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Everything posted by Fender_Greg

  1. That video does restore a bit of faith, like how tight it can sound using that gate and the crossover could work with tweaking. Hmmmm in time I shall decide
  2. [quote name='niceguyhomer' timestamp='1359539970' post='1956194'] It's obviously giving you a stiffy so you're not past it yet. Treat yourself [/quote] Brilliant!! haha
  3. Sssssssssoooooooooooold! I hope I don't regret it later! Haha
  4. IKEA GORM SHELF!!! Have a look: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/195774-just-diyed-my-own-board/
  5. Korg Pitchblack. Cheaper than the others but just as good!
  6. Whats the feedback mod on the muff?
  7. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1358873120' post='1946370'] holy hell! Sold. [/quote] Pleased for you, I've seen this on here for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages!
  8. For photos: 1. Host on photo bucket or similar site 2. copy the direct link 3. insert it on this thread using the image button
  9. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1358589284' post='1941689'] Mine does that... [/quote] Yours is a pretty mega rebuild!
  10. Hmmm...I'm somewhat a little unimpressed. Not sure what I was expecting but after seeing that video I just feel the only really good extra knob is the blend which the BBM is screaming out for
  11. [quote name='Cloff' timestamp='1315310215' post='1364024'] Someone at the dutch bass guitar forum (basgitaarforum.nl) made a video with a lot of samples of the Ring Thing. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6MrqSXnYPM&feature=player_embedded[/media] [/quote] A bit of an acquired taste then If I'm being brutal.....I very much don't like a single sound from it!
  12. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Bump![/font][/color]
  13. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1358451479' post='1939542'] Interesting. Their product demo vids seem to be improving too. [/quote] It's very much like the MXR ones! [media]http://youtu.be/zXG8avXAjgQ[/media] But I like style of the vids, makes you wanna buy the pedal!! haha
  14. Just been uploaded is this video: [url="http://youtu.be/5772xfxc52E"]http://youtu.be/5772xfxc52E[/url] Sounding nice n gritty!
  15. Just bought an EHX Enigma Q Balls from Chay. Absolutely no problems with the transaction and received the pedal in great working order and securely packaged. A safe guy to be dealing with!
  16. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1357728867' post='1927236'] I have a V800 and the active output is no more than a strong passive. (I have no idea if the circuitry is different in the EST, however) Have the manufacturers of your fx kit put any sneaky active/passive switches anywhere? I would have thought if your kit behaves ok with a passive, then there's an attenuator missing somewhere. Other than that I'm on headscratch duty! [/quote] Everything works perfect with my deluxe jazz which is active but this bass is probably louder than my p bass passive. Somethings buggered somewhere! Haha
  17. [quote name='Stroopy121' timestamp='1357651597' post='1925980'] How's that power supply? Any issues with noise or anything? xx [/quote] No nothing as of yet. It's been great to start with but I'm more then sure I'll have to get something with a bit more output later. I got my enigma q balls in the loop now and if I turn on the power supply with that plugged in it goes a bit weird. But if I turn on on then plug in the enigma theres no problems which is strange, although I'm surprised this is working cuz the enigma needs 200ma
  18. I've had a Vintage EST96AF 5-string for some time now and always known its output volume is pretty loud but I've never recorded with it and I didn't have any pedals then. Now I've made a board and filled it up this bass is cause some horrible problems. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Mine is so damn loud it makes my my audio interface clip at 0 on the input volume and also I'm finding it hard to run it with my pedal board as the output drives my compressor (on low settings) mental and kills the sound along with keeping my Enigma Q balls overload light on. [/font][/color] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]It doesn't matter if i compress first or after the effects, I get the same problem. Any ideas on how to tackle this?? I've tried taking the battery or preamp as a first idea but that just doesn't work. Could I convert it to passive? or should I look at getting a better preamp?[/color][/font]
  19. Nice one on the moding!
  20. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1357551136' post='1924183'] i just did exactly the same thing a couple of days ago! built myself a lovely double tiered board from the ikea gorm shelves and sprayed it black! worked great so im going to build another one this weekend [/quote] Excellent stuff! they're just so easy and damn quality!
  21. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1357494112' post='1923503'] I've just modded mine to something very close to the 'deluxe'; added a "mid", "gate" and "blend" control. Awesome. Not £100 either! [/quote] Show us a pic!!
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