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Everything posted by basshead56

  1. [quote name='donut' post='884653' date='Jul 3 2010, 10:47 AM']One of the old-style USA Precision Deluxe models?[/quote] +1 I have one the exact same colour as the one in the above photo (original post). Mine is a 97, so I would put the one in the OP at 95-99 (they changed the colour options for the deluxe series in 99-according to my old catalogue) Hope that helps
  2. [quote name='Stag' post='884647' date='Jul 3 2010, 10:43 AM']The SVT610HLF is the finest cab ive ever owned, simples! It does weigh a bit, but dont let that put you off as it does have big sturdy castors, a towel rail for pushing/pulling it, and skid rails on the back. I simply cannot recommend it highly enough, wish id bought one years back - would have saved me a costly cab buying journey! Its ported as well, I have had no problems being heard anywhere... ever... fills a room with bassy goodness. It handles tops beautifully as well and you can tinker with the variable tweeter setting to get what you want coming out of it. :wub: i love it long time, as you might have guessed[/quote] +1 kabillon! These things cannot be beaten when it comes to 10´s, IMO. More portable than the 8x10 and with a huge, unique sound of its own. I A/B´d the 8x10 / 6x10 and was blown away with both. The only downside for the 610HLF when compared to the 810 is that it doesn´t have the same baffle system inside, as its a ported cab, so if your expecting the same sound as the ´fridge´, it won´t be the exact same. The 8x10 had a little bit more top end and midrange kick. But the 610 has a bigger bottom and a sweeter overall sound IMO. These cabs are amazing and should always be considered when looking at the big cab market!
  3. In my limited experience with 5 string squier P basses, they dont sound the same as the 4. They two or three I´ve picked up and noodled with had jazz bass pups and were preicison in neck profile only. I remember a dark green Squier Standard 5 String Precision. It sounded good, but much brighter than a P bass IMO. It would be worth trying one out if you can, to see if it feels and sounds right. There´s no obligation to buy and if it´s not right, you can keep looking for summit´else. For the money, Squier are fantastic basses and the newer stuff is the best quality I´ve seen in ages. I cant wait to try a VM Jag bass!!! For little money passive 5 srtings, try a Dean or an Aria, they do some great budget stuff too and they won´t cost the world. Basically, if you really need one, look into them, if you don´t, you´ll learn something from just looking anyway. Don´t buy just for the hell of it though, like so many do Col
  4. Oh, how I have coveted one of these! Saw some band on telly years ago and the bass player was wielding one of these beautiful things. It got to a part where it was just the drums and bass and I can stiill remeber the growl. The camera zoomed right up to it and just in the background was a blueline SVT and 8x10 cab. Wish i could remember who it was and when! It was a light metallic blue, like some of the old Thunderbirds (pelham blue?) so this must´ve been either a custom order or a refinish. Anyways, if you´re a stickler for tradition, it say go CAR, its a classic for a reason. Failing that, a Pelham blue would look rather fetching IMO I would love to be in your shoes now, because either way, you are going to end up with a fantastc sounding bass!
  5. Just took delivery of Matthew´s Ampeg Micro-VR and 2x Ampeg SVT210-AV´s. I am delighted. Honestly couldn´t be happier with anything! A true gentleman to deal with. Great, friendly communications. Everything was packaged perfectly and the rig arrived as described-MINT! He even sent the rig, before payment had cleared properly! I would have no problem in recommending Matthew to other BC´ers as a seller! Thanks again mate, and if you´re ever in this neck of the woods again, gimme a bell! Col
  6. Have you considered the Ampeg Micro VR? I just picked up the full rig from BC´er magee (who got it from Chris/Beedster) and it is the mutts!!! They aren´t the cheapest rig to buy new, but for portability, tone and volume, they really are wicked little things. It has completely solved my need for a small-gig-rig and I can fit the lot in the boot of a Polo, with loads of room for lazy bandmates and a pair of basses! It has not only filled the hole where my Ashdown mini-stack was, but filled, plastered and painted over it with a nice murial depcting cherubs and a big beardy bloke-doing so with only one cup of tea AND cleaned up nice and tidy after too. Ok, forgot what i was saying there... Oh yeah, get one, and if you can, get the second 2x10!!!
  7. [quote name='discreet' post='878013' date='Jun 26 2010, 10:40 AM']I'm not familiar with this instrument - is it Irish/American? [/quote] I say, stick with Precision´s- there is NOTHING out there that comes close to them soundwise. The original and best since 51! Get a Custom Shop 64. Got to have a play on one for a few mins last month when the band at my mate´s wedding was setting up. kick ass!!!
