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Everything posted by basshead56

  1. Hi all. This has probably been dealt with, but can´t seem to determine a clear answer- Will the briefcase do as a proper practse amp-with a drummer and guitarist. I mean at low level jam sessions in bedrooms/kitchens, that sort of thing instead of full sessions. Thanks Colin
  2. [quote name='[email protected]' post='701689' date='Jan 5 2010, 03:09 PM']I'm thinking of selling my temperamental above mentioned amp. Just seeing what interest/if any there is. Have a look here for sound clips and to pass any comment. Thanks, Tom [/quote] Where is the link?
  3. That really annoys me! If something is RARE, fair enough, but using it for everything is just ignorant!
  4. How the hell can this: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-PRECISION-JAZZ-BASS-MOLDED-CASE-USA-RARE-WOW_W0QQitemZ250557631773QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar_Accessories?hash=item3a56660d1d"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-PRECISION-JAZ...=item3a56660d1d[/url] be so expensive?
  5. The Zone was as a re-badged Lyte early on. There was a short run of Precision Lyte Deluxes made in the US (mid 90´s)- Plain wood finish, humbucker in the bridge, no matching headstock, chrome hardware- before the model was discontinued. After this Fender introduced the Zone. Later the Zone was available as part of both American Deluxe and Deluxe (mex) series. Nowhere near the Lyte in quality or sound! Saw a Cherry American Deluxe Zone in the local guitar shop (2nd hand) a few months back. Played lovely but the sound was very thin.
  6. Finally some lurve for the P-Lyte! I had two, still have one (greensparkle, gold hardware). Love them. The one I still have is the proper japanese one, from 1986 Incredibly lightweight, lovely neck (like a Gibson SG guitar neck at the nut!-very thin and super-fast) It doesn´t sound like a common-or-garden Precision, given the PJ pup config and active pre, but they do have a very versatille range. Records very well and has a lot of bite live too (I like to use the P pup on half and the J bout 3/4 up roll back the tone a little and play with a pick-like a little T-Bird ) You can get close to nearly any bass sound you want (though action, string choice and a million other things are factors in this) Never noticed any neck dive in mine. My only complaint about the P Lyte, and I´m [u]sure[/u] some others will have had the same problem at some point (I know 4 other guys in this boat): The really dodgy input jack on the bass. Horrible. incredibly cheap and always come loose! Replace the factory one and your on the pigs back! I tried an American-made Deluxe version of this bass (has a Humbucker in the bridge) and it didnt hold a candle to the MIJ ones! Buy a decent second hand japanese Lyte and you WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!
  7. [quote name='Tait' post='698077' date='Jan 1 2010, 04:19 PM']this is interesting, where did he put the capo? doesn't he need open E for the verse? and where does he slide live? the verse is hammered on, and the chorus just plays root notes, doesn't it?[/quote] Don't actually know, read it a few years ago in some magazine. As for sliding live, he did at Dublin (last gig before the breakup) Its a slide from f# (so I assume 2nd fret) and as I said, the bassline is doubled over, according to said interview. The E in it is 7th fret on A string as far as I can remember. I've not played any Blink in AGES but im pretty sure that was it. Still, I'm no authority on the matter
  8. Pretty sure that puts it at late 93-mid 94
  9. +1 to above The brand is unimportant (as are looks to a certain degree), its the sound and feel that matter most You can get a fairly decent bass for 500quid so shop around and try as many different basses as you can. It´s too late for me, I´m a Fenderphile and will always be, but do try everything...while you have a choice...
  10. Mark Hoppus used a capo for the recording of Blink 182´s ´I Miss You´ The bassline was actually recorded twice and then filled in with a Fender Bass VI. Live he just slides-never as good as the recording. Using a capo is the same as a new bass, amp, or pedal or whatever-not for everyone, but it can work for some. I haven´t done so yet, but would never dismiss it outright- anything that can help make a song/tune better should be considered and seeing as it was mentioned earlier, the bass guitar IS a relatively new instrument and there aren´t any hard and fast rules yet. Don´t know why this is becoming a heated debate-like most things in life, its not really a big deal eitherway. Anyway, I´ve gone on long enough (still running on last night´s bubbly fumes), I´m off to sleep it off. Happy New Year to All!!!
  11. [quote name='Ant' post='696974' date='Dec 31 2009, 09:42 AM']I have an old svt ii non pro that I'm looking to part ways with[/quote] Really? How much you looking for?
