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Everything posted by lojo

  1. People should be free to wearing spandex ,stand on monitors and not charge for it if they want to
  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1480780018' post='3187095'] Sorry but putting your foot on the monitor (even Mr Harris) is lame [/quote] I don't do it , but don't think there should be a law against it ?
  3. I joined basschat around 2009 when I was quite happy with my rig and you guys did a job on me Cheers
  4. Rehearsals for me are more about song structure confidence and making sure guitar and keys are covering whats required in the song etc volume is not required though in a small room it's often dictated by the drum kit
  5. We supported Take That this year , oh sorry that was Re Take That
  6. I've got a pitch black pedal or a built in markbass , both great depending what I take
  7. All knowledge is good I have made a choice not to put time into it as I enjoying my covers functions work which I can do without much theory and have to many other things going on in my mid life. Roll back the clock and I'll tell my teenage self to study it of course
  8. If it's a leap year do you get a day free or is it £20.05?
  9. If you do repeat venues you could inform them of price increase if your confident that it's still viable to those booking you. For one off functions just as in any business you need to be sure your fee is attractive What kind of gigs you doing ?
  10. I hear a lot of modern music through my kids , but they seem to stream it and never seem to watch MTV or music type shows on screen
  11. Whilst there's all kinds of performances , from the shadows walk to the axe position and they all have there place , I do find people on stage just being themselves very entertaining , that could be someone who loves jumping around and sticking thier tongue out to a shy but talented person standing very still doing their thing.
  12. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1480538000' post='3185265'] Take it everyone commenting on this is white then... [/quote] I look all white but my dad was black No joke
  13. What is sad is that the media have linked in with the fact that Daryl is black , which clearly not connected.
  14. Often 2 , my favourite 4 string and one for a few that require drop D , either my 5 or a D tuned 4 Once did a gig on medium sized public hall stage and the guitarist brought so much gear the rest of us shared 50% of the stage , he got there early and we couldn't be bothered to argue
  15. I know some good and reliable drummers , just saying they aint all bad
  16. Ive got a Japanese RI jazz and precision , neither have headstock truss adjustment points
  17. Cheers I'll get it on catch up tomorrow
  18. There was a point when there where loads of these going, guess all the new owners are happy for now until the gas kicks in
  19. Yep, they've played it a lot , he's a versatile and talented guy old Shaky There was a great documentary about him a while back, he certainly paid his low level gigging dues before he got commercial success
  20. Will buy if we can work out logistics Pm sent , please call me Thanks
  21. [quote name='ProfJames' timestamp='1479542804' post='3177304'] Were the late '90s a good period for Stingrays? [/quote] I don't know the consensus , but I'm very pleased with it, it's exactly what I wanted , flea bridge, string mutes etc
  22. I paid around £700 for a 1997 stingray this year in reasonable condition
  23. I could take a P, a J or a Ray to rehearsal or gig , and the most is get is "that's a nice colour" not sure the band hear any difference live
  24. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1479327066' post='3175727'] As a funk player would he. maybe want more "twang" when slapping the E-A and calm the twang on the popping on the D-G ? For your further entertainment: http://youtu.be/puY2_cRLMbQ [/quote] That's the bass Maybe for twang , but not sure he slaps that much His ESP has reversed p pickups also , might be some reasoning on thier literature?
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