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Everything posted by BenK

  1. ok £230-240 is the max i can go,thanks for the suggestions
  2. it would be amp and cab or a combo
  3. sorry if you hear this alot but... I need a amp and i'm not sure what to buy?? I would like it to be gigable at small to medium venues and I have a budget of £200 with the credit crunch n'all,but , I have to buy it new.i have a deal with my local music shop and there order what i want in. so any ideas ?? Thanks,
  4. BenK

    Stagg B-370 J Bass

  5. BenK

    SX Basses

    [quote name='Jamesemt' post='532759' date='Jul 5 2009, 09:08 AM']Why not import???? The only difference is that you'll get a £20 customs bill through the post!![/quote] the only problem i have is that i cant return it and it has no waranty.
  6. BenK

    SX Basses

    [font="Century Gothic"][center] Dont know if i'm right here,but [url="http://www.curlymusic.co.uk/index.pl?browse=categories&id=281"]but these undbranded[/url] ones look like they came out the same factory. anyone know?[/center][right][/right][/font]
  7. BenK

    SX Basses

    ok thanks for the help
  8. BenK

    SX Basses

    [center][font="Century Gothic"]Does anyone know where they sell the decent sx basses in the uk?(not the 21 fret version) I dont want to get in to importing it from rondo.[/font][/center]
  9. [font="Tahoma"][center]Wow!! my first thread is back from the dead!! ive PM'D him btw asking if he can post,sussex is a fair way from Leicester!!![/center][/font]
  10. PM'D a question
  11. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='127644' date='Jan 25 2008, 12:46 PM']That sounds all well and good, but do I really want to attract anyone who's into "horse-loving"? [/quote] Because they know how to give a good ride!!! Funny thread btw
  12. [font="Tahoma"][center]could you use a guitar valve head for bass if you had a bass cab? sorry if i'm wrong I'm not a expert on amps! [/center][/font]
  13. BenK

    Ashton Basses?

    [font="Tahoma"][center]yeah I think I will the people on this forum really are as good as you say they are:)[/center][/font]
  14. BenK

    Ashton Basses?

    [font="Tahoma"][center]Thanks for the advice i was a bit weary about buying second-hand as a mate of mine got a really dodgy guitar once but the people seem quite friendly here[/center][/font]
  15. BenK

    Ashton Basses?

    [font="Tahoma"][center]thanks for the help there not as good a deal as I first thought then:( oh well,back to the search(vintage look good)[/center][/font]
  16. BenK

    Ashton Basses?

    [center][quote name='Hamster' post='509350' date='Jun 9 2009, 06:13 PM']AFAIK all the Ashton gear is made in China, which can be a good or bad thing, it's all down to the materials and workmanship. I don't know Ashton's availability over here but I'd have a serious look at these instead which are pretty good - [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/vintagebass.html"]http://www.jhs.co.uk/vintagebass.html[/url][/quote] Bit out my price range .but they look great[/center]
  17. BenK

    Ashton Basses?

    I'll end up doing some modding but is the woodwork,fretwork and finish good?
  18. [center]Has anyone had any experience with them? I'm interested in this model [url="http://www.ashtonmusic.com.au/productView.asp?productID=399&colourcodeID=60"]Specs[/url][/center]
  19. Thanks for the help guys
  20. Bumb,so anyone know any good brands??
  21. [quote name='kingforaday' post='508451' date='Jun 8 2009, 07:01 PM']not sure about where to get an SX from but why not check out the for sale section here for your 1st bass? unless you've got your heart set on an SX? you could get something pretty decent for not alot of money 2nd hand, there's a peavey fury in the for sale section for £150 and a few Squier VMJ's which are great value for money[/quote] Thanks for the tip I didnt scroll down enough(i'm such a nooblet lol) i'll take a look
  22. [font="Tahoma"][center]Hi to all, I have just come from the world of six strings and I'm looking to get a dirt cheap bass to muck around with.I have looked at the sx basses but as I live in the UK there impossible to get the good ones, that are not the 21 fret starter packs.I have thought about buying one from rondo but the shipping is expensive and by the time the tax man has caught up with me it will be out my price range I will play mostly rock and a tad of funk if anyone else knows any decent brands in that price range with good UK dealers your ideas would be greatly appreciated [/center] [/font]
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