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  1. Dual mfd pickups G&l bass : One bass to rule them all Absolutely Chris! Now, if I could just find myself a 5 string Asat I probably wouldn't play any other bass!
  2. Hello team! Thought I'd upload a pic of my Asat here having just come across this very worthy G&l thread! This bass is a funk monster but also very versatile for all styles. From P bass to Jaco back pickup growl and it's own distinctive character I'm surprised there aren't more users of this incredible bass!
  3. Hi mate! These are great basses having played 4 and 5 string tribute G&L´s. I´ve been using an original Asat bass for years now and nothing has come close to it for tone in my personal opinion. Was just wondering, being that you´ve changed the circuitry, what the tone is like. Is it completely different to the original tone? Have you got any sound clips? Thanks in advance!
  4. I've been an Ebay member for about 17 years and never seen anything like these posts before! I obviously haven't looked hard enough before! 😄🔎
  5. I didn't know it had been posted before on eBay but not really surprising! It did make me chuckle but yeah, I can see how it could irritate some people.
  6. Check this one out too!! Funny as!! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1977-78-Fender-Jazz-Bass-Guitar/264754366975?hash=item3da49709ff:g:ijYAAOSwW69e2j~Q
  7. At least someone has a sense of humour during these covid times!! Love the photo of the empty guitar stand too! 😂 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1980s-Vintage-Air-Guitar/264451163959?hash=item3d92848737:g:pi0AAOSwRaJdbShL
  8. Pm'd Steff 👍
  9. Ah nice one! Nah, just a general everything full tone wise and if you could just back pickup sound then front pickup sound then a balance between the two? Would like to know the slap sound on it and also if it's got a nice honky Jaco' esque back pickup growl! Thanks Steff, really appreciate anything you can whack together! 👍
  10. Hi Steff. Do you have any sound bites of this bass please?
  11. Hi guys! I am the bass player with Sherman Robertson and owner of the mentioned Nightingale bass. I´ve actually got a problem with the circuit board on it and so far have been unable to find anyone who can repair it! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Otherwise, I guess it´ll be a trip down to Brighton to see Bernie and get him to put me a new board in. Someone did mention that to me but I love the sound that I´ve got as it is with the Kent Armstrong PU´s and wouldn´t want to change it´s character.
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