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Everything posted by basshead56

  1. Either a Tanglewood Elf or a Squier bronco would be my recoms anyway. The Elf usually goes for about 40-60 pounds. Usually a weird light Blue colour. They are great for adults too-as a travel bass and a very cheap alternative to the Fender MIM P Bass JNR The Bronco from around 50 pounds secondhand. There are also a few Cort shortscales out there worth looking at.
  2. [quote name='Dodge' post='725149' date='Jan 26 2010, 01:54 PM']+1. If I need any really underexposed photos I'll know exactly who to go to.[/quote] +1 Brilliant!
  3. I regret selling mine. Loved the neck and the pups are fantastic! Much bigger sound than most Jazz basses. May consider buying another once the Precision Obsession has passed me by
  4. looking into a second hand one of these in very good condition, so would like to know what they fetch these days. Also, where are these made? Are they Korean? Any help appreciated
  5. Hi guys. Recently changed my effects set up and would like to run my pedal board at rehearsal now too. I am using an Ampeg B500dr head with two BSE 410HLF cabs. Effects board has: EHX Bass Big Muff Distortion EHX Small Stone Phaser EHX Doctor Q Envelope Filter (nano) EHX Mole Bass Booster (nano) EHX LPB1 Linear Power Booster (nano) 9v pedal supply Now, usually, when I run ths setup live through my Marshall VBA400´s effects loop-no problem whatsoever, but when I connect them to the Ampeg B500dr, there is a distinct loss of punch/clarity and even a touch of distortion. I have tried messing with the effects blend knob on the front of the amp, but this only makes the distortion more noticeable. What should I do to get around this?
  6. Link to pics isn´t right mate. Also, a rough figure pricewise would be good, Cheers
  7. As a matter of interest, is the one you are thinking of buying new or second hand? what kind of figure do they want for it?
  8. [quote name='Sibob' post='722277' date='Jan 23 2010, 04:10 PM']I don't know about other companies, but Fender have just put their prices up! Si[/quote] Was in Pro Musica in Cork this morning and they had just gotten in a Roadwoarn Jazz in S/Burst. Looked lovely. Then I noticed the price tag 1259euro There were two American Fenders, one on each side of it (one was a standard P, the other was an S1 Jazz)-both 1100euro. I asked the guy about the difference-he said the Fender rep told him about another price increase recently and the owner of the store put the tag on it. that´s crazy money for one of these things-nice as they are, when for less money I could get a new American Standard instrument) But this place is a bit of a rip-off shack TBH, They have a Red Aerodyne Strat for 1700euro. Think they were about 850 when they were out first. So not sure about it being just people like Fender- both manufacturer and retailler are equally responsible these days. it might be much more difficult for smaller stores to operate these days though, as online instrument sales are crippling them with buying power/low prices and huge distribution networks. Couple that with increasing operational costs of running a brick and mortat premises, wages, overheads and a complete lack of customer loyalty, in this poor (one hopes recovering) economic climate. Still, there must be a balance somewhere though?
  9. That´s weird man!!! I was in a pub in Cork last night and the band´s bass player had a similar set up. It was an SVT-CL with Trace Elliot 2x10 & 4x10 cabs. He aslo used a PJ BassBuddy. Bass-wise he was using a Tokai Rickenfaker and the whole thing sounded amazing. Seems Ampeg and Trace Elliot were meant to be together!
  10. Tried one in Walton´s in Dublin a few years ago. I asked to try one of the Ampeg Blue Diamond series bass amps and the guy at the counter brought me down to the area they were in, grabbed a bass off the wall and plugged me into a Reverborocket 50 guitar amp Convinced him it was a tube guiar amp before he switched it on. Got the right one in the end anyway. From what I remember, it sounded very loud at 1/3 volume. Plenty of bottom end. The EQ setup was fairly simple, but the bass (an Epi Ebo IIRC) sounded lovely through it. I do remeber lifting it and being annoyed that for the size, it weighed a fair bit. At the time it was between this, a secondhand Ampeg B3 combo and a Fender Rumble 100 (which had just come out) The B3 won-but only just (didn´t have the cash to buy a new DB100r ) Walton´s prices were ridiculous anyway. They didn´t have the 200 version in stock in either store, but they "had one on order" (it never showed) I love the look of it. Very fifties-right up my street!-Just add a Gretsch style bass or a Coronado and bam! If only they´d modernise it a wee bit. Maybe do something like the new Fender Bassman TV combos and stick in a valve pre and an ext spkr jack and do some nice blue diamond cabs(2x10,2x12,1x15?). Hmm...
