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Everything posted by basshead56

  1. just sold it The Ashdown Mini stack thing. Normally cannot stand Ashdown, but this was lovely! Perfect for jamming, even with a band and small pub gigs. sounds bigger than 65 watts Off to pick up a PJ Briefcase on Tuesday, can´t wait!
  2. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='714094' date='Jan 15 2010, 05:58 PM']Ive had a HW-One P and still have a HW1 Jazz. The original HW1 series had the thin Fender bridges and the second series (from 2006 onwards i believe) are called HW-One and have the BAII as standard, plus a graphite reinforced neck that im sure the MIM doesn't have. The HW-one P (not sure about the jazz) also has a grease bucket tone control. This basically stops the lows from increasing when the tone control is backed off. The HW1 didnt have this. Personally i loved the tone of my HW-one although i did miss the extra thump you can get by turning a standard P tone control down. Im one of those people who doesn't like the fact that the finish can practically drop off (like mine did in a few places). It makes the bass like tatty IMO and affects resale value. As far as im concerned all this talk about its supposed to so it looks vintage is just an internet myth. I've never seen Fender say this. EDIT: Im pretty sure the HW1 was mostly Mexican parts other than the pups and electrics but put together in the USA. It certainly wasnt all USA IIR.[/quote] +1 on all above The few I´ve come across are great instruments for the price-but ARE NOT on a par with the US Standard series basses. The first production run of HW1 models used unfinished bodies and necks which were ´Hencho en Mexico´ Most of the hardware was also from south o´ the border. The electronics were US, but to me there wasn´t a massive tonal difference between MIM and HW1 (first run) I think this was just a way for people to buy slighly higher quality Mex instruments with ´Made in The USA´ stamped on the back of the headstock. The newer ones, with the upgraded tone control are much better than the original run. The finish is less greasy looking and doesn´t come off as easy, but still not as nice as colour offerings from other lines. Tonally, they are much nicer now. The neck on the current HW1 Jazz feels lovely (played one last night actually-borrowed from another band) and the overall feel of the bass was quite nice. Still very aware that it wasn´t a US Standard though. Don´t know why, but even holding it not plugged in, it felt that way. Still, for what they cost, not the worst move anyone could make. But for the price of a new one, you might be able to find a pretty decent second hand US Standard bass on here or eBay
  3. I won a mim strat in this finish off the radio last march. Can´t understand why this finish isn´t seen more often-it looks lovely under lights! I let our guitarist use it (she can´t be arsed to buy ANYTHING gear-wise lol) I´ve seen a few Precisions in this finish too. I like it anyway
  4. [quote name='bubinga5' post='714120' date='Jan 15 2010, 06:15 PM']Well ive got Fender socks, pants, cap, tshirt, tie, condoms, erm...bra..... i want it!!!!! [/quote] Ah, a fellow Fenderphile. I share your pain! I´ve got socks, pants, robe, slippers, 20 odd shits, Shoes watch, wallet and a few caps Condoms? Yeah, was going to try and get my hands on a HTC, may as well try and get this and feed this stupid habbit of mine
  5. I love Fat Mike´s stuff. The basslines to ´My Vagina´ and ´The Brews´ are great. love jamming along with them. His Gimme Gimmes stuff is brilliant! Love ´I only wanna be with you´-unreal intro! Really easy to get that tone, just harder to play like him. He and Matt Freeman are constantly underrated players with amazing ability!
  6. Ah, didn't have a proper look at the pics. The worn 64 jazz looks stunning!
  7. are they custom shop models, or are they part of the 2010 product range?
  8. [url="http://www.thomann.de/ie/fender_64_jazz_bass_heavy_relic_dr.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/ie/fender_64_jazz_ba...vy_relic_dr.htm[/url] [url="http://www.thomann.de/ie/fender_61_jazz_bass_cc_na.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/ie/fender_61_jazz_bass_cc_na.htm[/url] [url="http://www.thomann.de/ie/fender_custom_classic_jazz_bass_rw_a.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/ie/fender_custom_cla...z_bass_rw_a.htm[/url] [url="http://www.thomann.de/ie/fender_70_jazz_bass_relic_bk.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/ie/fender_70_jazz_bass_relic_bk.htm[/url]
  9. My advice, and sorry if this sounds harsh, but avoid all guitars coming from China. Too many horror stories.
  10. That is gorgeous mate. Where did you get that?
  11. Precision all the way mate! Nah, only joking. See what sounds best to you (make sure you A/B them with the same amp etc) after a proper test before you buy. I personally prefer Precisions over Jazzes, but I love the sound of the VM Jazz. Great basses and haven't heard a bad thing about them yet. Let us know what you decide and how it goes for you
  12. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='712638' date='Jan 14 2010, 03:05 PM']Nah, I'm hanging onto it for now, although I may pick up a used BBM if I see one so I can compare them side by side. I discovered last night that VT Bass -> Sub-Lime sounds sublime! The fuzz is pretty mellow by itself, hitting it with a bit of a treble boost sounds awesome.[/quote] Yeah, was thinking that when I get one, of running my LPB1/Zombie into it. I reckon a slight spike in gain would really push the bottom end of the Sublime
  13. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='711332' date='Jan 13 2010, 02:28 PM']I received Theo's one yesterday and I'm liking it so far. It is quite subtle compared to my Supercollider, but on the other hand it handles high output basses much better and the low end absolutely ROARS. A very useable bread&butter fuzz sound that retains definition very nicely. I think it will be a keeper until I can find something that sounds as good in a smaller package - I want to check out the Bass Big Muff next![/quote] I´ll trade you my bass big Muff and some cash for it
  14. They look geat! SWR make some great stuff. Don´t think they get enough consideration these days. Let us know what it sounds like when you get a chance man, would definately consider one of these.
