Okies, so I got my hands on some cheap-as-hell fender P-bass copy, which has got decent wood. As I am GASing for fretless bass for quite a while I decided to customize it and make a fretless P-bass
Going to change head's shape to lil bit more aggressive one and body's upper horn will be turned into scroll-shaped bass upper horn. And if my finances allow me body will be covered in leather(Yes, I hope to dress up my bass ).
However, as i got completely no experience working with wood, i got quite a few questions. Hopefully you guys can help me out with them
Well, first of all, as I am living in the deepest woods called Lithuania, 15~20euro worth ebony fretboard shipping costs from 30 to 50euro. Which is pretty much my all projects budget
Only hardwoods that i can get without selling my kidneys are maple and oak. I highly doubt that oak will be good. Is maple usable for fretless fretboard?
Secondly, What finish i can use for wood(neck, body). Is let say, just plain wood lacquer OK for the job? Over the forums people seem to talk about some oils and waxes, sadly i got no idea what those are :|
Heh, had a lot more questions, but my mind is already on holidays(first time in couple of years going to the sea ) and can't remember them >.<''