  8. UPDATE, First, thanks to all who have posted here, your insight and opinions have been really helpful. And to clear up anything that needed it, the band was a semi-pro type set up (it pays bills and gets us along). We all have part time jobs, but spend more time playng than working (usually) After a long conversation, the drummer and I have decided to leave this band. A second (mostly) civilkised conversation followed with the other two We talked about everything, and I mean everything. We told them how we felt about the entire situation and that perhaps leaving things would be best for all, for the time being at least. We wished them good luck in whatever they do next and that we should not stop being friends because of this. Seemed to go ok. In hindsight, I´m relieved in a way. The fun had sort of gone out of it a bit and if I´m honest, I don´t think me or the drummer were really considered as anything more than the ´backing band´ and didn´t have as much input as we would have liked. But all´s not doom and gloom, was at the studio last night doing some bits and pieces for a mate´s EP and will be there with another of my bands next week recording. Kind of surfy/punk stuff, which I love. And thursday, have a jam with the other band, So not too worried, the weight´s off and the world´s a bigger place Thanks again guys
  9. [quote name='Tee' post='877154' date='Jun 25 2010, 09:41 AM']I have a B200R (220w 1x15) in as good as new condition (2-3 months old) and i would consider selling it if someone was interested. They're great amps and the 200 specifically, has a great DI out with a level control on it. (see far right of pic) [/quote] Is it a US made one? How much would you be selling for? If I hadn´t just got a nice little amp set up (will post later), I´d be very interested.
  10. Black all the way. Not a fan of the tort with sunburst
  11. [quote name='discreet' post='875288' date='Jun 23 2010, 12:30 PM']This.[/quote] As ever, we agree on something, besides puns! [quote name='Sarah5string' post='875314' date='Jun 23 2010, 12:52 PM']Difficult as I can see it from both sides of the fence.... Maybe have an open honest chat with them about you concerns re the comments etc and go from there?[/quote] Just done all that. It went ok, but they´ve pushed everything back on me on the drummer "If you guys want to keep going, we will" sort of thing. We said we´d think about it... but we both know we´re out. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='875316' date='Jun 23 2010, 12:55 PM']Roughly translated this means - "Guys, our gig abroad has fallen through and now we have no band, we'd just like to pick up where things have left off and never mention it again if that's ok?"[/quote] That´s what we figured, despte swift and strong denials [quote name='krispn' post='875483' date='Jun 23 2010, 03:00 PM']OK so the real issue is that........ A - they sent a group text and didn't tell you personally or tell the 'band' first. You expected more from your friendship and rightly so but we all hve, or had, friends who are dating or in a relationship and as such they tend to share this info among themselves first and in many cases its only their decision to make regardless of the wider picture. Best friends, oldest friends etc often get relegated to the 2nd or 3rd wave of info and unfortunately that now means the net. The internet and facebook in particular has this bad habit of giving people an immediate forum to release 'big' life changes or news about their lives before its had a chance to sink in and require any thought. So what happens is.. "Would you like a gig abroad in the sun, paid every day and no bills?" turns into a facebook update of OMG we are going to (insert sunny destination here) for a holiday and getting paid to sing too. Bets. Job. Ever! Most of us would say that an offer like that is too good to be true and in this case it looks like it was but you get given an offer like that and some ppl are all over facebook saying they are playing a summer gig all expenses covered blah blah. If nothing it shows an element of childish impulsivity but we're all guilty of that beit in our words or actions. B - Your still hanging onto a whole heap of stuff over the last time your friend backed down on a good musical opportunity and once that bad taste comes back its hard to shake. No amount of minty sweeties will shift it. Clearly you and your mate got over it in the past but if you can't let bad feelings like that go your gonna find yourself with a tumour my friend! I'm a tumour I'm a tumour..I'm a tumour (Family Guy) C - She did it before she'll do it again I play in a couple of bands and one is doing better than the others right now. Its good. The other band our singer is off to S.Africa possibly for a few years maybe only a few months. Good luck to him. We have great songs and it could have turned out ok with the right gigs and a bit of effort...but who knows he might have been a prick on the road, I might have been a prick on the road, the drummer...well you know drummers You have history with this chick - best mates or not. Hititing the road will only see old problems resurface plus you're already bringing up those bad experiences in light of this last holiday decision. So in summary Sit down, behave like adults, hold your tongue be calm and clear, concise even. Don't bitch about the past concentrate on the feelings that came up when you got the group text and then the facebook updates thing- talking about the FEELINGS and not the anger - makes it much more about the relationship and importantly the friendship and not petty sh*te. Im Irish I know we don't do feelings but its the 21st century and we're all europeans so get over it Keep us posted but you gotta talk it out instead of a rash decision. A decision made after thought and deliberation is a decision one can live with - just look at the for sale ad Good luck[/quote] Definately agree with most of ths to be honest. Another Pro-Euro Irishman? AND a bass player? surely not?! [quote name='RhysP' post='875575' date='Jun 23 2010, 05:04 PM']Definitely go with your gut feeling. And don't bother with all this "Life's too short to be holding grudges" bollocks - take it with you to the grave. Grudges & bitterness make life worth living. [/quote] As evil and ghoulish as i am in real life and my other bands, don´t think I have it in me to become a complete Sith-head about things [quote name='tino' post='875684' date='Jun 23 2010, 06:20 PM']Like Eddie & the HotRods daid DO ANTHING YOU WANNA DO That applies to all [/quote] One of my favourite songs of all time. Weirdly listened to it last night before going to sleep, slept like a baby on tranqs
