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About basshead56

  • Birthday 02/03/1984

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    New Zealand

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  1. I was pretty annoyed to start with but in hindsight it's worked out rather well. Would have been nice to have another QMT but the one I already have, as well as the Victor Bailey, Am PRO 2 and 60th ann RW (all bought in the last 12 months) are all more than enough to cover all my Jazz needs. To be fair, I will probably get more live use out of the new HH and having sold my Ray 4H very recently, it fills the gap rather nicely. And rest assured no fellow BCers were sworn at, spoken ill-of, nor harmed in any way 😊
  2. Well, it's a big, chonky beast!!! Love everything about it! Now to find a rosewood board version for twinsies! The extra pickup and switching is really cool. Very versatille. Have run it through the A0900 and the 4PRO. Will give it a whirl through the SVT this evening. Definitely worth the verylong day trip lol
  3. If you need another silver one, I'm selling mine 🤣🤣
  4. So after originally agreeing on a deal to pick up a 2002 Am Dlx QMT, things have changed a little. Before Christmas i found said QMT online at the other end of the country. Spoke to the seller, agreed on a fair price and booked a flight there and back. Cut to late last week, the guy messaged to say he has decided to keep it for sentimental reasons. So I'm down 350 for return flights and no bass Ive been waiting on. I was pretty darn annoyed considering the logisitics, booking a day off etc, etc (and the 3 or 4 tasty instruments I passed on along the way while waiting to pick up this one!!!) but hey, it's his bass at the end of the day. Was about to go and see if I could move my flights out to later in the year and use them for something else, (maybe a Pixies gig or something) when suddenly up pops a 2012 Ray HH in pretty tidy order bar a couple of scuffs AND for the same money as the 2001 Ray 4H I sold on Christmas Eve... and in the same black and maple scheme lol So off to Dorkland at a sparrows on Thursday. Will be a very long day but hopefully very worth it. Always wanted to try a HH 4. Pretty sure it will scratch the itch for a while lol Pics will hopefully follow soon
  5. I haven't bought one specifically for the reasons above... I'm definitely an Ampeg fanboy and I've been so tempted to get a Venture series head but I'm really not sure about the reliability aspect of them. I had nothing but good experiences with the PF series. Owned all three models of the non tube heads and had a great run with them. Apart from one evening when my pf800 just cut out for about a minute. Never happened again. I've had friends have major issues with pf500s. Just sold my entire PF rig a couple of months ago. Sad to see it go but I didn't use it anywhere near as much as I thought I would. Given how new the Venture stuff is and the few issues I've heard of from the likes of Ed Friedland and the odd bit from other sites, I'm hesitant. Think I'll wait and see a bit longer. Never had an issue with my SVT or any of the PRO amps. On a similar note, I haven't gigged a great deal with my Darkglass AO900 but I've come across quite a few people who've had DG amp issues, mostly with the 500 series amps. Reliability there makes me a tad nervous too.
  6. I have found trying to coax a super 'clean' tone out of my AO900 to be a bit fiddly on the fly, but it can certainly be done. This is because I bought it primarily for it's Dist. sounds as this was what I needed at the time and this amp is absolutely BRILLIANT at doing just that - making loud, crisp, clanky drive sounds. What I have gotten from the clean side is ok but I've certainly had much nicer clean tones in the past. I have since replaced this live rig with a GK 1001RB and my dUg pedal and the DG and 8x10 cab have been relegated to the Jamnasium at home. Still evaluating the right bass to drive it. Had been using the Aria CB and an AM PRO II Jazz and both sounded great, just missing some zing with the clean side of things (but only on a couple of tunes). Otherwise both paired with either rig are a match made in fuzzy heaven/hell... But while I'm off work for the festive period, I will certainly be sitting down with it and spending some time dialing it all in. Will let you know how it progresses.
  7. One of those turned up for sale in Dunedin about 3 months ago. Was pretty tidy too. Someone got a bargain at $3.5K NZD!
