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Everything posted by Lysdexia

  1. [quote name='Delberthot' post='885184' date='Jul 4 2010, 01:11 AM']Rick strings to me were like rubber bands - about as much use as tits on a boar[/quote] And yet for me they were about perfect - loved the bendiness factor!
  2. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='885162' date='Jul 4 2010, 12:28 AM']I'd suggest DR high beam strings! They're made with a pretty unique round core that makes them really flexible and great to play [/quote] I'd heard rumours about the DR strings Would anyone know if the Marcus Miller ones have the same wobble/bend/flex characteristics? Having had a quick check on-line the idea of low-tension strings retaining a full sound does it for me!
  3. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='885116' date='Jul 3 2010, 10:42 PM']A straight neck, lighter gauge strings and lower action all help. Sounds like the neck in your Ibanez is still fighting the string tension. How new is it? You might have to give it some serious gigging over a couple of years for the instrument to settle down.[/quote] I'm not sure how old it is, but it doesn't really matter because the scale (neck length?) is too much for me and so it will be appearing on here for sale pretty shortly. A real pity because the tonal delivery is awesome.
  4. Hi guys. A very simple problem it might seem, but a battle I'm tired of fighting. I [i]detest [/i]hi-tension playability. It strips all the fun out of bass playing for me. I don't know if this has something to do with scale, type of string and string gauge (probably all three) but I'd really like to have an understanding so I can always have the low-tension playability I prefer. So, Ric strings on a Ric bass - very bendy - lovely! My previous Yamaha Attitude Special with Ernie Ball 40-100 was also close to perfect in the low-tension stakes. However, my current Ibanez DW3 bass with 45-105 strings of unknown type is a nightmare for me. It's so tight! Far too tense - a battle rather than a joy. I love to wobble and bend, but I also love to do this with ease so if anyone can offer suggestions or an insight to a good solution. It's really important because I'm desperate to be back on the Fenders, but would like to know which strings to buy to provide the free-flowing low-tension I so desire. would I always be better with a shorter scale bass like the Ric rather than the DW3? TIA for any help!
  5. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='884248' date='Jul 2 2010, 07:09 PM']Great to hear from you Anndra [/quote] Cheers mate - it's very nice indeed to be back amongst the living. Or bass-players at least which is close enough for me.
  6. [quote name='Shockwave' post='884078' date='Jul 2 2010, 03:52 PM']You know what, a pink ricky would be really nice! Is that really a pink ricky?[/quote] Sadly not - it is an Azureglo with colour hues shifted all over the place.
  7. In the pink. Of course. For interested parties - • 1 x Rickenbacker 4001, 1980. • 2 x Jim Dunlop medium plecs.
  8. [quote name='yorick' post='883999' date='Jul 2 2010, 02:27 PM']"Body of Work"...... I like that. Colour me interested [/quote] Would samples help? Clearly, given the content of some of the shoots to date, I'll keep it clean on here, but I'm aiming for raunchy and provocative. And downright rude. Never one not to smile and enjoy the vibrant truth of a cliche - there's an obvious (and playfully wonderful) correlation between form, phallicism, shape and suggestion.
  9. Hi guys - for some time now I've been putting together a body of work with a view to publishing a book and/or calendar featuring beautiful models - both basses and women. I'm just trying to gauge likely interest and the more I have the more positive reception I'll receive from potential publishers. Any thoughts, encouragement, ideas most welcome! Even from the po-faced, all colour sucked from life and liberty community.
  10. Tiny slices price drop. £1150 delivered or £1100 collected (or you arrange the courier). No less thanks as I'd rather keep it. Paypal only thanks.
  11. • A close up of the binding at the nut, both sides. • A close up looking slightly down onto the binding. Hope these help More importantly - having had a quick check - the binding is in excellent condition around the nut and throughout.
  12. [quote name='SS73' post='878039' date='Jun 26 2010, 11:14 AM']On the side of the neck, at the nut area, are there any lacquer cracks. A close up pic? with perhaps a pleasing background [/quote] On their way All PM's replied to - thanks for all the interest guys - getting closer!
  13. [quote name='loweringthetone' post='877765' date='Jun 25 2010, 09:02 PM']Nice bass ! I have a Q on the colour. Azureglo or midnight blue ? The colour seems intensely radiant for azure, as the azure Ricks Ive seen personally have been much duller....yet I dont think midnight blue was out that year?. Im confused, but this is normal for me. Any experts on Rick colours out there please ? PS Presume the colour is original ?[/quote] Hi there - the finish is of course original, but I'm not certain about the azure/midnight nomenclature. Probably why I called it Blue What I can say about the perceived radiance (presuming you mean colour vibrancy) is my choice of lighting for the shots has a direct bearing on the photographic outcome. The difference, for example, in the first shot with the model and the individual close-ups illustrates this quite dramatically. Again, if I was to shoot this low-key it could appear almost black, hi-key and a much lighter, paler blue would result - but the intent is to show the beauty and finish as best I can. I hope that helps!