  12. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='875337' date='Jun 23 2010, 01:14 PM']If the shoe really were on the other foot and you were offered an equivalently exciting deal which was tickling your dreams and aspirations, what would you do? [/quote] Once again, the voice of reason. Only the true master can wield the mighty Pingray Honestly though, if such an opportunity presented itself to me, I would first consider it. My loyalty to this band has been unflinching as I felt everyone was giving 110%. and whats more is, we´re all good mates-I thought. I have had far better offers, but believed this band could honestly have a decent crack at things too. Songs are good, playing is tight and being on the road was great fun. If I did decide to leave for something else, I would first sit them all down, talk it out and try to maintain friendships at least. I would not tell Facebook a week before telling them, then send a group txt, followed by 0 communicaton untill I changed my mind because my better offer fell on its ar*e Besides its too hot for shoes, its barefoot season Plus I´m Irish- can´t take sun!, so wouldnt go too far
  13. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='875252' date='Jun 23 2010, 12:00 PM']They sound like trouble. You could do B or C, then 6 months of hard work later turn around and do it again. They've shown you they're ficcle and un-commited. If your in this band to push it and get places, these don't sound like the people you want to do it with..[/quote] Thats what it feels like to us. Another reason i am a tad more resentful is that this guitarist and me were in a band about 8 years ago and she became impossible to work with. it ended badly. Posthumously, the band was offered a fairly good record deal and I do still blame her for it ending before its time in the sun, but its all internalised, festering away as a harmless rage-based mental condition. so no harm there
  14. Hi guys, Ok, so basically me and me drummer are in a pickle. Last thursday, we had a rehearsal with one of our bands-the one we spend the most time with. Just brought in a new guitarist (a mate from our old punk band) to fill out the sound a bit for gigs. Anyways, the other guitarist and singer (who are a couple) show up and announce that they want to leave for Crete for three months as they´ve been offered an essentially free working holiday-playing as an acoustic/harmony duo in a bar over there. They say they´ll get paid every night and accom and food are paid for. They´ve been on holidays here before-last year and are keen to go back, but would have to put the band on hold for three months or so. They ask us (me, drummer, new guitarist) what we think. I reply: If you guys go, Im out- I am not waiting around for three months and will find something else to do Drummer says he´s not sure, as does the guitarist (if he was any more laid back, you could pour him into a bowl!) We talk about it, (first they say its a huge opportunity for the band-we tear that to s**t-it snt, it´s an opportunity for you girls to get a tan!) they decide the band is worth sticking round for, rehearsal goes well, they go home. good days work, as usual. Monday night- We get a group text- Hey guys, sorry but we´ve decided to go to Crete, we cant afford to pass this up. We would love to pck this up again when we get back but we understand if you cant wait around.sorry again. Naturally, I am livid. First, me and the guitarist have been mates for 10 years and I get a group text. She uses my Strat, my Marshall amp, my rehearsal studio and I ask for nothing but the same commitment I have-which normally she has buckets more than i do! Do I get a call or any other communication? no! Ths band has done quite well and has been building up a pretty good head of steam, interest from small labels, tours to UK so far, as well as some pretty good opening slots for big bands over here. I meet with the drummer and other guitarist, we decide what they´ve done wasn´t very fair, especially considering the pressure they´ve put on us in the last few months; how important the band is, how far we´re getting, non stop gigging etc. So, we decided that the three of us are more or less done with them and we will pck up a couple of new projects. Drummer tells me after logging in last nigh,t that they decided as early as last Thursday they were leaving, according to Facebook comments. All weekend they´ve been giving away detalis, selling personal items and arranging to meet friends and family before they go, on Facebook! They told the f***ng internet before they told us, then send us one text! So as I said, we´d decided we were done with them. 11 last night. I get a group txt from the singer. "Guys we´ve decided to stay and dig in with the band can ye rehearse Thursday, that would be perfect" I know for a fact if the shoe was on the other foot, we´d be hunted down and VERY ill-spoken of in the vllage! Hmm, if I hadnt seen Facebook comments leading me to believe that they either couldnt get or afford a flight or the deal has fallen through, I might believe it. Like, would you have given away your first job in two years if you decide to stay and work on the band? doubt it. What do you reckon? As Im writing this, my phone is hopping off the table-the two of them, all going unanswered. I know this isnt Frank Black leaving the Pixies and telling the world before the band, but surely a mate wouldn´t be so crap about it?! What is the best course of action?: A) what my gut says- tell the ungrateful pair of s****s to get F´d talk it through C) forgive and forget Ok rant over. Please let me hear what you guys think. Col
  15. Great for rehearsal and VERY small gigs, but if being considered as a gig-rig, I´d look elsewhere as I found the two I´ve played well underpowered (even literally-my old Fender Rumble 100 was much louder). At low volume, these things fill up a room with a nice ´round´ sound. And they look like Ampeg´s should. They are great value when one can find them cheap. Avoid the BA112 like the proverbial though, really only fit for bedroom jamming or ornamental use. Of all the Ampeg combos around I would definately try to get a B100/200R Rocket amps. Serious volume, punch, clarity and sounds like a late 60´s/early 70´s Ampeg combo! Though I understand they´ve now been discontinued, a shame as I think they were Ampeg´s best kept secret! Another sign that LOUD have stopped making sense where Ampeg are concerned. Still, hoping the Micro VR set-up sounds great for rehearsal and small gigs...
