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Everything posted by basshead56

  1. Ich Bein Ein NERD! Can´t help looking at what gear is lying around at a gig. And I dont mind talking gear if another ´gearstalker´ asks me about any of mine if I´m playing. with my main band: the drummer just about knows his name, the guitarist doesn´t own any of her equipment (amp, Strat and pedals are all mine!) and hasn´t the foggiest when it comes to gear. And the singer, oh, the singer... (how do I make my mic work?) Amazing musicians and lovely people, just totally geartarded. Lets leave it there shall we
  2. This week I ave been mostly learnin' the Garbage back catalogue. Loving the bassline for Cherry Lips by Ms. Manson and co. Think it was that bloke with the weird hair-Justin Meldal-Johnson who did most of the newer tracks. Great stuff! Also been messing with Rezillos and Florence and The Machine stuff for some reason
  3. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='755018' date='Feb 23 2010, 02:10 PM']Like turning up to play a football match without your kit.[/quote] Yeah, but if you had our old PE teacher-you´d have to play the match in your pants or uniform trousers regardless! Me-I would never let anyone touch my gear without any permission and even then, that´s usually not too forthcoming! I don´t mind when another serious player has a look at my gear, but I hate when ´All The Young Punks´ come up and think my 78 P is Sid´s and therefore public property! That´s when it´s time to state very clearly to the young toerags-´Cut The Crap!´ or ´Back de F**K Up Beatches!!!´
  4. [quote name='Skinkemann' post='754956' date='Feb 23 2010, 01:14 PM']Found a real cheap [b][i]Peavey 3620 Bass Speaker Cabinet Enclosure 210 / 218[/i][/b] And I think I'm gonna go for that, unless someone have something bad to say about it? (Please do if you do! Anything ) But that leads me to the top. The cab is rated at 4 ohms and can handle 400 watts[/quote] That sounds like it should be on cat tracks,have a front mounted machine gun and an anti-tank gun turret! Still, probably loud enough to loosen a few bowels-even if it isnt, it´ll have the same effect when people get a look at it! Seriously though, if it can´t be transported without an army of immensely strong roadie-types, i´d leave it. Peavey do make some great gear though.
  5. I wouldn't mess with something as delicate and perfect as the unique vibe of Skips or Monster Munch As for me, i do find the Jazz missing in the 'kick' department. It is a perfect bass for the lighter stuff and even the odd bit of funk. But the P bass is rock and roll! I started with jazzes and had nothing but Jazzes for the first few years of playing. i love the body shape and the top end, bright snappy pups. But I bought a P as a back up for a new band project and ended up being completely converted! Now I use a P 90% of the time and have sold all but two of the 5 Jazzes I had (would have trimmed down to one, but one of them is my very first 'real' bass and a present from someone very close!). If it aint broke...
  6. [quote name='chris_b' post='752746' date='Feb 21 2010, 01:18 PM']Ampeg every time.[/quote] +1
  7. [quote name='owen' post='749432' date='Feb 18 2010, 11:14 AM']Quel domage![/quote] vraiment!!! Cest la vie! mais,allez les Verts (encore)!
  8. Hi guys. Just said I'd let you know about my experiment today (my days off are never really days off!) I got a Trace Elliot 1524 cab the other day, as a part ex on an Ampeg cab I was selling. It is immaculate. there aren't any scratches, the tolex is spotless, the grille is typically Trace Elliot ie bomb-resistant!. Came with castors and a vinyl cover. but also in good nick. Decided i'd give it a run through! Picked out a bass-my trusty sienna 78 Precision (the standard by which all things claiming to be great are measured!) and off to the 'lab' I went! So I tried the cab with a few amps Tried it with my Ampeg b500dr-crisp,deep, clear and nice highs. Didn't really make a huge difference to me-I usually run that amp through an 8x10 or 2x 4x10 setup. Then dropped the VBA400 on top-pure thunder!!!A cracker of a rig! Kicked my ears and my arse! Though I have 8x12 (2xVBC412's) of Marshall cabs (and that is more power than any man should have, ever), so decided I'd keep it that way-Im a purist! Then feeling a bit cheeky, popped the Briefcase on top, disconnected the internal speakers and away I went... Fookenelle!!! There was so much bottom end, I forgot what I was doing! Had a fiddle with the EQ and I was set! Same as VBA400 almost. Pure, untamed bass! So much depth and clarity! mids were nice and the top end was whistle-like in how clear it was! This has to be one of the sweetest sounding rigs I have EVER heard! I only meant it as a laugh, but now seriously considering it as my EUB rig-maybe even mid-sized venue kit! Anyone else had a similar experience, messing with different amps and cabs??
  9. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='747068' date='Feb 16 2010, 11:54 AM']perhaps someone should organise a whip-round for him.[/quote] Brilliant!!!
  10. last time I post anything here, you vultures!!! Ah, just my luck!