  15. Well I would wait and see what the new bass sounds like first, as there is a lot of variation in the Fender Standard (MIM) series, or so I´ve found. I´ve had two jazzes and a precision from this series and the difference in the jazzes (only about 6months of an age difference between them) was astounding. Still have the slightly older one. Its like a totally different instrument, but made of the exact same spec´d parts. I would recommend a new bridge and most likely, a Badass is the way forward. As for the pickups, there are loads of choices out there, but only a few quality ones IMO. If you want a hot, passive output, Seymour Duncan Basslines are the way to go. If you want vintage sounds, I recommend either the Duncan antiquity line or the more expensive (but well worth it) Kent Armstrong pickups. I haven´t heard bass Bareknuckles before though I have a CIJ Jazz with Kent Armstrongs (cant remember what model) and love the tone. My tech is mates with Kent (he used to work for him, and he is the local KA distributor now) and is getting him to design a set of custom pickups to fit in my (newer) 78 Precision. Can´t wait for that! Again, tone and vibe are all a matter of taste, so give it plenty of research and thought before you start any mods. Hope it goes great man
  16. [quote name='wombatboter' post='712344' date='Jan 14 2010, 10:47 AM']U2 was the first live concert I ever saw (in 1981 in Brussels). You could feel that they would be big, they were special and not like other bands. I like the way The Edge leaves the chords a bit open so Adam can find his own space. There's also nothing wrong with playing eighth notes when the song requires this sort of playing... I still prefer his Ibanez Musician bass, it really fitted him.[/quote] +1 I´m Irish and was pretty much forced into listening to U2 at school by my friends. But I eventually got into them for a while. The 8th picking was a very simple way of anchoring the song while The Edge went and did his effects-soaked Flashy thing. And thats not a bad thing-no one complains about AC/DC´s sound being the same thing over and over! I much prefer the earlier stuff as I reckon that the last few records are just U2 trying to sound like whatever Indie band is ´hip with the kids´ these days. The newest one has a serious attempt at sounding like Kings Of Leon and a few others like that I personally HATE the look of his new Warwick, but I´m not really a fan of the look of any Warwicks (possible exception is the Vampyre). And while I think it just looks silly, I´m sure it´s a great sounding instrument, as Mr Clayton, despite questionable technical ability, always has a great bass sound. PS, I notice you are in Belgium. A lovely part of the world. I lived in Tervuren for 5 years when I was younger
  17. [quote name='MB1' post='711123' date='Jan 13 2010, 11:47 AM']MB1. ...Looks like im the 41st person to think your selling one then!...DOH! [/quote] Yeah, Again the dangers of quality original programming and late night posting while scouring the net for bass gear- well documented! [quote name='0175westwood29' post='711901' date='Jan 13 2010, 08:51 PM']its a mistake i'd say as the pics are the same head, and there is only one version. the heads are 200w at 4 ohms, yeh it powers to of the matching cabs just fine, only really loud enough for small gigs tho. but would be wicked for studio stuff! andy[/quote] Yeah that´s what I thought. I had only ever heard of the 200watt Micro. Cheers guys
  18. Oh, I agree! was just saying they look cool. I am not a fan of Ampeg's business strategy of late. They have really screwed up a fantastic brand (the quality of the product is debatable) with a great reputation. As much as I love Ampeg, the fact that they are cheaper and more accessable these days does not make them any better. And now, trying to develop links with the US nostalgia market -not a great move. Why wasn't there an MBO at the last minute?!
  19. Can't go wrong at that price really. My first bass from around 10 years ago was a Yamaha RBX170 that I destroyed with Screeching Weasel, Descendents, Blink and Ramones decals. Still have it (never even changed the strings!) And it still sounds amazing! Just wish i could take it to gigs these days!
  20. They look much nicer than any Rays I've seen of late Where are they built?
  21. I like it, shame its not 100 per cent original, but still a lovely bass
  22. Like the look of the heritage SVT head. nice!
  23. I´m lucky I read comments before content! The second I see that name, I´m out! Close man. well played
  24. Every single Misfits song! Still love playing them all though Also ´Liver´ by The Hitchers and ´Where´s Me Jumper´ By the sultans of Ping FC (as they used to be known) Great fun to play and always get the crowd going ´Good Times´ by Chic ´Thats Entertainment´ by the Jam Gotta love ´Green Door´ (Shakey´s version) and ´Come on Everybody/Summertime Blues´ by the real king, Eddie Cochran! ´Beast with 5 Hands´ by the Groovie Ghoulies-best punk blues ever! ´Mother´ by Danzig-you could play it asleep!
  25. I had castors that came on an Ampeg cab. I was told to take them off as bass cabs sound and feel better if they are in direct contact with the floor. don´t know if i believed it or not, but I took them off anyways when I got a case for the cab which was lift off, so there were wheels on the bottom anyway. I have seen SVT head flight cases with castors but no way in hell would I wheel an amp (valve or not) around. Too many delicate parts. Cabs are ok, proper ones-Trace Elliot, Ampeg, Marshall were made to be chucked about stages and thrown into vans. Just wouldn´t do the same with amps or combos.
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