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Everything posted by basshead56

  1. The valve in the DBS is is a preamp valve. Even if t´wer blown/dead, you might still get a faint sound out of it, even a bit distorted. I reckon what you have here is a cooked output transformer. These amps have solid state power outputs. I remember talking to a guy about the head version of this amp awhile back and he had a similar problem (he had been using instrument cable to connect it to his cabs and unaware, ruined the output stage of the amp) Funnily enough, he said that was the second one he owned and was a replacement he got from the store when his first one -blew its output transformer! I´d be very surprised if it wasn´t that, or some dodgy wiring. I wouldn´t go messing with valve replacement unless you know 200% what your doing-it can cause serious problems!
  2. [quote name='TheButler' post='668323' date='Nov 28 2009, 02:49 PM']I've had crap both, can't say there is any correlation between gender and sound engineer goodness.[/quote] I agree with the above. Just in my experience, the few I have dealt with have been outstanding. But there are likely to be as many females in the population of bad sound engineers that threaten our sonic liberties that lurk out there. Well, actually a bit less than that, seeing as its still something of a male dominated/masculine profession (sorry, have a degree in Sociology and I may only be able to use it here, )
  3. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='668304' date='Nov 28 2009, 02:29 PM']I know this may be a little sexist but it's from experience but I realised last night that every female sound engineer I have have worked with has been brilliant, they always seem to care about your sound instead of just getting the job done. The lady last night was called in last minute, she hadn't been to the venue in a year and was in bed with a fever when she got the call but still did a fantastic job and I can't help but feel that if it was a man that wouldn't have happened.[/quote] snap! haven´t come across one who wasn´t amazing! Fantastic, simple as!
  4. Ohkh! Suits you sir, ohkh!
  5. [quote name='cocco' post='668196' date='Nov 28 2009, 12:47 PM']yeah it certainly did man. You know the previous owner?[/quote] Was actually gonna try and buy it off him What do you think of it?
  6. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='630085' date='Oct 19 2009, 08:36 AM']+1. For me as well.[/quote] RHCP died in 92! The bass does look interesting. Tried the wee one and the manchild version in a shop in Dublin a fortnight ago. Foul!!! The neck felt like sliding down a sheet of sanpaper with broken glass and razor blades stuck to the edges. Pickup was less than impressive-weak as a small kitten with an iron deficiency. It was plugged into a Mark Bass 4x10 and I genuinely did not expect it to sound that bad! While I agree that the design is eye-catching and may not be everyone´s cup of tea, the build quality is seriously pi**-poor. And if it WAS indeed set-up at the Factory, the tech that did the set-up needs serious schooling! I have played basses based purely on aesthetics before. I tried and 5mins later bought, a Daisy Rock Candy bass in glitter pink (even recorded with it!) That was a low budget bass designed with a specific market in mind, and it didn´t suck ass! Some other player-designed basses have been great Hoppus, Harris, Geddy Lee, Dirnt, Jeff Berlin... Really gutted that such a great player and inspiration to a few generations of player would stick his name on something this cheap! Awful
  7. [quote name='cocco' post='667315' date='Nov 27 2009, 01:18 PM']Fender P-bass (US/MEX Modded, Delano Pup, Switchcraft under mounted jack, Paint job, Hipshot hardware, for sale)[/quote] Think I recognise this. Did it come from County Cork, Ireland, by any chance?