  12. Hi. Would love to have to be stuck in that situation!lol i own a Mike Dirnt bass in black (its on long term loan to my kid sisters band at the mo though) which I love. It certainly weighs a bit-you know your wearing it! The neck profile is great-a real old scholl but kind of worn in P bass neck with Tele/51-style headstock. The slab body is great-Im much more a 57-style Precision man, but I love the overall look and feel of this bass-there´s just something about it! The sound was the only thing I wasn´t amazed by at the outset. There are US pups in them, but they just lack a killer punch, at least to my ears. I was caught between this model and a Mark Hoppus sig and in the absence of a pink Hoppus, I went with the Dirnt model. However like buses-a fortnight later, along came a now discontinued Pink Mark Hoppus and a tiny price tag(my mate leaving the country=cheap!!!). I much preferred the sound of the MH, so I swapped out the Dirnt´s pups to Duncan SP3´s and boom-one heavyweight (feel AND sound) bass! I strung it with Dean Markley´s and ran it through my old SVT 200T and 8x10- AMAZING!!! The build quality is superb, excellent QC, no issues whatsoever when it left the factory-only needed a quick action adjustment/change of factory strings, no sharp frets or edges, no buzzing/hum or loose pots or any other issues Seriously fantastic bass for the money-just dont buy the white/yellow one! black all the way (dont love the s/burst either) The roadworn series look and sound fantastic too! Though I´m now more of a precision guy, so I´d have to go with a fiesta red and rosewood-necked one of those! The QC and build quality of these is apparently immaculate. Havent seen a bad review of one yet. And the 10 mins I had on a RWorn Jazz before Christmas didn´t help me find fault either In terms of the Ric, personally, I´m not a fan. I find them heavey and limited sound-wise. I had the loan of a mate´s 4003 while he was in the US. It was a fireglo one and had the pup covers. My band INSISTED I used it cause it looked cool. I thought it sounded flat and boring! If the Ric sound is what your after-obviously, thats the bass you want. But if you want a bit of variety and a pair of basses that wont cost the world, go with the Fenders- you wont regret it Or you could get a Fender and a Ric copy. The copies are quite good and relatively inexpensive. Check out the Tokai Rockinbetter! great bass for the money (if thats your bag) Above all else though- go out and TRY these basses as buying without trying is a mistake and a costly one at that! Cheers mate, Happy New Year, Colin
  13. Depends on condition really. I´ve seen V type heads go on ebay for less than 300euro and also seen them go for more than 700. they are great amps though. I noticed you´re quoting prices in euros, where are you based?
  14. [quote name='maxrossell' post='694974' date='Dec 28 2009, 05:27 PM']Nah, none of the five guitar heads in my practice room go to 4. Three Marshalls, a Mesa and an Ibanez. Generally guitar heads will do one or two sixteens or one eight.[/quote] +1 Have only seen a very small number of guitar heads that come down to four ohms. The typical marshall set up is 2x16´s or one 8, though the TSL100 I had did do 4. Laney are the same. Havent seen too many HH amps though.
  15. [quote name='bass5' post='694876' date='Dec 28 2009, 03:01 PM']A lot of shops are offering 50% off by the way, sorry to say I have tried them and I thought..... well best not say what I thought of them.[/quote] Which ones are offering 50% off?