  11. I love my TBiird(s) The Epiphone is lovely looking but not great soundwise-I´ve heard better copies-Grecco, Tokai etc My Gibson T-Bird is great! I bought (more like traded for ) a second-hand Thunderbird Studio V in Ebony with Gibson case. Beautiful instrument. Have always been a kind of hard-line Fender guy (ocasionally picking up a Ray or G&L) And always four strings! The opportunity to cross both lines with one bass was too awesome to resist. Always loved the look of them, just hated the price tag and neck dive Took a while to get the 5 string thing down, but got there. But as far as the actual instrument goes-great value. Have seen and heard Les Paul and Firebird Studio models (they are pretty much Gibson´s version of the Fender Highwy series imo) and have seen tons of variation in finish and fit and playability. Some are planks, some are great. The finish on my TBird is lovely. No flaws anywhere. My only problem is with the hardware. So many sharp edges on the bridge and the volume and tone knob were backwards (tone on aneck pup pot, then vol ,vol). If, like me, you can make such little sacrifices and get past this, you will be ok. I love the clank from the TBird and fiddling with the bridge pup volume, you can get some great classic rock sounds, as well as some cool indie vibes- Kings of Leon, Breeders etc. Very high output pups, but run them through an SVT with a bit of grit and you´re on the pig´s back headed toward tonal bliss! Oh, and neck dive is not really an issue with the studio model! There is about 4 or 500 quid of a difference between the Tbird and TBird studio-Try both if you can and A/B them. I personally prefer my studio, but it´s a matter of what sounds best to you. Happy hunting
  12. For what it´s worth, the Marshall VBA 400 is pretty good at that Jam sound too. After playing with the 3 way style switch and bass dial, I got a pretty good sound. Then switched over basses-my siennaburst 78 Precision. Dialled down the the tone knob on the bass a quarter or so and BAM-That´s Entertainment-perfect replica of the sound. To make sure it wasn´t a fluke, tried Eton Rifles and In The City-great (though one of them should have been on a Ric I´m sure-but I hate them!lol). I think its more to do with 4x12 sound than the valve amp tbh. Still, do not discount the big awkward ba****d that is the beautiful warm sounding VBA 400!
  13. The difference between Jazz and Precision is astounding. I too have smallish hands. I started on a Jazz and went through a good few before I settled on one. Loved the necks on all of them (bar one), just wasn´t thrilled with the tone. Got a Geddy Lee and that changed everything! Neck profile was weirdly amazing. So thin and quick! Then I discovered that as much as I thought I disliked Precisions, I had a revealation (I now know it was some sort of Divine Intervention/cosmic/Karma shift etc). Cast out were all but two jazzes and in flooded the Precisions, sometimes two by two I love the necks on precsions-they feel RIGHT-big, chunky and heavey-like a REAL bass should be!
  14. Ampeg SVT CL or VR if I had to pick. And of the two, I would swing slightly more toward the VR-just seems that little bit grizzlier and ballsy (think the lack of an input gain control has something to do with it) Had a Mesa 400+ and liked it a lot but I just couldn't get the most of it. [quote name='Andy Blowers' post='720659' date='Jan 21 2010, 11:17 PM']Marshall VBA400 anyone?[/quote] +1 Got one a few months ago and love it! Weighs a bloody ton, but well worth the aches! Bone rattlin!!! Use it with a VBC 4x12. Just wish i had a second VBC 4x12 cab!
  15. [quote name='throwoff' post='719945' date='Jan 21 2010, 11:31 AM']Anyone know? I assume far east but anyone got a definate answer?[/quote] China. Got an HLF from that series-definately China Most of the B series stuff comes from there now. They were made in Vietnam but that changed in mid 07- I guess Vietnam=Old US Series and China=Vietnam now
  16. I´d love the Furman too. Think 200 might be a little high though... Not sure of the models, but they go on ebay for 80-120 usually.
  17. Bought an Ampeg BSE 410HLF from Paul, I am in Ireland and was not expecting this transaction to run as quickly. It was ollected on Monday and arrived last night! Packed securely. Not a single blemish or tear on the cab. Plays beautiful and sounds HUGE! Very very happy to recommend Paul as a seller on here. Cheers mate Col
  18. Top Boke. Bought a Cream coloured Phil Jones Briefcase form Paul. Amazing! Can´t turn it off! Item was EXACTLY as described-which was immaculate. Would Highly Recommend!!!
  19. Coming off bass even for a day is an awful thing. you could try a substitute like a guitar, or perhaps a banjo-but you will notice there a huge difference-its just not as fun. The problem of course with these substitutes is you´ll find yourself picking them up 2,3 or even four times as often as a bass, just to get the same thrill you would normally get from a bass, and this can be very dangerous indeed.
  20. Saw that on Gumtree today. Couldnt make out the headstock in the pics there though. Hmm, not sure what I make of it- has to be something not right here, surely?
  21. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='714836' date='Jan 16 2010, 02:03 PM']That finish has been described by a mate of mine as 'puke-burst'.[/quote] Wan´t there a Pearl Vorg Rickenfaker offered in this ´Puke Burst´ Finish? This looks like something that would suit TM Stevens or someone like that. I wonder what it sounds like though.
  22. That should´ve been shiRts! lousy hangovers!
  23. Hey guys. Some friends want to get a loop station of some kind for recording both vocal and instrumnet phrases live. I don´t know what to recommend. One mentioned a boss gt10 but I don´t know if you can run a mic to it. Is what they want more of a sampler than a loop station? What do you guys think?
  24. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='714384' date='Jan 15 2010, 09:50 PM']Drop your panties Sir William, I cannot wait till lunchtime. ...I am no longer infected.[/quote] I WIll NOT buy this Matamp, it is scratched!
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