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Everything posted by lojo

  1. Wow there's something you don't see everyday , I'll be following this with interest
  2. learning the song make up (lines, fills , breaks , middle etc) can be learned very quickly , sometimes 2-3 listens, but keeping a structure and those in your head to perform confidently without notes / sheets is where I struggle , easier for stuff you like or already have heard a million times . I guess there are 2 parts to playing covers , learning the line and knowing the structures well enough to play without hesitation and be what a bass should be , the absolute rock Doobie Brothers is a good example , easy line to learn , but so many bands miss getting tight with order of differing verses and the slow down part
  3. Last thing I expected to see posted was My Bloody Valentine Saw them in the 80s , great band Keep em coming , I seem to have a thing for one off disco songs
  4. Guess loads of long term non disco artists have done this , anyone add to the list ? Stone - Miss You Blondie - Atomic / Heart of Glass Rod - Do you think I'm Sexy Dr Hook - Sexy Eyes
  5. The micro bits as we are calling them on this forum do matter , but the level to Which they matter depends on the genre and the level of showmanship you are aiming for In My 80s band , whilst everyone does good homework benefits greatly from sessions because we have to work out how to make certain songs sound good when we are only playing 1 keys and Guitar when there are more on the recording , often we can make great choices and other times we just can't get happy with it , regardless how well everyone knows it However , depping playing covers band classics might not require any sessions at all As someone said above though , people should learn the chords and structures before coming together
  6. My main band come to sessions knowing structures and thier parts, I couldn't have it any other way.
  7. Anyone ever had a stingray go silent at a gig ? 2 Eqs enough for me , can't see what else id need to do to the sound
  8. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1491946597' post='3276753'] Strangely, I am currently reading The Massacre of Mankind, an authorised sequel to WOTW. [/quote] Interesting , I'll try to find an audio version I did the album the other year on a drive to south of France , loved it
  9. If you mean will it become more common Again in pop and rock recordings then I hope so So many great tracks built on the fretless sound and we need more
  10. Did they check you could make the dates before booking it ? If you said yes initially then I guess you need to do , otherwise they are wrong to assume your free
  11. Bombs away is my favourite police track
  12. I just read the thread again and imagined it as dialogue from around a pub table , just reads as funny banter that way
  13. Does anyone know if I can get an off the shelf Maple boarded neck to fit a Yamaha BBN5 , ideally headless ? Thanks
  14. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1490803472' post='3268204'] Sorry not had time to read the entire thread but playing in a self appointed "edgy Indie Disco" band I have no actual idea what "Indie" is supposed to mean, please can someone define this mystical genre? [/quote] Indie was originally artists releasing on independent label music , so bands not signed to a big label Or an indie band could get a big label deal then is technically not an indie band anymore , but indie is now a wide genre not a reference to thier label , it's all very confusing. I blame prog rock , genres where fairly easy to catorgorise before that I could be wrong of course and often am
  15. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1490654013' post='3266855'] Ogdens Nut Gone Flake stands out, never heard such a simple bassline make a song [/quote] It's a wonderful tone on that whole album
  16. [quote name='Barking Spiders' timestamp='1490606085' post='3266254'] Ride beats me [/quote] My list of favourite most played albums ever would feature lots of genres and not be dominated in any way by indie , but Rides first album "Nowhere" would be in there.
  17. Most my initial thoughts mentioned already Summertime - The Sundays , if I remember its just 2 notes reversed for chorus , ok you wouldn't put it down as a greatest ever line, but the song achieves a lot with very little Gene Chandler - Does she have a friend for me , never leaves the root in 1/4s but its so soulful and teases like its gonna do fill but doesn't
  18. I'm not sure what the tech specs are but my PB70US neck is huge , though incredibly comfy . I've also a Japanese jazz bass with a fatter neck than most jazzes which I really love to
  19. I got back into playing in 2009 after a long break , for a few years I played all the "frowned upon" covers in bands, but I was happy just to be playing again . As time went on I got bored and over the last few years I've played in bands which tick my boxes a bit more and would be unlikely to go back to run of the mill bands unless depping to help a mate. So it's all to do with where you are at and nothing to do with what's right or wrong imo
  20. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1490289037' post='3264011'] His wife is critically ill too. They were on the last day of a holiday celebrating their 25th anniversary apparently. [/quote] Yeah the stories are really sad, the lady on the bridge was on route to pick up her kids
  21. [quote name='IainS' timestamp='1490263939' post='3263682'] It's an interesting question - once expenses are covered, how much money do you think your time is worth? And how do you work out that number? I'm sure some people will say that you're worth whatever people will pay for you, but there are people in this and other lines of work who fight for equality for pay who would strongly disagree, but maybe that's for another thread... [/quote] Also every wedding is different ... Do they have any input into your set beyond what you already play ? Are you providing PA , lights, DJ or other extras Do you need to set up and sound check early and hang around (if do is in same room as meal etc) Is it for a friend or is it for someone who is coming to you "strictly business" Do you believe your set is tight and your singer good enough to charge a lot Are you starting out and want to build a reputation for value So many items to consider
  22. [quote name='Dropzone' timestamp='1490267184' post='3263718'] So is the consensus that the US ones are the more preferred choice? Ta Mike [/quote] Ive 2 Japanse P basses which tick all the boxes and had an MIM with a gorgeous tone With regard to the original question, Id saying pretty much or almost, though the range of what you can do with them is vast
  23. Would can do it for free or charge £2500 or more ! Bands are like builders the range of quotes is vast and not always connected to the quality of service What do you guys need to make it worthwhile
  24. I've got a natural / maple PB70US from Japan and it's a wonderful instrument , so nice I don't gig it much. I giggled it last weekend and it's so comfortable
  25. Thats Cool I got on much better and quicker than I thought, and the band would not have let me get away with loose playing so that was a vote of confidence when they ok'd me finally doing it . First songs I did where Ain't Nobody , Like a Virgin & Don't you want me
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