  16. +1 to the above. The only servicing a speaker cabinet would go through would be driver replacement or wiring/soldering check. It could also be recovered I suppose, but thats more a cosmetic thing. Things to look out for would be rattles, squeaks, flabby sounding speakers etc. Make sure to really listen to it and don´t be afraid of pushing it a bit, as sometimes one blown or stressed speaker can be masked by the other three at low volumes. If all is in pwo, then for 200 quid, you have got a bargain. These are great cabs for little money and sound great with most amp configs. I had one of these and I did really like it, just preffered the US made BSE410hlf´s so bought a second one. edit-spelling
  17. basshead56


    [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='872371' date='Jun 20 2010, 02:44 AM']VBA by a country mile IMO[/quote] +1000!
  18. Is it theone in Northen Ireland? Red?
  19. [quote name='dr1' post='871639' date='Jun 19 2010, 12:18 PM']I would go for BScotch aswell. btw, very lovely gear you have! my kind;)[/quote] Ah, But I´d trade it all for a little more... Nah just kidding. I really love all my gear of late-been building up to it for years. And I´m not really GASsing at all, just a thought really. I will try to resist till the VM Jag hits my local store, but should I cave, I´m just wondering what you guys think looks cooler? If I did get either, I´d probably mod the pups as I reckon the S! switch on a P Bass is pretty useless, but on a Jazz it´s pretty cool
  20. [quote name='witterth' post='871513' date='Jun 19 2010, 09:18 AM']"mani" as in stone roses/Primal scream? HA HA Naaa!! (forgot to say in my opinion)[/quote] Yeah. Not saying Mr Mounfield is fantastically gifted, but I have always loved hs Stone Roses sound. Some of the stuff is simple, but great nonetheless.
  21. [quote name='Audiokostas' post='871388' date='Jun 19 2010, 12:30 AM']No comparison. Stick to the one you have in your avatar. B/B/Rw[/quote] That one isnt going anywhere, believe me. Am only wondering as both options have become available and are equally cheap and I have a few extra quid this weekend. Probably wont move on either of them, but ponderin's what I do!
  22. Kim Deal, Paul Siminon, Jerry Only, Dee Dee Ramone, Klaus Flouride, Steve Harris' Jason Newsted, Mike McKeegan, Tina Weymouth, Mark Hoppus, Matt Freeman, Fat Mike, Matt Sharp, Peter Hook, Mani, Simon Gallup, JMJ Chronological order I do believe Dont ask me who the biggest influence was. Though my playing styles are quite reflective of my influences, I reckon. Just always knew I wanted to be a bass player!
  23. Anyone any thoughts on these?
  24. Great review. I have 2 of these bad boys, driven by the VBA400 and while the size and weight won´t impress the class-d/lghtweight fanboys´ (or most people´s) backs, the sound cannot be argued with. Pure, big-air moving, bass-goodness! After getting the halfstack, I HAD to get a second VBC412! I got lucky in finding a second one for very little money. Nothing says rock and roll/big ego ( ) like a Marshall stack! My only problem is that I´m not a big lad, so shifting it could be a pain, but I do have a drummer and a roadie who are both fit and healthy, so stacking it isnt really that much of an issue I also have an Ampeg SVT 4PRO and 610HLF-which I have wanted since day 1 of playing, but the Marshall just has the edge. Anyone considering these cabs-stop considering and start buying! Your back may not thank you, but your ears will
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