  16. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='693752' date='Dec 26 2009, 03:11 PM']Ah the vultures are circling No. No parts will be for sale. I have to be able to put it back - excepting the paint of course!![/quote] Vultures indeed.lol They are lovely sounding pups the late seventies ones- I wouldn´t sell em either. Yeah, suppose being able to switch back would be pretty handy. best of luck with it anyways mate and keep us posted on the ´transformation´ Have a great New Year Colin
  17. If you are planning on selling the original Precision pup, I might be interested
  18. Are you using your amp´s effects loop? why not run the first distortion/fuzz pedal with the rest of your pedals in the effects loop and use the second, thicker sounding distortion through your normal input on the front? The difference being that the activation of the first shouldn´t really impact on the gain or volume too much, whereas the second (front input) one might increase the gain and overdrive of the amp. Just a thought as have tried similar with my Rust Ride and Bass Big Muff Cheers, Colin
  19. Update. Ok guys, I am now the proud owner of a wicked if somewhat worse for wear 78! It sounds great though. First off, the neck is straight and smooth as the proverbial baby´s. Frets seem to be in good nick and loads left in em. No dead spots or buzz of any kind, anywhere. The paintjob was a little surprising upon opening the case. Was expecting what I saw in the pics (obviously an LED flash camera makes everything look pale and interesting-worked for my ex...baddumm-tsch!) not what I got though- the only Olympic White bit left on her, is on the butt of it above the bridge. The rest has turned to that most interesting of finishes bongwater/nicotine yellow! Always wanted one-it worked for DeeDee and Glen Matlock! Few nicks and dings, but not as bad as I thought it would be! phew! Machine heads are tight, no rattles or buzz or anything Bridge and screws, saddles etc are rustier than the Titanic, but are saveable-unlike the Titanic (had my tech look at her already and he´s going to work on her tomorrow!) Never mind the aesthetic Bo****ks, Here´s the sound bit. Tried it out through an Ampeg SVT450 and classic 410He. Lovely warm, round sound. Sounded way deeper and mellow than I thought-was expecting a more buzzy, twangy EMG sound. nope, pure P bass! The Jazz pup needs lowering on the treble side as the G string was insanely loud with that pup run solo. Still trying to decide what I´ll do pup-wise. Since they are not originals, i can strip em out and add either passive Duncans or try and source original 78´s. Weighs a tonne and think my shoulders have seperated carrying the bloody thing around all day yesterday and today (had to brave icey roads, snow and a total of 13hours on busses-thank god for iPods,newspapers and Guy Pratt´s literary genius!) Original case included-proper 70´s Fender one with orange plush/felt. And all for the paltry sum of a cup of coffee, 40 odd euros in travel and 500 euro for the guitar. i´m well chuffed
  20. I started with a Laney richter rig. it had a 4x10 and a 1x15. I always thought the 15 was a bit flabby. I then upgraded to a similar setup from Ampeg, but again the 15 lacked depth-at least to me. I areplaced it with a second ampeg 4x10 and robert turned out to be my mother's brother! 8x10 all the way!!!
  21. I have one of the original pink ones. love it!!!Don´t have another bass that sounds anything like it-even the Dirnt I modded to the same pup spec. The pickup location and pickguard on this new one look very different. Read somewhere that he made similar mods to the one he actually uses. Think he reversed the pickups or something? like the 70´s kind of headstock too. Interested to hear what they sound like and how much more expensive they will become!
  22. Hi Thorny. Thought I´d ask you first, before starting a thread, as you seem to have a fairly comprehensive knowledge of Trace gear. I had a Trace amp last year but couldn´t figure out what model it was. It was an 8x10 combo (very old). All original drivers were there. The head section had the familiar Trace faceplate, big red and green knobs, eq,- GP11 written on it and a UV unit. I thought GP11 was a preamp, not an amp? The cab didnt have any red lines or any other unique Trace features, but did have the chrome speaker brackets (4 per speaker- Hall if I remember right). Anyways, Do you know what model this was? its killing me trying to figure it out. Cheers, Colin
  23. Looks good to me. If you can get that for under 500, I rekon you are doing quite well indeed! Get a black p/guard though-if you´ve got a black P bass with maple board, you HAVE to get a black guard too!!! Best of luck.
  24. thanks lads for all your input. Yeah, the battery compartment under the bridge is my only real concern. It´s actually very close to the 500pound mark, which I don´t see as being extortionate. And yeahBurritobass I do have a thing for 78 P basses - the very first bass I ever saw, touched or played was a 78-my mates dad´s one when I was a kid. I plan on maybe un-doing the jazz pup from the wiring and just leaving it in the body (not a huge fan of the PJ config). But thats after I have a whirl on it and see how it all sounds and feels of course. Cheers guys
  25. [attachment=38414:IMG_0366.JPG] [attachment=38413:IMG_0365.JPG] [attachment=38412:IMG_0364.JPG] [attachment=38411:IMG_0363.JPG] [attachment=38410:IMG_0361.JPG] [attachment=38409:IMG_0360.JPG] [attachment=38408:IMG_0359.JPG] [attachment=38407:IMG_0358.JPG] [attachment=38406:IMG_0357.JPG] [attachment=38405:IMG_0356.JPG] What do you guys think? Does it look all there?-aside from the mojo and EMG'ing thats gone on. From the picks I gather it is all proper anyways (78) I hope to pick it up on Monday, and it won't be costing the world, by any means.
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