  8. [quote name='maxrossell' post='667973' date='Nov 28 2009, 06:17 AM']If I were you I'd demand a full refund, as the bass is clearly not in the condition advertised. He might decide to be a dick about it, and unfortunately if he does your only option is to take it up with eBay.[/quote] I have bought tons of gear from ebay over the years. Never had any hassle with basses or amps, but know a few mates who havent been very lucky on there though. I did have one kinda srange one alright: Last year, I bought two EHX pedals off a bloke in Brighton. He mentioned in the listing that they were worn but functioning 100% I figured fair enough, and went with it. They arrived and neither worked at all. Emailed him, no reply. I kept up trying to get him to take them back but to no avail. So got on to ebay. They must´ve got him to change his mind and he agreed to take them back. Then about a month later I got a package in the post. opened it up and there were the two pedals- in perfect working order! There was also a note inside saying he was sorry for being a D**k and he´d gone and got them repaired. So I got a refund AND the pedals. Strange place is ebay! Had a Geddy Lee and loved it dearly! The neck is the best part, so slim and fast. If there was any reason to send that beat up one back, it´d be the imperfections on the neck. The fact that the pickups arent putting out what they should would be pretty important to!
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='666927' date='Nov 27 2009, 12:02 AM']Don't forget to search for Precission. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320453135513&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT[/url] I've also seen Percision, Precession and Persecution. OK, I made the last one up. But I wouldn't be surprised.[/quote] Dont forget ´Percussion´ have seen about 10 or 11 of these mis-labelled drum kits/Basses in the last 6 weeks. I am definately a 70´s P bass fan. I bought a MIJ RI Precision in oly white. Has all the chrome and thumbrests and bits and pieces and sounds the dogs! Could not ask for a more punk-looking plank! Then I got lucky and found a guy locally willing to trade his all original (minor mojo)Sienna S/B 78 Precision. Instant boner-inspiring bass! Everything about it is amazing! it has ´The Precision Sound´ and lucky for me, I get to run it through some great amps (my 70´s SVT, B 500dr and as of last weekend, a Marshall VBA400) There are some who will say that 70´s Fenders aren´t fantastic by any means and that their current value is based on a vintage guitar market that has no real interest in quality but does in nostalgia. That could be true in some cases. But I know what I like, a big heavy body and THE classic sound that trumps everything else. Already looking at another 78 (oly white and in great shape, though modded a bit). When will I bloody learn?!!! Be patient and keep an eye on ebay, basschat and gumtree(thats how I found mine)
  10. I agree that you can play any style of music on any bass. That said, some basses do seem to fit certain styles of music perfectly. I reckon you´d not go too far wrong with a Warwick. The $$ does seem to be the best of the lot, though i would definately have a look at the Vampyre (the Rockbass one I had the lend of last Halloween was awesome- perfect for that Misfits sound)-fantastic MEC (i think) active pups. I had a BC Rich NJ Beast years ago and loved the twang, but hated the shape- Im not a metaller anymore, and realise now, I probably never really was I did try a BC Rich Virgo (Celtic?) a few weeks ago when I was in a shop in London, thought it was pretty heavy sounding. The humble yet trusty Fender Jazz bass would be another safe bet. The active deluxe (mim) would definately suit harder finger playing. Also worth a look is the standard jazz (Eerie Von from Danzig had one and there is some serious thump on it) Also, the amp you drive it through will make have a big impact on the sound, so consider the many options there too Cheers, Col
  11. basshead56


    [quote name='henry norton' post='664344' date='Nov 24 2009, 08:58 PM']Oh just get yourself a Stingray for crying out loud!!!![/quote] +1. Also, go buy a Stingray!
