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Everything posted by Sweeneythebass

  1. Big BUMP !! Considering E-bay !! Somebody stop me !
  2. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='1130193' date='Feb 16 2011, 08:26 PM']Where in London are you?[/quote] West. Let me know if you want to try the bass out your more than welcome to. Only prob being my amps Just died Still, you can test through my Tone port/mac and headphones if you wish.
  3. Just thought to mention It'll come with a black[b] Hiscox Hardcase[/b] Setup I've done a setup on the bass myself, but it maybe worth the buyer (if I ever find one) getting a pro setup done as if you dig in a bit theres a small (tiny) amount of fretbuzz around frets 1 & 2 on D & G strings. As I said it's really tiny and only noticeable if you dig in hard but to get it perfect a pro setup would do. I'd probably get a setup done if I was'nt seling.
  4. Morning BC'ers ! I have found a decent fretted 4-string to satisfy my needs so now after an amp! [b]Hartke & Markbass models considered in trade +/- Cash[/b] cash sale still avavilable
  5. Burpster, Width at the nut is 45mm, string spacing 10mm. Andy
  6. Nothing? Buy this and you wont be dissapointed Check out some of the reviews, I did and I was still impressed with its massive versatile sound and playability when I first plugged it in. Only selling to make room for my Shuker (if it's ever finished :-0) [url="http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/95477"]http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/95477[/url] [url="http://www.retrevo.com/s/Schecter-Stiletto-Elite-5-Guitars-review-manual/id/11511ci167/t/1-2/"]http://www.retrevo.com/s/Schecter-Stiletto...511ci167/t/1-2/[/url] [url="http://www.zzounds.com/item--SCESTE5"]http://www.zzounds.com/item--SCESTE5[/url] Happy viewing Andy
  7. My Five string [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=107234&st=0&p=1119917&#entry1119917"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;#entry1119917[/url] plus cash? Andy
  8. [quote name='Ghosts Over Japan' post='1117499' date='Feb 6 2011, 11:40 AM']If I had the money I'd take this off of your hands without a second thought, Delanos sound stunning in my opinion and this is just perfect! good luck with the sale![/quote] 2nd this, if I can sell my 5 string I'm all over it ! checkout the the thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=107234&st=0&p=1117385&#entry1117385"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;#entry1117385[/url]
  9. BUMP Still here a fantastic bass, punching well above its weight. Would consider cash offers [b]£250[/b] anyone?
  10. Maybe interested. Any more pics?
  11. BUMP BUMP BUMP Looking for 4string Jazz or P see above ! [b][b][b] Best boom for your buck! Guaranteed!![/b[/b]][/b]
  12. [quote name='jwlkr' post='1009685' date='Nov 2 2010, 03:28 PM']hi man iv got a fender p MIM iv been after one of these for a while, if you've still got it.[/quote] PM sent to above, apologies for being a slouch, not been on BC for a while! BUMP. Still available I've been off Basschat for a while so thats why thread went dead. Ideally looking for a [b]Fender Jazz 4 fretted or fretless, MIM [/b]would be copmparable in terms of value. A bit partial to the[b] deluxe active model![/b]
  13. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=107234&st=0&p=996176&#entry996176"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry996176[/url] If you fancy it.... Keen on a stingray
  14. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='995257' date='Oct 20 2010, 07:59 PM']Bassmanady is /was after one of these...you may want to pm him[/quote] Thanks Ray. I'll send him a PM
  15. Thanks for the vote of confidence theosd BUMP!
  16. Schecter 5 - features a thru neck, EMG 40hz pickups, 2 band active EQ, quilted maple top, 24 frets. Width at the nut is 45mm, string spacing 10mm. This bass punches way above its weight, bought after reading several glowing reviews about this bass on-line. It's a versatile beast, able to produce some super low rumbling thuds to bright zingy high-mids and top end. I love this bass and was surprised how rich and powerful the pickups where when I first got it home. With a Shuker five string on the way I'm looking to trade for a fretless 4-string Jazz, EUB, 4-string P or an amp (Hartke/Markbass considered). Includes Hiscox Hardcase Would also consider a sale at [i][b]£250[/b][/i]
  17. This is one of the biggest headaches playing on the unsigned circuit, I've been asked on many occassions to provide an Amp and mostly I've said yes. Here are my biggest complaints tho 1. Waiting. Having to wait till the end of the night if not headlining (sometimes not a problem, but if you have to start work at 6 the next morning or the last couple of bands are shall we say "not to my taste" this can be painful. 2. Driving. I dont have to drive if I dont bring an amp. No parking stress, no traffic stress, no congestion charge (if its in the west end) no parking fees. If i do drive any post gig drinks are limited to " erm...I 'll have an orange juice and lemonade. Or a shandy?" Followed by giggles and and strange looks at some venues. 3. Idiots. People with no respect for your gear. I recently did a gig and during soundcheck the rather large beast of a bass player from another band decided to park his kilometer wide rear end on top of my amp. 4. Unnecesarily early soundchecks. Having to rush around like a maniac to get to a soundcheck at 4.45pm so another band gets to use my amp and then...more...waiting..... The upside to bring your own amp is its easier to get your own sound right. I've played through some amps I've ahted and had some unfulfilling sets as a result. Yes promoters should hire gear if there are lots of acts and its a showcase/unsigned band type night. This will never happen. Promoters for these type of gigs in my expereince do very little to actually promote any of the bands playing or even the night itself and will do whateva to make a profit. Some nights in London are pay to play night i.e bring x number of people or you give us £££££!!! When I buy my next rig no more lending and breaking my back for nothing!
  18. I've done BV's for a couple of bands now, what I found was that if I pushed to hard my voice would break and sound shocking, so I learnt to hold back a bit but sing with confidence. Not sure if this is relevant at all but might help you out! As for singing lead and playing bass, man I find that tough particularly over syncopated bass parts ( I find it near impossible ) ! Much respect to the likes of Sting and Yolanda charles (at bassday a couple of years back she did some crazy funk- slap whilst sing lead S#it, awesome!). Yolanda said she used to practice by playing the syncopated (or just pain funky!) parts and singing an eighth note/quarter note rhythm on a single note to build up the independence.
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