  8. So the Victor Bailey I got a few months ago marked bass number 50 that I've owned. I've had a count and it turns out I have moved on 30, still have 20. On the block to chop - My EB Musicman Stingray 3EQ and my 90's Dano DC. Will replace with one - either an active Jazz of some kind (currently eyeing up another QMT in cherryburst or a 2016 American Deluxe Jazz in Natural) OR a 2023 Am PRO II in Dark Night with rosewood. What I've moved on over the years, in chronological order: 1 Fender Mike Dirnt Sig Precision Bass Black/White/Rosewood 2 SX Acoustic Bass 4 Natural 3 DaisyRock Rock Candy 4 Pink Sparkle Active 4 2001 Fender Jazz Deluxe Active Black/Tort/Rosewood 5 2002 Fender Geddy Lee Jazz Bass CIJ Black/White/Maple 6 2002 Fender CIJ 70’s RI Precision Olympic White/Black /Rosewood 7 2004 EB Musicman SUB Bass Red/Black/Ebony 8 Epiphone Thunderbird IV White 9 1994 Fender Precision Lyte Deluxe Green Sparkle/Gold 10 Gibson Thunderbird Studio V Ebony 11 2004 Fender Mustang Bass CIJ Fiesta Red/MOP/Rosewood 12 1994 EB Musicman Stingray 3EQ Natural/Black/Maple 13 1979 Fender Precision Bass Sunburst/Black/Maple 14 Schecter Diamond 4 Black 15 2004 Fender Mark Hoppus Sign Precision Bass mk 1 Seafoam Green/MOP/Rosewood 16 Squier Jaguar VM Black/Tort/Rosewood 17 Epiphone Thunderbird IV Black/White/Rosewood 18 Fender Victor Bailey Signature Acoustic Bass IV 19 1970’s Aria Diamond Ric copy 20 2000’s Dean Stylist ‘Cabbie’ w Gretsch Blacktops – NYC Cab Yellow/Checker/Rosewood 21 1993 Fender JP-90 Bass Black/Black/Rosewood 22 BC Rich Virgo Celtic 23 Squier CV 50’s Precision Bass Fiesta Red/Tort/Rosewood 24 Squier SS Jaguar Bass Black/White Pearloid/Rosewood 25 Squier Precision Bass Mini Torino Red/White/Pau F 26 2004 Fender OBP-51 RI Precision Bass refin White/Black/Maple 27 Jackson CS Minion PJ Green 28 2011 Fender American Standard Jazz Bass Sunburst/Black/Maple 29 2007 Fender Jaguar Bass CIJ series 1 Hot Rod Red/White/Rosewood 30 2013 Squier Classic Vibe 50’s Precision Butterscotch/maple
  9. Hey, if it's heavy - I'm taking a Marhsall VBC412 or an Ampeg 6x10! haha But I would definitely love a Barefaced 4x10 which could do just about anything I reckon
  10. I have an American Deluxe Precision from that period (97) amd it sounds immense. The wheel adjustment does seem like a cool feature in the Ultra series.
  11. On a real Jazz kick this year. Bought 4 and sold one. Am absolutely smitten with both the early 00's American Deluxe QMT and the Victor Bailey I got. Just wondering, when it comes to active Fender Jazz basses, what are your thoughts when it comes to the different versions of the Deluxe series? Havent tried any of the 09-2016 units, apparently the end of that run (prior to the Elite series) were amazingly good...? Has anyone tried them all? favorites? opinions on which version is the best? keen to hear your thoughts.
  12. Been using the skinny Levys vinyl straps for a few years now and absolutely loved them. They sit well on the shoulder and blend in like camo. Got a couple of them when my friends music shop shut down. Ordered a couple of more as spares. A few months ago I found out they made some wider ones with pick holders in them (4 x little pockets) Grabbed a couple and a letterbox sticker kit from the local big box hardware shop. Did one for one of the bands I play in (put my son's initials on the back for good luck) Did a second one as a twofer - a nod to the old country but also on the back the three additional letters that spell out my unborn daughter's name, also named for the old country. Pleased with how they've turned out. Punk DIY ethos 😁
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  13. I think in terms of my collection, I'm almost at critical mass - I've ditched out nearly everything I'd be willing to part with that wouldn't hurt a bit lol. I am selling my black and maple 3EQ EBMM Ray and my 90's Dano DC in silver sparkle to make way for one more bass, I'm just not 100% sure on what that one would be. Potentially another Ray, but preferably with a rosewood board (I just prefer the look of rosewood on a lot basses, the sound on Jazz basses) This year, I've been on a Jazz odyssey - I've sold one (the only one I'd owned for 10+ years) and bought 4 of em. I've really developed a taste for active/super-Jazz-style instruments since owning an Am Dlx QMT and a Victor Bailey, so would probably say I'd actively look for another QMT in a different colour and maybe, at some point, treat myself to a high-end Sadowsky. (really loved the Jason Newsted Sadowsky sig earlier this year, gutted I didn't have the money for one of those). I'd probably also consider an Adam Clayton Jazz or a Blu DeTiger sig Jazz if either popped up. I'm covered for all things Precision and I think with my Aria SB-CB, Thunderbird Studio, Rascal and other EBMM basses, I've got all my humbuckin' requirements covered too. A Thunderbird IV would be cool, as would one of the Epi Vintage PRO/64 Tbirds but not sure when I'd actually use it Someone mentioned about 'tribute' basses earlier - bass choices inspired by favourite bass players - I can definitely dig that. I am still scouting for an Aria CSB 380 in red ala Kim Deal. Other than that, I'm not really 'looking' for anything. I'd like to think I'm getting better at managing GAS as I get older... lol
  14. Considering they effectively invented the bass amp, I really hope they stick to producing at least some models. But knowing Fender, they will always aim for products to fill specific pricepoints - an entry series, a mid-tier and a pro series, at the very least.
  15. That would certainly take some getting used to! Ariya - don't worry about it. Haha
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