  12. My first Fender was a jazz (still have her) After about 2 weeks of that new-Fender-freshness I noticed that there was a bow in the neck (I was young and ignorant then). took it to the shop I bought it in. They told me it didn´t leave the shop in that state. Got onto Fender who were worse than useless! Decided ´screw it´. Went and bought a Precision neck from the same series (MIM Standard 2000/01) on ebay. Popped it on, fit like a condom, no issues whatsoever. Irony of ironies, about a year later, met a guy who used to work in this music shop at a gig, who said they once had this lovely white Fender Jazz but it had a gammy neck and they thought they´d never sell it! Bunch of Coconuts!!! Despite wanting to deck him, I put it behind me and got on with it Very happy though, because the combination of a Jazz body and Precision neck was as close to a Mark Hoppus bass as I was going to get at the time (thats been sorted in the meantime ) Its not all doom and gloom though. Just be aware that although most Fender parts are standardised ala Ford, it is still wood you are dealing with and the tiniest difference COULD make a huge difference. Hope that helps
  13. U got another PM
  14. Hi, Need a wee bit of help. In trying to shift my guitar amp (JCM2000 TSL and 1960a cab), I've been offered a swap. its a Marshall VBA 400 head and matching 4x12. Anyone know if this is a good move? Any thoughts on the amp? Cheers
  15. As someone who owns both (Gibson and Epiphone), they are both great. There are obvious differences between the two but the epiphone is still a great bass. Not crazy about the pickups (find the open E very muddy and lightweight sounding), but otherwise great. Have tried the Tokai offering, which is also great, but I went with the epi in the end. Moving the strap pin will be a must imo, but other than that, no complaints. definately try one out first though-same as any bass!
  16. [attachment=36825:02082009009.jpg] Technically a futon though... circa 1973 (was my dads when he was at Uni) Modded with an elephant-print throw and covered again with Misfits fleece blanket. Has internal storage compartment under cushion which is handy for straps, picks, tuners, tools, cushions, sleeping bags, linen and all the usual bits (couch candy)
  17. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='661330' date='Nov 21 2009, 08:52 PM']My S8 precision is an '81. If its a late 70s to '81 precision it will have a thumbrest and bridge & pickup covers or at least holes where they were.[/quote] Yeah, the 78 I already own has said appointments. The one I presently covet has had a few mods so cant tell yet. Thanks guys
  18. Hi guys, Am looking at what I suspect is a late seventies precision. Trouble is the bloke selling it is convinced its an 87. I already own a 78 and the logo and serial look very similar to the one im looking at. From what ive seen of it, its in good shape, paint missing in places on the back and someone put active p and j type emgs into it (ruined in that respect), other than that, all seems good anywho the serial (with last two digits missing-not keen on putting it up) S8819** Where in time does that put this mystery precision? its a very decent price so wont be gutted if it isnt a kosher 70's Any thoughts?
  19. You can also see in the second last pic that on the back of the speaker is G 15 Seems like a real 4x15, though an incredibly underpowered one. Probably more of a low-end guitar cab (Doyle, the guitarist from the Misfits had something similar in the early daysif I remember correctly) Don´t think this would really stand up to the Lemmy cab at all. prob would be a wee bit flappy (not in the good way!)
  20. Am interested. will send pm.
  21. Ampeg B 500DR Awesome head, 500 watts into 2ohms, SVT sounds, four programmable channels with two inputs- you can dial up any sound-without having to change basses! and all into a 2U rack unit. Also, the last USA built Ampeg amp! Fantastic!
  22. I had a black one a few years ago and gigged it quite a lot. Loved the feel of the neck and the pickups sounded great. The preamp sounded great with the trebs rolled backk a little. Loved it through my ampeg rig, hated it with the Trace Elliot. My advice would be to try one anyway. the preamp can alwayys be swapped out later.
  23. I've got one of these and I love it! This is a great price, especially since they are near impossible to get outside of Japan nowadays! I paid about 380 for mine a few years ago and thought that was a steal! Bump for a beautiful bass!
  24. Nice looking bass, but pretty sure this isnt a Precision Lyte- i've owned 2 (still have one) The 80's CIJ lyte's would have a matching painted heatstock (typically)-the word LYTE in scroll being clearly visible. The pickup config would be P&J with active preamp (four knobs) and the body is roughly 3/4 the size of a standard precison. The later Japanese and much later American made Lyte Deluxe models would have p and humbucking pup configs. What this is, IMO, is a CIJ Precison Special (same series as the famous jazz specials from the same period) Cheers Basshead56
  25. Well played mate. Gorgeous bass. Wish you and your fiance all the best
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