  11. Had a behringer tuner at a gig recently-worked fine with guitar, bass didn´t register at all, just about on D and G strings. Go with a Korg or even the Fender RT1000-just a Korg (made by Korg) with a big blue LED ´F´ logo-classy!
  12. Would kill for this amp, but don´t know if I could trust the guy [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ampeg-V-4B-head_W0QQitemZ160405002077QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL?hash=item2558e2175d"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ampeg-V-4B-head_W0QQ...=item2558e2175d[/url]
  13. Hi guys. First off, been offered an EBS classic rig- classic 450 head and matching 8x10 cab Just wondering if anyone knows what a rough second-hand price might be? Also, I know the head is a solid state head, but does it have pre tubes in it? I notice in an online store pic, there is a standby switch, why? Thanks guys.
  14. My first gig set up was a whitre mim Fender Jazz through a Laney Richter stack-R4H amp, R410 and R15 cabs. Current rig(s) Depends on gig -see signature below
  15. Have you considered the B-410hlf? Lovely cabs and serious whack off them. the 410he seems a bit pricey at 500 new. I have used one with an Ampeg SVT 3Pro and a b500DR and it sounds great, especially mic´d up. Only thing is its 4ohms, so not sure if that fits in with your rig plans FYI, I have one for sale.
  16. Got beaten to a Dean Stylist Cabbie on the bay last night!gutted, it was all I was looking for! Failing that, i am now on the look out for a 70´s black on black maple boarded P bass. Also a Trace Elliot head-don´t know which one yet, but got a trace 2x15 cab as a part ex, so something to go with that would be nice-thinking of using it as a DB rig.
  17. What heads have you got left.looking for something to match an incoming trace 2x15/4 ohm cab. anything up to 350 watts. Budget wise-havent figured that out yet. Let me know mate, cheers.
  18. Ok guys,thanks for your input! I reckon I'll go for it! I will keep you posted and upload pics of the rig in the porn thread. Dead excited now! hope it knocks in the neighbours' house!
  19. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='743999' date='Feb 13 2010, 02:06 PM']any string recomendations?[/quote] D´Addario´s are what I put on and I love the tone. Pro steels, long scale 6 string. can´t remember catalogue/product number. but google them. Not too expensive either.
  20. [quote name='girya32' post='743735' date='Feb 13 2010, 09:28 AM']somebody must love that colour...[/quote] Cheeky pop, but... Gavin Henson would love that bass. Plus it would be the most musical thing in his house Ireland for the Grand Slam!!! (again!)
  21. [quote name='uzzell' post='743550' date='Feb 12 2010, 10:16 PM']I string my 5 string E-C too... you soon realise that the low B on the 5 string is pretty useless therefore I got rid of it. Best thing I ever did.[/quote] I bought my first 5 string last august, a Gibson Thunderbird Studio V. It was strung B-G. I tried playing with it for a while but the transition from 4 to 5 was not very smooth. Also, the low B was too flabby and low to be of use with either of my current bands. My tech suggested I go E-C. To do this, I bought a set of strings for a six string bass and used 5 of them, leaving out the low B. Perfect! Very simple to play now, once I got over the width of the neck and string spacing. I love using the T Bird in the studio now, though I know I am definately a four string man!
  22. [quote name='richardd' post='743033' date='Feb 12 2010, 01:14 PM'] Hi.Is this USA or Vietcong [/quote] If you zoom in on the picture of the back, top right it says made in Vietnam. Its a Vietnampeg.
  23. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='741009' date='Feb 10 2010, 02:05 PM']This isn't an argument, this is just silly.[/quote] Hold it. Hold it. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Inspector Thompson's Gazelle of the Programme Planning Police, Light Entertainment Division, Special Flying Squad. (Flying Thompson's Gazelle of the Yard!?!)
  24. [quote name='Conan' post='740811' date='Feb 10 2010, 11:35 AM']Stack them and buy a pair of platform soled boots!![/quote] I like it! Already working on an effects ´Space Case´, so then I´d just get a silver and green top hat and Star shaped glasses and... Spooky Collins, the Psychobilly Funkster
  25. I would suggest trying as many different models as you can. If you are on a budget, look at a secondhand CIJ Precision. loads of them have a jazz pickup on aswell-jazz special, aerodyne, precision lyte etc. As for the J pup question, I dont really know. I like it on my P Lyte, but hate it on my white 78-it was a mod done by the original owner and if it weren´t for the gaping hole in the body it would leave, Id rip it out! And with that Precision, The P pup is run full tilt and the J around 0-1. With a decent EQ, you can dial in a decent sound from any pup config, so there´s no need to really stress over this. Go out and plonk on as many ´Persuaders´ as possible-everyone comes around in the end-its like growing up, or being born again or something (no offence to anyone here who is either grown up or born again intended)
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