  18. axe to fall is brutal. love it. LOOOOOOOVE it!!!!!!
  19. [quote name='Zombywoof' post='629847' date='Oct 18 2009, 09:16 PM']Sorry to be so obvious but........ [b] John bonham [/b] There, someone had to say it![/quote] agreed, so many rock drummers lack the groove that he puts into every song. my favs at the moment are dave turnkrantz from russian circles and chris common from these arms are snakes (and yes, i know they share a bassist).
  20. afraid not, tho i'm thinking on a 3 piece, i'm doing a lot of looping a-la russian circles and work with my laptop a bit as well. i know a few drummers i'm sure i can get someone involved. i should probably say that i'd like someone over 23-24, and with experience of gigging, recording, and touring if possible.
  21. looking for a bass player to start a band in the vein of russian circles, neurosis, thrice, isis etc.... brutal heavy riffs and shouting interspersed with walls of ambient noise. if interested hit me up!
  22. [quote name='Randy_Marsh' post='414898' date='Feb 20 2009, 01:03 AM']Dillinger Escape Plan Bit of mathcore to keep you guessing [/quote] ^ this ^
  23. [quote name='Wil' post='627897' date='Oct 16 2009, 02:11 PM']Forgive my ignorance, but in what circumstances would you use reverb on bass? Doesnt it just muddy things up?[/quote] it can do, but you don't always need definition. i find reverb great when used with fuzz to get huge walls of (tasteful) noise! judging by what the OP is saying i would recommend the verbzilla - reasonably priced, great sounding and goes from classic spring to crazy deep - plate, octo and tile are my fav 3 settings.
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