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Total Watts

  1. ok £230-240 is the max i can go,thanks for the suggestions
  2. it would be amp and cab or a combo
  3. sorry if you hear this alot but... I need a amp and i'm not sure what to buy?? I would like it to be gigable at small to medium venues and I have a budget of £200 with the credit crunch n'all,but , I have to buy it new.i have a deal with my local music shop and there order what i want in. so any ideas ?? Thanks,
  4. BenK

    Stagg B-370 J Bass

  5. BenK

    SX Basses

    [quote name='Jamesemt' post='532759' date='Jul 5 2009, 09:08 AM']Why not import???? The only difference is that you'll get a £20 customs bill through the post!![/quote] the only problem i have is that i cant return it and it has no waranty.
  6. BenK

    SX Basses

    [font="Century Gothic"][center] Dont know if i'm right here,but [url="http://www.curlymusic.co.uk/index.pl?browse=categories&id=281"]but these undbranded[/url] ones look like they came out the same factory. anyone know?[/center][right][/right][/font]
  7. BenK

    SX Basses

    ok thanks for the help
  8. BenK

    SX Basses

    [center][font="Century Gothic"]Does anyone know where they sell the decent sx basses in the uk?(not the 21 fret version) I dont want to get in to importing it from rondo.[/font][/center]
  9. [font="Tahoma"][center]Wow!! my first thread is back from the dead!! ive PM'D him btw asking if he can post,sussex is a fair way from Leicester!!![/center][/font]
  10. PM'D a question
  11. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='127644' date='Jan 25 2008, 12:46 PM']That sounds all well and good, but do I really want to attract anyone who's into "horse-loving"? [/quote] Because they know how to give a good ride!!! Funny thread btw
  12. [font="Tahoma"][center]could you use a guitar valve head for bass if you had a bass cab? sorry if i'm wrong I'm not a expert on amps! [/center][/font]
  13. BenK

    Ashton Basses?

    [font="Tahoma"][center]yeah I think I will the people on this forum really are as good as you say they are:)[/center][/font]
  14. BenK

    Ashton Basses?

    [font="Tahoma"][center]Thanks for the advice i was a bit weary about buying second-hand as a mate of mine got a really dodgy guitar once but the people seem quite friendly here[/center][/font]
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