  14. [quote name='slazman' post='877228' date='Jun 25 2010, 11:04 AM']Really interested in this ... are there any dings or imperfections I should know about before I check the bank balance? (I have to say all the pictures are stunning ... even though everyone else has ... superb marketing!) Thanks Peter[/quote] Hi Peter - there are a few minor dings, all of them are illustrated in the pics, so you can see how minor they are. It really is a beautiful bass in superb condition for it's age. Keep in mind that it does not have the original case, but a good quality tolex does come with it. You can either collect from Glasgow or have it delivered - you choice - but it will be packed to within an inch of it's life for transport in any case. Here's another shot I liked.
  15. [quote name='tom1946' post='877063' date='Jun 25 2010, 06:47 AM']While the pics of the bass support are stunning, I would like some decent close ups of the bass itself please? I'm 63 and still chase women but I can't remember why so I fill my life with music. Is there a cover for the err, pickup?[/quote] Hi Tom - of course, Sir, my pleasure. Whilst the photos are fun - they are also intended to illustrate the bass that I am selling. So; As you can see, the bass itself is in remarkable condition for it's vintage - 1980. Currently it has a small, white, self-fashioned thumb rest just above the neck pup. Nothing was altered on the bass to achieve this and can be easily removed. And, yes, there is a pick-up cover for the bass, but it's at my home in France and so I'd have to post that on my return after the 4th of July. No problem.
  16. As you would expect from a classic Ric in this condition - a full, rich bottom and quite thrilling top end.
  17. The full body. Of course.
  18. [quote name='chriswilliams666' post='876333' date='Jun 24 2010, 01:01 PM']On a series note, Do the birds come free with the Ricky?[/quote] On an equally serious note - I [i]pay [/i]the models. There is more to the shoot than basses of course - most of the girls are happy to tag these shots on for me. The girl today was a familiar face to me and perfect for the Ric as you will see later this evening
  19. Model no shows are a fact of life. Option 2 being attempted today. Rurality people plurality reality dictates that option 3 means pics...with no stands.
  20. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='875233' date='Jun 23 2010, 11:35 AM']I've just been offered an endorsement by a big company and I'm pretty excited about it! Have any of you guys that have endorsements seen much rise in activity with your bands/session work because people are seeing your endorsement or is it really not making any difference? I think I'm gonna try and go with it, purely because I'll be kicking myself if I don't, but it's not the easy choice that I always thought an endorsement offer would be.[/quote] It should be an easy decision - endorsements are just that: someone placing a vote of confidence in YOU. Life is full of opportunities and you never know quite how they will pan out until you give it one. So to speak. As it were. The only equivalent to endorsements I've ever had is being published in pro-photography mags and newspapers. Without exception these brought good things to the table. Being able to honestly apply endorsements to your own marketing is most certainly a good thing in my experience.
  21. [quote name='bubinga5' post='875745' date='Jun 23 2010, 07:20 PM']Im an electrician and water on PCB boards dont mix...[/quote] I was an electrician. But, so dull a spark that I was promptly sacked on the day my apprenticeship finished. Beautifully, the MOD don't do apprenticeship 'fails' so I got my papers and a CV that says I was satisfactory in every category. Even 9% in my electrical principles exam wasn't enough to tarnish my papers You'll understand why I had to ask the question
  22. [quote name='Rayman' post='875415' date='Jun 23 2010, 01:58 PM']Is it for one of your photo shoots? Not for the Ric you're about to sell I hope . However, if the pictures involve a young lady in a bikini then I'd say go for it.[/quote] Not for the Ric, but most certainly for photography. I've been working towards creating a book of bass photographs featuring models/basses and want to include water. Need to include water would be more accurate. I've had nearly a year out for this reason and that and I'm keen to get on now I'm largely functional again.
  23. Hi guys - serious tech question. If I was to throw a bucket of water over a bass would there be any resulting damage? And any tips for drying the bass to ensure there is a happy outcome for all? The bass will NOT be plugged into anything in it's moment of torment.
  24. [quote name='Shockwave' post='875366' date='Jun 23 2010, 01:29 PM']Hes back! The Messiah returns! [/quote] With a bit of luck I'll have one of those fancy guitar stands to hang the bass on for the pics
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